How to choose an apartment in a new building: tips and tricks, what to look for

The acquisition of housing is not only an important moment, but also a very exciting one. At such a purchase, Russians at best decide no more than 1-2 times in their lives. The apartment, without any doubt, is not only the most important, but also the most difficult of all acquisitions. That is why it is worth approaching this issue thoroughly, having studied all the recommendations of experts. Only in this case it will be possible to find the most successful option for yourself.

Determine with the developer

How to choose an apartment in a new building, if the primary market is literally flooded with a large number of attractive offers? Developers are trying to attract buyers by offering them reduced housing prices. Stimulate the acquisition of apartments and banks. They offer the population to become the owner of primary housing, issuing mortgages, periodically lowering interest rates on them.

home building crane

How to choose an apartment to buy in a new building? First of all, you need to revise the list of construction companies. You need to choose one from which you could entrust the funds intended for the purchase of housing.

Choosing the most reliable construction company, you need to familiarize yourself with the following:

  • constituent documentation of the company;
  • the presence of a permit for the construction of multi-storey buildings;
  • information about the construction company from its partners, lenders and other customers;
  • data on the source of funding for work.

All information about the company should be posted on its official website. Here you can also clarify the legal address of the developer. Are located on the sites of the location of offices and contacts. Having clarified the basic information about the company, one can easily check its presence in the register of legal entities, as well as obtain information about its management.

Those who are wondering how to choose the right apartment in a new building, but do not understand the constituent documents, are advised to seek legal assistance.

Information about the company

What documents need to be considered in order to obtain the necessary information about the developer? In their list are:

  1. Charter. This document provides detailed information on what authority is vested in the general director of the company, its director, as well as the chief accountant. It also contains information about the founders of the company and their responsibility for the obligations undertaken by the developer. Studying the charter, it is important to pay attention to who is entitled to first sign documents related to the sale of apartments.
  2. Protocol with information on the appointment of the director. From this document it is necessary to draw information about who has the authority of the head and whether the right to this employee is given to sign on shared construction contracts.
  3. Certificate confirming tax registration of the company.
  4. Extract from the register of legal entities, in which you can see the selected developer.
  5. Auditor's report on the work of the company over the past year.

Mandatory documents

What needs to be done before deciding on an apartment in a new building?

signing a contract and handing over keys

It is recommended to check if the company has a house project, which was agreed by the architects, as well as documents confirming the right to build on a allocated plot of land.

Sometimes, developers offer buyers to enter into shared construction contracts before receiving design documentation and relevant decisions. Agree on this is not worth it. The conclusion of the contract at such an early stage is a very risky event, because there is always a high probability that the company will be denied the necessary documents for the construction. This can be done for reasons beyond the control of the developer.

District selection

How to choose an apartment in a new building? After the buyer has decided on one, or maybe several developers at once, he can begin to choose for himself the area in which he plans to live. The most common mistake many people make is that they prefer to stay close to where they currently live. Of course, explaining this is pretty easy. Indeed, in this case, buyers are attracted by the fact that they are well aware of their area. However, this is not at all the main thing when choosing a home. It is much more important to pay attention to the parameters of the house itself, the materials and the technology of its construction, the convenience of the layout of the apartment, the type of heating.

new houses

It is necessary to consider the improvement of the local area and places intended for general use. In addition, thinking about the question of how to choose an apartment in a new building, it is necessary to consider the following indicators:

  1. The proximity of the house to the most important places. Housing should be located close to work, social facilities, highways, relatives. When choosing an apartment in a new building, you will need to analyze how much time each member of the family will need to spend to get to school or work.
  2. Being in the immediate vicinity of factories and plants. These enterprises, as a rule, poison the air with harmful emissions. In the absence of green spaces in the new microdistricts, the air in their territories will be polluted and hazardous to health. It is also worth considering the dangers of radioactive waste.
  3. Streams of vehicles. With the continuous movement of cars, the neighborhood will be filled with constant noise. And the exhaust gases of automobiles pollute the air quite strongly. In addition, the continuous flow of cars increases the danger to pedestrians crossing the street.
  4. Availability of public transport routes. Those who do not move in their own car will need to evaluate the situation that develops in the new building during rush hours.
  5. The presence of paid and free parking near the house. A similar moment is also considered very important, because in the absence of free parking lots, the family will have to increase its monthly maintenance costs.
  6. Location nearby entertainment facilities. Such establishments prefer to visit certain groups of the population. And in the case when near the house there is a palace of culture or a club where youth discos are held, its work will create certain inconvenience to residents.

Taking into account all the above points, you can understand that before choosing an apartment in a new building, you need to go to each of the pre-selected areas and get acquainted with it. After all the pros and cons of each territory are considered, it will be possible to choose the most acceptable option.

House inspection

How to choose an apartment in a new building? After the buyer has decided on the area in which he will be most comfortable living, it is necessary to begin to consider the house itself. First of all, you need to decide on the stage of its construction. Of course, the easiest way is to choose the house that is almost ready for commissioning, because it can be viewed from the outside.

man and woman visiting house

During such an assessment, it is recommended to pay attention to the integrity of the entire structure. It should be free of cracks and visible distortions. If you find visible flaws in the purchase should be discarded.

What's inside?

How to choose an apartment in a new building and what to look for if satisfactory results were obtained during an external examination? In this case, it is worth inspecting the building from the inside. Having already entered the staircase, it is recommended to evaluate:

  • ceiling height;
  • no cracks on all surfaces;
  • the presence of elevators (passenger and freight);
  • stairwell width;
  • convenience of the layout of the entrance;
  • number of apartments available on the floor;
  • home insulation;
  • compliance with the standards according to which engineering networks were laid (electricity and ventilation).

A future newcomer is also recommended to walk along the porch, imagining how he will walk here every day. It is also important to evaluate the possibility of delivering bulky items and equipment to the apartment. This will be quite difficult to do in the absence of a freight elevator, as well as with narrow flights of stairs. All this will create big problems already at the time of the move.

During the inspection of the floors, the number of apartments on the landing should be clarified. The most optimal is a number from 3 to 4. With more neighbors, the newcomer will not be very comfortable.

Wall material

How to choose an apartment in a new building for purchase and what to look for? One of the most common misconceptions about the comfort of housing, which was formed back in the Soviet years, is that it is preferable to live in a brick house. However, at present, such a statement is far from reality. The fact is that traditional houses built of silicate brick are inferior in sound insulation and heat supply to modern frame-monolithic type buildings. Moreover, this difference sometimes reaches 3-4 times.

How to choose an apartment in a new building? Experts recommend paying attention to frame-monolithic houses, the outer walls of which are made of gas silicate autoclave blocks or hollow ceramic bricks, on which there is an additional insulation layer with a thickness of 100 to 150 mm. Such a design keeps heat 5-6 times better than brick, and 1.5-2 times more effective than traditional panels.

How to choose a good apartment in a new building? To do this, it is recommended to obtain information on the design of internal and external walls before buying.

Floor selection

What to look for after a consumer evaluates a house in a new neighborhood? Next, he needs to start choosing a floor.

man and woman carry boxes

Based on practice, all floors from the third to the penultimate are most popular with buyers. Least of all people want to buy apartments on the top and first floors. That is why developers often lower their prices.

Location of the apartment on the site

In addition to the floor, a similar criterion is also important. It is best if the apartment is as far away from the flight of stairs. By this, it will be additionally protected from noise at the entrance. There are advantages in the case of the arrangement of doors opposite the apartment of neighbors, who can always look through the peephole. This will increase the safety of housing in the event of a robbery.


In this matter, many home buyers make quite gross mistakes. How to choose the layout of an apartment in a new building so that it is convenient and comfortable? For this, do not give preference to housing a larger area. It is necessary to consider the convenience of the planning decision of the apartment. After all, not all meters bring the same benefit. When considering the layout of the apartment, it is necessary to pay attention to the zoning of the space. The proportions and layout of all rooms are also important.

apartment layout

In the case when the apartment has two or more rooms, it is best if they are located on opposite sides of the facade of the building. This will visually create a larger volume and increase the convenience of airing.

To the south or north?

Which side to choose an apartment in a new building? When choosing housing, it is recommended that its windows do not face either south or north. What is the reason for this? The thing is that in the rooms of the apartment, whose windows face north, it will always be dreary and dark. As for the southern direction, it is, of course, sunny, but at the same time the room will always be hot and even stuffy. The ideal option is the location of the windows to the west or east. In this case, the sun will direct its rays into the room for only half a day.


When purchasing housing in a new building, it is recommended to find out who will live nearby. Sometimes this is known to the developer. For example, certificates for the purchase of apartments in a house chosen by the buyer can be given to doctors or the military, people who work in a particular factory, as well as orphans. The proximity of universities, city-forming enterprises and other large facilities will also influence who will be a neighbor. Often, apartments located near higher educational institutions are rented by owners to students.

Based on the information received, we can conclude who will live next door. After that, it is worth assessing whether such a neighborhood will make you feel comfortable in a new apartment.

Cost of housing

When purchasing an apartment, the buyer should have an idea of ​​what its real price is at the present time, and how much can be obtained for it in the future if sold. Often companies ask for an increased cost. This happens in cases where the contract is for the sale of an apartment in a new building with decoration from the developer. The owner at the same time acquires the turnkey housing, that is, with a complete repair.

young family receives apartment keys

However, the cost of such decoration of walls and ceilings is often much more expensive than in those cases when it would be ordered by a new settler on their own. Only those people who do not want to rack their brains once again and do everything with their own hands are happy about an apartment with such a repair.


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