Do dreams on 21 lunar days always mean nothing?

Everyone who is interested in the meaning of dreams, sooner or later have to deal with the influence of the moon on night dreams. At the same time, almost everyone is surprised by dreams on the 21 lunar day, the characterization of which without reservation states that dreams do not have the slightest significance. Meanwhile, the dreams that come on this day are incredibly memorable, intense and vibrant. That is, they have all the signs of dreams, filled with meaning and needing to be deciphered. This paradox is not entirely clear to many, and people hope that the dreams of this day are still not empty.

About this lunar day

Dreams on the 21 lunar day are very vivid and remembered for a long time because the day has incredibly powerful energy. On this day, even the most fierce skeptics and pessimists feel a surge of determination. People feel the whole abyss of unspent potential in themselves and are ready to turn mountains. Injustice is especially acute on this day, and every person bravely opposes it.

A desire for order and stability wakes up in people, or the need for implementing long-desired changes. On this day, the Moon seems to return to people a hundredfold all their forces spent over the past month. For example, on this day, most often, long-lost things are found, successful purchases are made and strong friendships are formed.

Moon in space

Of course, to realize all this in everyday modern life is almost impossible. Of course, people see injustice, for example, at work. However, being indignant to the core, almost everyone will remain silent. After all, the struggle for the restoration of justice may result in dismissal, overtime, or a fine. And not everyone is ready for this. Thus, the potential given by the Moon is not realized in life. And his dreams come true on 21 lunar days, that is, he processes the subconscious. That is why dreams on this day are full of vivid images and memorable details.

About the symbolism of the day

The symbols of the day are considered horses and chariots. This is no coincidence, because the energy that is given to people on this day rushes like a herd, which is reflected in dreams on the 21 lunar day.

Moon over water

The stones of this day:

  • zircon;
  • pyrites;
  • aventurine;
  • obsidian.

Jewelry with them will not only look good on this day, but will also attract good luck both in work matters and in the personal sphere.

Do dreams of this day always mean nothing?

Dreams on 21 lunar days come true or not - a question that haunts many who relate to dreams with respect and attention, despite the opinion of the esoteric people about these days. Indeed, dreams are too memorable to be empty. And they are not empty. The dreams of this day do not predict events, but they describe the state of the soul and human life.

On this day, disturbing and depressing visions cannot be ignored; they inform the dreamer that not everything is cloudless in his life, characterize the internal state. Deciphering such dreams on 21 lunar days is not necessary, as a rule, they do not have complex and significant symbolism.

Dreams need to be understood literally. That is, if in a dream a person runs along an endless black tunnel, bypassing the side light exits from it, and darkness ahead, then in life he does the same: with enviable stubbornness rushes to that which does not exist or is unattainable, or the person is not necessary. At the same time, the dreamer's chosen life track depresses, but focusing on the goal, he does not see periodically opening opportunities.

Magical vivid dream

One cannot ignore the dreams in which horses appear. This is a clear sign to listen to.

How to make a dream come true?

The reason that esotericists consider dreams of this period to be meaningless is because the dream energy of the moon day, which is not fully realized by humans, is filled by the subconscious mind. Accordingly, the day should be held in such a way as to realize the lunar energy gift.

Dreams of the 21 lunar day come true even if they are prophetic. The only problem is to understand that the dream remembered in details was a game of the subconscious or a sign from above.

In order to realize the energy of the day, it is not at all necessary to perform feats or conquer Everest. The thirst for justice, for example, can be quite satisfied by devoting several minutes to news on social networks. The modern world provides a ton of options to combat injustice or to show determination.

Creativity can be realized by drawing, writing poetry or just playing computer games, reading a book and thinking it over. There are many options, and each one has his own.

Fairy moon in the clouds

The only thing to avoid on this day is the impossibility of realizing internal needs. For example, if a person knows that this is exactly what will happen at work, then it makes sense to take a day off. Having realized the energy of the day, it is quite possible to see a dream that will matter and needs to be deciphered.


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