The current list of literature on personnel management

The dynamics of the development of economic relations, the growing complexity of the relationship of subordination within the work collective, the development of the HR management system, and recent studies in the field of personnel management lead to the need to improve this system within individual organizations. This situation determines the need for continuous training of HR specialists.

Professional literature for HR professionals

The growing popularity of such literature in recent years is due to the fact that the sphere of personnel management requires new approaches, because with changes in the economy, the introduction of new technologies and approaches to the organization of labor, the requirements for personnel and, consequently, for the management system also change.

Today on the Internet you can find many lists of literature on personnel management. The bulk of these books has foreign authorship, because in Europe and the USA, due to the fact that market economic relations have developed longer than in the former USSR, and therefore, personnel management issues have been addressed longer, and in these countries there are more observations and developments in this issue.

Modern books on personnel management, lists of literature, touch upon all issues of interest to the manager: improving the quality of labor, motivation, selection, selection and adaptation of personnel, ways to build credibility, control, policy and management concepts. They relate to psychology, sociology, economics, conflict resolution and many other areas.

Managing staff behavior. Bibliography

Manager training

One of the most acute problems in the management of all personnel is the management of its individual feature - behavior. The success of the entire company will depend on the behavior of personnel. The basis for writing books on this subject are observations, social psychology and conflictology. It affects the behavior of the masses and small groups, personality, interaction and relationships within labor collectives.

So, a list of literature on managing the behavior of personnel in an organization.

Maria Sokolova. "Organizational behavior. Managing the behavior of people in an organization."

This book incorporates all the most effective ways to control the behavior of both an individual employee and a group. In addition to theoretical material, it includes some exercises, tests and recommendations that can be carried out and applied directly to the staff. Such exercises help identify the weaknesses in the relationships in the team and eliminate or work out them in time. The manual is incredibly valuable, practical and understandable.

Kozlova AM "Organizational behavior. A guide for managers."

Another valuable and informative manual from the list of literature on personnel management from a Russian author. The book presents real situations that a manager may encounter in practice, and their solution. The author believes that it is effective management of personnel’s behavior that is the key to the organization’s quality activities.

Dan Arieli. "Predictable irrationality."

This book, already a foreign author, is more related to marketing. However, the studies presented in it concerning the psychology of human behavior and the mechanisms of its response to certain situations can be very useful for an HR manager. The presented book is a storehouse of valuable information collected through modern research and many years of observation.

The basics of personnel management. Bibliography

Undoubtedly, the first place among the books of an HR manager should be occupied by fundamental manuals on management - a classic of professional literature. This includes foreign progressive authors, classics of management psychology, Russian managers and researchers whose knowledge and recommendations are adapted to the economic reality of the country.

The current list of literature on personnel management in this case may be as follows:

  • D. Meyers "Social Psychology";
  • L. Hyell and D. Ziegler "Theories of Personality";
  • P. Maysevich "Adaptation of personnel in the organization";
  • M. Hem "Being a Dictator";
  • B. Tracy "Principles of Effective Delegation."
Book "Personality Theories"

The first book from this list of literature on personnel management deals with the basic features and mechanisms of human behavior. A person, as a social creature, has its own attitudes, principles, and patterns of behavior, understanding which, you can correctly and effectively control his behavior.

And in the book "Theories of personality", on the contrary, a person is not considered through the prism of social relations, but as a separate subject, to which one can and should find an individual approach for better management.

This list can be continued indefinitely, because it is strictly individual and can depend both on the country and on the specific production or organization for which it is selected.

Work on the image of the head. Literature

An important aspect is not only how to manage staff, but also who is the leader. In this case, we are talking about literature relating to the image of the leader, leadership style and building authority.

The list of literature on personnel management may be as follows:

  • IK Adizes "An ideal leader. Why can not they become and what follows from this?";
  • S. Covey, Principled Leadership;
  • G. Monart "The image of the head."
Principle Leadership

The proposed books will help to properly build subordination, communication and relationships with subordinates, adjust the behavior of the leader and change internal attitudes for the most effective work.

Staff motivation

Why they don't work

A lot of words have been said about motivation, approaches to it have changed many times, disputes and discussions are still ongoing. It is she who is the engine of the workforce in any organization, so any leader should get acquainted with different modern methods and approaches.

In this direction, you can refer to the following literature:

  • S. Fowler "Why don't they work?";
  • G. Behar "It's not about coffee";
  • D. Pink "Drive. What Really Motivates Us?"
What really motivates us?

The approaches presented in these books are different from the classical ones and may bring new ideas to personnel management.

Management of social development of staff. Bibliography

On this topic, you can refer to the book of V. Bashmakov and E. Tikhonov "Management of the social development of personnel." This manual is one of the classic and fundamental. With its help, you can familiarize yourself with the basic provisions in this matter.

K. Oksinoid in his book "Social Development of Personnel" also addresses these issues. Historical aspects, scientific observations, conclusions and various approaches to the topic are discussed in this manual, which is perfect for the leader.

Staff recruitment and adaptation

Staff recruitment

These questions are the first in the management system. It is with selection and adaptation that the employee’s work begins, and therefore, this is the first task of an HR manager.

On this issue, you can refer to the book A. Kazantseva "Effective personnel selection." It contains a lot of practical recommendations for the selection of personnel in Russia. Universal methods suitable for different types of organizations.

D. Smart "How to hire the right people." A book by a foreign author, incorporating modern progressive methods and approaches. She will help the head of a modern enterprise involved in the information sphere or the field of service provision.

C. Fernandez-Araos "Surround yourself with the best." This book will open new facets of the issue of hiring employees, teach you to recognize the right people at the interview stage and reveal some secrets of this difficult matter.


HR Management Group

An HR specialist is a person who must constantly learn, improve his skills and learn from others' experience and knowledge. The issues that are decided by the head of staff are very diverse and complex, as they affect economics, sociology, the psychology of individuals and the masses, conflict resolution and many other areas.

All this leads to the popularity of literature for managers, because this is the most affordable way to exchange experience from different enterprises and countries. The list of literature on personnel management can be infinitely supplemented and changed, it is only important that it is.


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