Ice cream "Bork": description, ice cream recipes for ice cream

Having tried homemade ice cream, you will forever abandon its purchased counterpart. Hand-made cold treat is much more healthy and tastier. Creamy and dairy, gelato and sorbet - any kind of snowy yummy is now available at home.

ice cream maker

Amazing helper

In the market of modern household appliances, there are quite a few types of units with which you can make ice cream at home. But the Bork ice cream maker stands out significantly. This technique allows you to make ice cream in both automatic and manual mode, showing cook and creative talents. With the help of this indispensable kitchen assistant you can cook a classic ice cream, loved since childhood, as well as delicious sorbet, frozen yogurt, cold fruit dessert.

According to experts, homemade ice cream is much more refined in taste, healthier and safer for health. When you make homemade ice cream in an ice cream maker yourself, you can completely control the composition of the finished product. You can make fruit, diet, cream ice cream, add nuts or cream. The selection of ingredients and recipes is huge.

bork e801


For any housewife, not only the functionality of the kitchen appliance is very important , but also its appearance. The Bork E801 ice cream maker is a very stylish and compact kitchen unit. Such a model will become a real decoration of your kitchen, even fit on a small kitchen table.

The ice-cream box is made of stainless steel, which ensures long-term and reliable operation of the entire structure. All parts are made of high quality and safe materials for human health.

Inside the device using a special freezer, the required amount of cold is generated. The camera has a pre-inclusion mode, providing a temperature in advance of -10 ... -30 degrees. Thus, the preparation of cold desserts is reduced, and energy is saved.

On the outside of the lid, the Bork ice cream maker has a large display that displays all the data about the time and the cooking period. Even a small child can set the desired mode on such a display. Technique settings are quick and easy. You can choose the language, temperature indicators (degrees Celsius, Fahrenheit), cooking modes.

ice cream maker Price


This model will please the hostesses not only with their appearance, but also with a set of functionality. The Pre Cool function, which allows you to quickly cool the ice cream maker, is very convenient in use. Keep Cool function allows you to safely leave the prepared ice cream for several hours. It will not melt.

A distinctive feature of the Bork ice cream maker is the ability to add the right ingredients during the preparation of the product. And four automatic operating modes will allow you to prepare a huge variety of ice cream, try a wide variety of recipes. Manual mode will make it possible to experiment. To reset the automatic settings, you do not need to spend a lot of time studying the menus and programs, just hold the β€œStart” button for five seconds and the manual mode is on.

Sound signal

A very convenient function is the choice of a sound signal. Ice cream "Bork" can work in silent mode or in vibration mode. When there are small children in the house, this function helps a lot. You can turn on a music tune. The volume of alerts is also adjustable, which is very convenient. Leaving in the next room, make the volume higher. Bother around in the kitchen - you can do it quieter.

The ice-cream notification signal will not only inform you about the beginning or completion of the appliance's operation, but also tell you when it is time to add toppings (fruits, nuts, chocolate chips, jam).

ice cream maker bork reviews


Ice cream has a small weight compared to other similar equipment - up to 13 kg. The power of the device is from 170 to 200 watts. On sale is one color - silver, which can be called universal. Silver household appliances go well with any kitchen furniture and perfectly fit into any interior.

According to standard recipes, the output is one kilogram of product. The inner bowl has a volume of 1.3 liters and a height of 18 cm. The cooking time for one serving is twenty minutes.


Today, you can buy household appliances both in online stores and in the usual specialized retail network on a nearby street. If you decide that you need an ice cream maker for the home, the price of which would not hit the family budget much, then it is better to pay attention to online stores. For example, an ice cream maker Bork E801 will cost from 30,000 to 39,990 rubles. If you buy in an ordinary store, then the price will increase by 5000-10 000 rubles.

It is important to understand that you should not chase cheapness. You need a high-quality, able to last a long time ice cream maker. The price of such equipment ranges from 25,000 and above. Buying equipment for 2000 rubles, you should not expect from it great functionality, high build quality and tasty results.

homemade ice cream in an ice cream maker

Ice cream recipes

As a rule, there are no recipes for the ice cream maker, they should be collected by girlfriends or searched on the Internet. Ice cream "Bork" in this case is a pleasant exception for the hostesses. Together with the equipment you can buy a book. In it you will find recipes for Bork ice cream . You can try a lot of recipes and treat your family with delicious homemade ice cream.

Ice cream with condensed milk

This ice cream contains only two components - 33% cream (500 ml) and one can of condensed milk. The ingredients are indicated on a standard Bork ice-cream bowl. We recommend mixing the ingredients gradually. First use 70% cans of condensed milk. If you think that sweets are not enough, then you can add to taste. The ice cream maker should be turned on in advance. The cooking time for such a simple dessert is 5 minutes.

vanilla ice cream

For preparation you will need: 4-7 tablespoons of sugar (granulated sugar), two egg yolks, 250 grams of cream (30-33%) and the same amount of milk, vanilla extract or natural vanilla.

Milk and cream should be poured into a saucepan and put on low heat. The mixture should not boil. Add the chopped vanilla stick. Grind the yolks with powdered sugar in a separate container. Pour a trickle of milk mixture over the yolks. The result should be a fairly thick, viscous mass. Before transferring the mixture to the ice cream bowl, it must be cooled.

Chocolate ice cream

For preparation you will need: 400 ml of cream (30-33%), two bars of chocolate (100 g each), granulated sugar.

Melt the chocolate, add the cream and mix the mass in a blender. If you take black chocolate, the mixture may turn out to be a bit bitter. In this case, a couple of spoons of granulated sugar will come in handy. We shift the chocolate mass into the ice cream maker and cook according to the instructions.

ice cream recipes for ice cream bork

Customer reviews

Happy owners of such a technique as the Bork ice cream maker, reviews are left exclusively positive. Buyers note the following advantages:

  • Convenience in work.
  • No need to pre-cool food.
  • Ice cream will be ready in twenty minutes.
  • The cooked product stays cold for a long time.
  • You can independently adjust the amount of ingredients.
  • Great for the design of any kitchen.


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