How to make legs slim? The best exercises for slim legs

Any woman wants to have slender fit legs, which will be the subject of adoration of the beloved man. How to achieve this in a short time without exhausting oneself with diets and ineffective exercises is described in this material.

How to make legs slim: options that really work

Among the countless host of physical activities for acquiring the desired forms, there are no more than five that are accessible to everyone and everyone, given the human and economic factors.

best leg exercises

How to make legs slim at home without visiting expensive fitness centers, gyms and without spending a family budget to buy an ultra-efficient home gym? Of course, you can go the primitive way and go on a diet or worse - buy pills (other diet drugs), which are so actively advertised by the media. But where is the guarantee that health will not be shaken from these dubious means? And the elasticity of the muscles and skin is unlikely to add. In fact, there are five systems available that are ideal for acting on the muscles of the thighs and buttocks.

Cardio load

The two easiest methods to make your legs slim are to start running or cycling. Given that both of these species use only legs for 85%, this is a win-win option. For the first type, you only need a pair of sneakers and the presence of a park, square or stadium near the house, because running on gassed streets is not entirely correct, and inconvenient.

taut legs

A bicycle in this regard is more accessible, but the minus is that you need a place to store it, and not all small-sized ones on the 12th floor are ready to put up with this. Fortunately, there are more and more bike clubs renting equipment at a very reasonable price.

Yoga asanas for legs

How to make legs slim if, due to health reasons, active physical activities are prohibited? Indeed, according to sad statistics, more and more people are susceptible to diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular pathologies and other side effects of civilization. The panacea for all diseases without exception is a yoga system. It is no secret to anyone that her asanas (postures, body positions) form ideal forms of almost any part of the body, the only condition is the scrupulous observance of all the instructions of the teacher and daily practice. One of the best yoga poses for shaping beautiful fit hips are:

  • Group of poses of a warrior (Virabhadrasana A, B, C): if they are combined in one complex and fixed for 30 seconds, bringing the time to two minutes over time, the legs will change significantly after a couple of months, because these poses work out the entire line of legs (including buttocks) ) is very multifaceted.
yoga for slim legs
  • By combining the hero’s posture (supra) and a bridge, you can achieve perfect stretching of the front line of the hips and the abdominal zone, in which there is a significant number of lymph nodes responsible for high-quality lymphatic drainage of the legs. Why are my legs getting fat? Cell cleansing and good blood supply are disturbed due to too tight muscles, which are in contraction for most of the day, when a person sits for hours in a working chair.
  • Oddly enough this will sound, a plank pose. This position has already proven itself many times in various forms, because it is unique in that it uses a large number of skeletal muscles, which means it affects the entire body from the inside. To achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to fix the position of the bar for at least two to three minutes daily.

Pilates to the rescue

There is another similar system that tells you how to make legs slim in just a month of training: this is the program of Joseph Pilates, which he created on the basis of yoga asanas, modifying the postures in smooth movements and static fixations with the right rhythmic breathing.

This video with exercises for the legs will help to put yourself in order in a very short time, it is important only to clearly follow the instructions and monitor the quality of execution.

Callanetics is a powerful weapon

If you want to get slender legs in 2 weeks (a rather adventurous undertaking, but possible), do callanetics. This is another “brainchild” based on yogic asanas, transformed into “gymnastics of uncomfortable positions”, as the latter was called by people practicing it. Callanetics mercilessly burns fat and tones not only the hips, but the whole body due to long fixations and micromotion with an amplitude of no more than 20 cm. Best for legs:

  1. The starting position is a classic plie in ballet: the legs are apart and bent at the knees so that the knee and feet look in one direction (to the sides), while the knee joint should be exactly above the heels. To do small swings up and down (with the amplitude set above), making sure that the line of the pelvis is on the line of the shoulders. The arms are opened to the sides on the shoulder line.
    foot callanetics
  2. Rest your hands on the back of the chair and, standing on tiptoe, join the heels, sit in half, spreading your knees to the sides and pushing the pelvis back (without leaning forward). Next, straighten the legs by 20 cm, keeping the hips open, and tighten the pelvis, directing the pubic bone to the navel.
  3. Starting position - sitting on the heels, hips across the width of the pelvis. Without the help of hands, get into a kneeling position so that at the beginning of the movement the pelvis turns inward (the same movement of the pubic bone up). Further, on the contrary, try to raise the coccyx and sciatic tubercles as high as possible, arching the lower back, crouch slightly (not more than 20 cm and not touching the heels) and with exhalation return to the previous position. The hands are constantly raised up, forming one line with the spine.
exercises for slim legs

Each of these leg exercises should ideally be repeated 100-120 times in no more than 2-3 minutes, but for beginners it is better to do half the norm so as not to overload the muscles and give them time to adapt. Callanetics has only one drawback: this system is contraindicated for those who have varicose veins and hypertension. Yoga will be more useful for such people in the light version, which the competent teacher will surely prompt.

Squat is our everything!

Squats and lunges can be talked about endlessly: they are another powerful effect on the hips and buttocks, and various variations can work out almost all the leg muscles, without exception.

leg exercises

The main thing: to monitor the correct position of the knees relative to the feet and the straight spine, avoiding its rounding.

The Importance of Proper Nutrition

About how to achieve harmony of the legs, there can be no question without observing proper nutrition. No matter how devastating sports, overeating or eating foods high in sugar and margarine will erase all efforts in one fell swoop. The body must burn more calories than receive - then the process of losing weight will be obvious, and the relief of the beautiful legs will not take long. Anyone can reconsider his nutrition, streamline his daily routine and remove destructive factors from his life in the form of trans fats, yeast and sugar, if there is a goal and a desire to achieve it.


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