Slimming drug "Chromium Picolinate": instructions for use, reviews

Graceful forms, beautiful figure, admiring glances of the opposite sex, lightness in the body - is not this a dream of every woman? If you want to achieve the desired effect in a short period of time, then you should take a course of active additives "Chromium Picolinate". The instructions indicate that the complex is effective and harmless. What effect does this drug have on the body? What do consumers think about it? It is worthwhile to dwell on these issues.


"Chromium Picolinate" is a modern biological supplement that can significantly improve the female silhouette. It is based on the trivalent form of chromium. This substance allows you to make up for the lack of a chemical element, accelerate metabolic processes in the body, get rid of extra pounds, and also serves as a prevention of obesity and diabetes.

chemical element

The instructions for "Chromium Picolinate" indicate that a dietary supplement is a source of nutrients. It is perfectly absorbed by food.

Who needs the drug?

After reviewing the instructions for "Chromium Picolinate", you can understand for which category of consumers this drug is intended.

woman lost weight

In total, several indications for use can be distinguished:

  • Disruption of the hormonal background.
  • The need to normalize appetite. Often it is required for people prone to heavy consumption of sweets and flour products.
  • Violation of the heart rate. You can be sure that the chromium-containing biologically active additive has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and helps normalize blood pressure.
  • Weight loss. It is for this reason that most consumers acquire “Chromium Picolinate” for weight loss. The instructions note that active substances accelerate metabolic processes and break down fats.

Scientists have been testing Chromium Picolinate for a long time. During the meeting, it was revealed that all the wards became centenarians. This is due to the fact that under the influence of a biologically active additive, the body spontaneously begins to produce substances that prolong youth.


Before talking about the instructions for use of "Chromium Picolinate", it is worth highlighting groups of people to whom this drug is not suitable.

  • Consumers under 16 years old.
  • People with individual intolerance to the main components.
  • Pregnant women.
  • Nursing mothers.
  • Consumers with impaired renal and hepatic function.
  • Elderly people.

Contraindications also include two chronic diseases: diabetes mellitus and Parkinson's disease.

Rules for taking drops

Looking at the pharmacy, you can see that the dietary supplement is sold in several forms of release. It is recommended to purchase the product in liquid form, as it contains less impurities and will have more benefits for the body. Instructions for use drops "Chromium Picolinate" is reduced to several basic rules.

  • The drug should be taken orally (orally), strictly during meals.
  • Shake well before use.
  • From the tank you need to carefully pour 10-20 drops under the tongue. If you use a bottle with a special dispenser, then it is enough to do 3–7 short presses.
  • A similar procedure is required only once a day.

According to the instructions for drops of "Chromium Picolinate", the total duration of the course of administration is one month, after which a long break (at least three weeks) should be taken.

Rules for taking pills

You can buy the drug in the form of tablets. Firstly, it is economical, as they will last a long time. Secondly, they are convenient to use. It is worth to familiarize yourself with the instructions for the tablets "Chromium Picolinate"

  • Take tablets or capsules once a day 20 minutes before meals. It is better to take it in the morning.
  • The daily dosage is two capsules or two tablets per day. Which equates to 200 micrograms of active substance.
  • If the consumer takes the drug for preventive purposes, then the daily rate should be reduced by 2 times.
  • It is recommended to drink the supplement with plenty of fluids.
biologically active additive

It is very important to observe the dosage specified in the instruction to "Chromium Picolinate". Otherwise, adverse side effects may occur.

Chewing Gum Rules

Many consumers prefer a chewing gum dietary supplement. She has a pleasant taste. In addition, it is convenient to use when you are away from home.

Chromium Picolinate Source:

Adults are required to consume 3 chewing gums per day. Each of them should be chewed for at least 10 minutes.

Feasible side effects

Subject to all the rules of use, the drug does not adversely affect the body. In rare cases, side effects may occur associated with individual intolerance to the body: dizziness or nausea.


It is strongly recommended that the dosage prescribed for the drug be observed. Otherwise, dangerous consequences may appear: Quincke's edema, severe itching, urticaria, dermatitis or bronchospasm.


A dietary supplement is available at each pharmacy. As a rule, they are available in a large assortment. The cost depends on its form of release. Approximately it has the following meanings:

  • Pills. In one package 90 pieces. The price is from 800 to 1,300 rubles.
  • Drops. In one bottle of 50 ml. You can buy at a cost of 250 to 350 rubles.
  • Capsules In one package 50 pieces. The price is from 330 to 550 rubles.
  • Chewing gum. In one package 12 pieces. You can buy at a cost of 110 to 130 rubles.

This value may vary depending on the region of purchase or manufacturer.


In some cases, it becomes necessary to acquire analogues of the drug. Such a need arises if the required supplement is not in the pharmacy or the consumer has contraindications to its use.

In total, several drugs that have a similar effect on the body can be distinguished: “Turboslim“ Control of appetite ”in the form of a suspension, vitamin complex“ Multi-Tabs ”or“ Skpradin ”, drops“ Fat-X ”.

Precautionary measures

Not all dietary supplements are harmless. They have both favorable and negative effects on the body. Therefore, it is necessary to consult with a specialist before taking.

The first time the drug should be taken in the morning, so that it is possible to assess the body's response to it. If you feel worse, then continue to use it is not worth it.


It is mandatory to check the expiration date. Usually it is 2 years from the date of issue.

You can store the medicine only in a cool and dark place, inaccessible to children. The optimum temperature regime is from +11 to +25 degrees.

Positive reviews

Consumers have a positive opinion about a dietary supplement with chromium content. The largest number of good reviews on the instructions for use of "Chromium Picolinate." Consumers claim that the rules of use are written in an accessible and simple language.

Another advantage is associated with efficiency. After several weeks of taking the drug, cravings for sweets disappeared, appetite decreased, and weight and volumes began to rapidly decrease.

You will also like the taste of this supplement. When used, the effect of disgust does not appear. It is not necessary to drink it with plenty of water, as required by the instructions.

A positive quality is its harmlessness. Most consumers did not notice any side effects. The medication in all forms of release is perfectly absorbed in the stomach. After its use, the amount of food consumed is markedly reduced.

Many women are forced to live in tight working hours. It is not necessary to take the supplement at home, it can be done at school, at work, on vacation and even on the road.

Praise is not only associated with the effect of losing weight. Supplements also helped reduce blood sugar, increase efficiency, improve well-being, relieve insomnia and constant stress.

Negative reviews

You can also find negative reviews about the instructions for "Chromium Picolinate." Nevertheless, not everyone was able to calculate the correct dosage in relation to their age and weight.

Many consumers claim that the drug did not help them. The desired effect has not occurred. It is worth noting that the active substances in its composition cannot equally affect every organism. In addition, in order to achieve weight loss, it is necessary to limit nutrition and perform physical exercises 2-3 times a day.

A negative opinion has developed about the cost of the drug. Many people refused to purchase it because of the high price category.

Many consumers still had a problem with the purchase, had to be content with an analogue with less efficiency.

woman and centimeter

Chromium Picolinate is a modern food supplement formulated in accordance with medical standards. She has helped improve the looks and health of thousands of consumers. For which she received a huge amount of praise. It is worth remembering that its reception is possible only after consultation with a specialist, in which case it will be possible to achieve the desired effect without harm to health.


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