In a dream, eat fried fish: the meaning of sleep and full interpretation

If you had to eat fried fish in a dream , you probably wondered what this vision means. Interpretations may vary widely. Try to remember the maximum details of sleep in order to get the most accurate decoding.

author's dream books

Which fish

If you eat fried fish in a dream, try to remember which one. Depending on this interpretation may be:

  • Ruff - money back. You may have lent someone a small amount, but you are already desperate to get it back. So, soon the debtor will settle accounts with you.
  • Pike - a warning that you need to be careful in communicating with unfamiliar people. They may take advantage of you for personal gain or seriously harm you. This restriction applies to both professional activities and personal relationships.
  • Goldfish is a pleasant adventure. Perhaps you have to go on vacation or on an interesting working trip.
  • Trout is a great offer. And it will come from that person from whom you do not expect such steps at all.
  • Herring is a symbol of your tiredness. You cannot move on to the goal unless you give yourself the moral and physical respite.
  • Salmon is a symbol of wealth. In the near future you will be able to achieve financial prosperity.
  • Eel is a symbol of the fact that for the profitable completion of some business you have to show dexterity and cunning.
  • Pollock (or other white fish) is a symbol of the onset of the light band, when all tasks will be solved with ease and for the benefit of you.
  • Bream is a pleasant, fun and carefree pastime in the company of old friends.
white fish

Interpretation for women

Ladies are especially sensitive to night visions, seeing symbolism in them. Eating a woman in a dream fried fish means the following:

  • Sleep may portend wealth. If the fried fish was brought up on a dish, then the woman will have a wealthy admirer. If she cooked the fish herself, then she will achieve wealth by her own labor.
  • If the fish is tasty, and you eat it with pleasure, you should expect to meet a person who will become a life partner. Relationships will develop rapidly, so soon after meeting you will marry and receive news about the pregnancy.
  • If the fish was burnt or spoiled in taste, do not blindly trust the person you will meet in the near future. Most likely, he will not have serious intentions regarding you.
  • If you eat fish in the company of another woman, a dream warns you of the dirty gossip that someone is spreading about you.
Fried fish

Miller's Dream Book

One of the most respected author's interpreters belongs to Miller. Eating fried fish in a dream according to this source means the following:

  • In the near future, excellent prospects for personal growth will open for you. If you take the chance that fate has given you, you have every chance of becoming a very wealthy person.
  • If the fried fish was very small, it means that at the moment your financial situation is very difficult. But this is not a reason to deny yourself small pleasures and pleasant purchases.
  • If you bought and fried fish yourself, this portends you a very successful working trip.
  • If you see a table on which the main dish is fried fish, it means that soon you will be invited to the wedding.
  • Fried fish can be a symbol of the beginning of a new relationship.

Family dream book

In a dream, eating fried fish in accordance with the family dream book is interpreted as follows:

  • If you ate fried fish and only the skeleton remained, it means that in the near future your plans are not destined to come true.
  • If in a dream you caught and fried the fish yourself, it means that your loved ones use your efforts, but do not give anything in return. Engage your family to help, and don't put everything on your shoulders.
  • Huge fried fish is a good marriage. If you have already started a family, this promises you a profitable business, entailing a significant profit.
  • Red fish is the exposure of some kind of family secret, which will cause a grandiose scandal.
man is sleeping

Psychological dream book

If you had to eat fried fish in a dream, the dream interpretation will explain it as follows:

  • If the fish is large and tasty, such a dream portends a profit, good luck, a pleasant acquaintance or a long-awaited trip.
  • If the fish is small, it promises small, but very tiring troubles. And the more fish in your plate, the more trouble you should expect.
  • If the fish was tasteless or even rotten, it means that because of gossip you will spoil your relationship with a loved one or boss.
  • A girl eating fried fish in a dream portends an acquaintance with a new fan. Most likely, this relationship will lead to a wedding.
  • If you have already cooked fried fish from a reservoir, it means that soon someone will help you solve a problem that has long haunted you.

Dream Interview Prozorova

If you had a dream "I eat fried fish", this interpreter will decipher it as follows:

  • If the dish was very salty or peppered, then someone is trying to publicize the unpleasant facts associated with your past. It will bring you strong emotional experiences.
  • If there were a lot of bones in fried fish, this means that you will be present at a crowded event.
  • If the fish was very oily, this indicates that you need to rationalize nutrition and lead a more active lifestyle. Otherwise, you run the risk of gaining excess weight.
  • If there were offal or caviar inside the fish, this promises you an unexpected significant profit.
  • If you washed a fish with beer or another alcoholic drink, then you can’t rely on the people around you.
fish on a platter

Dream Interpretation Robinson

This is what fried fish dreams about in this dream :

  • Big tasty fish is a symbol of good health, spiritual strength and material well-being.
  • If there is caviar inside the fish, then you should expect an addition to the family.
  • If you ate fish, and left only bones for your neighbor on the table, this means that you do not know how to empathize with other people's troubles.
  • There are small fried fish - in real life, give in to small, momentary desires. You do this to the detriment of your global goal.
  • If in a dream you yourself fried fish, it means that with your knowledge and skills you will surpass a person above your rank (boss, teacher). But he will regard this as a threat and may try to take revenge on you.
  • If in a dream you watch someone eat fried fish, it means that you neglect your life chances. Opportunities designed for you are being used by other people.

Dreamwalker Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream of fried fish in a dream? The Wanderer Interpreter provides this explanation:

  • The larger the fish, the more pleasant moments and income awaits you in the near future.
  • If you see fish being fried in a lot of boiling oil, this means that you will have to make a lot of efforts before you reach your goals.
  • If the fish was very soft and falling apart, this indicates health problems for the dreamer himself or his immediate family.
  • If the fish was very salty or very seasoned, it means that in real life you do not have enough vivid sensations. Try to devote more time to rest and entertainments.
  • If you fry the fish yourself, it means that you have hard work to do, which will certainly succeed.
  • Tasty rotten fish is evidence that you have envious people who will not miss the opportunity to cause you trouble.
  • If you cook fish with someone, it means that in real life you have to share something with this person.
  • Eating fish from a beautiful clean plate is a symbol of receiving good news from friends or relatives.
  • If the fried fish was headless, then you are a frivolous person.
fish with vegetables

Modern dream book

The interpretation of fried fish sleep in a modern dream book is as follows:

  • If you wanted to eat fish, but found only bones in the plate, it means that someone will be more agile than you and ruin your plans. This may apply to both work and personal life.
  • If there was a huge plate of fried fish (or even several) on the table, this indicates the onset of financial well-being.
  • If you started to eat fish, and it turned out to be raw inside, this means that you should not agree to offers from unfamiliar people in the near future. Most likely, they will try to drag you into an adventure that will not bring anything but losses.
  • Independent frying of fish can portend significant financial investments. With a high degree of probability they will be profitable.
  • If a young unmarried girl sees a lot of fried fish, this portends her a happy family life and large families.
  • If in a dream you fried fish, and it stuck to a pan, this means that you pay a lot of attention to helping others, but they absolutely do not appreciate it.
  • If you eat hot fish directly from the pan, it means that in real life you are impatient and try to get everything at once. But unfortunately, the result is unsatisfactory.
  • If you dream that you eat a fish dish in a restaurant, it means that you are showing off your personal life.
to eat fish

Freud's Dream Book

In the interpreter of Freud, this vision is interpreted in a peculiar way:

  • For a man, eating fried fish in a dream means a lack of attention in the partner. He thinks solely of his pleasure.
  • Fish can be considered as a phallic symbol. That is, this is the dreamer's subconscious attraction to sexual contact. Sleep may be the result of prolonged abstinence.
  • If a man in a dream eats tasteless or spoiled fried fish, this can portend problems in bed.
  • If a dreamer in a dream ate or prepared fish with a person of the opposite sex, this indicates a strong sexual desire for him.


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