Multimedia Acoustics 2.0: review, description, specifications, models and reviews

Music accompanies us almost everywhere: at home, on vacation, at work and on the road. Headphones are, of course, a good thing, but in a home environment they are not as useful as we would like. The best choice in this case is the column.

acoustics 2 0

We will talk about how to choose the right speaker system and which models to pay attention to in this article. The most popular segment of devices will be considered - acoustics (Volume) 2.0.

Criterias of choice

Choosing a speaker system is not as simple as it seems at first glance. The entire music segment is based on shaky assessments from motley professionals and subjectivity, so the choice must be approached comprehensively, that is, take into account all the components of a future purchase.

For example, a multi-level system with a huge subwoofer looks great in a store window, while in a room it will occupy the lion's share of the space, so buying such speakers is meaningless. In order to avoid this kind of problems, let us first outline the basic points that must be taken into account before paying your hard-earned money.

Type of system

First things first you need to determine the type of acoustics. As already mentioned above, the best option for the home would be acoustics 2.0, that is, a system with the same stereo speakers. Sometimes there are multicomponent systems with a subwoofer with a different number of satellites. If the latter there are more than one thing, then this is acoustics 2.1.

rating of floor acoustics 2 0

Home multi-channel cinemas with five or more speakers belong to 5.1 systems. There is already a complete construction and immersion in the scene with a clear positioning of the sources (front, rear, center). The price of such pleasure is far from small, and such a system takes up a lot of space, so we will not consider it. In our case, multimedia speakers 2.0 has more advantages.

frequency range

Regardless of the type of speaker system, the frequency range is the main characteristic of the speakers. It is he who determines its initial property, that is, the ability to reproduce sound. The wider this range, the better the final musical picture will be formed. Acoustics 2.0 has always been distinguished by the presence of certain problems with a lower boundary, because the dimensions of the speakers should be clearly and competently comparable with the wavelength. In other words, the columns should be large.

Any self-respecting brand, coupled with standard equipment, applies a bench test of speakers in the form of frequency response graphs to its speakers, where you can easily trace the main features of the device.


Along with the frequency range, power equally indicates the capabilities of the system. Acoustics 2.0 is no exception, but because the higher the power indicator, the louder the sound. But there are some nuances in this paragraph.

connecting passive speakers 2 0 to the computer

In total, you can count about a dozen basic methods of measuring power and about the same number of standards. It also happens that a 10-watt portable acoustics 2.0 can sound louder than multimedia with a hundred watts. Therefore, it is better to be very distrustful of such power indicators and, during the selection, to link them with real physical characteristics.


Almost all music lovers consider wood to be the best material for speaker systems. And indeed it is. In the elite segment, there are even constant battles on the topic of wood species. Nevertheless, the best computer acoustics 2.0 is made without the use of this expensive material. The best option in this case is a wood-fiber board, that is, MDF. The material has sufficient thickness and, most importantly, balanced stiffness.

If everything is clear with the thickness - the higher the better, then the stiffness is not so clear. The parameter varies from friable to prohibitively hard. In the first case, an inexpensive chipboard is used, which is present in budget models, and in other cases, high-quality and expensive material. Of course, in the showcase you can check such an indicator only by subjective sensations (tapping, volume to weight ratio, etc.), so it remains to rely on the credibility of the brand.

Plastic is considered a cheaper option for the design of acoustics, but quite a few venerable companies prefer it. The possibilities of designers in this case are not limited by anything, because plastic is the most malleable material for the embodiment of any interior fantasies. With the right approach and the proper level of performance, acoustics 2.0 made of plastic is not inferior in quality to MDF models, especially for small speakers.


You can get used to the catchy color or expressive design, but the inconvenient controls and beacons will annoy you every day. The most optimal option in this case is ordinary resistive twists in a classic style. They are not afraid of a dead battery in the remote control, and they save the selected position in any condition.

best computer acoustics 2 0

Remote controllers are considered a more modern option, although many believe that buttons are ideal controls. Reputable brands, nevertheless, are inclined precisely to the old, rare and proven options.

Digital inputs and wireless protocols

Any multimedia system is equipped with one or even several analog inputs. But in order to connect passive acoustics 2.0 to a computer, digital inputs and wireless protocols like the same bluetooth are increasingly being used. This is very convenient when it comes to game consoles or media players. As for smartphones and tablets, the connection of the speaker system via the bluetooth protocol is a definite plus.

The best speakers

Below will be presented a rating of floor acoustics 2.0, which includes the highest quality models and manufacturers. The list was compiled by experts in this area and reviews by ordinary column owners.

List of the best speakers:

  • Top Device TDS-505.
  • Konoos KNS-D600.
  • SVEN SPS-707.

Top Device TDS-505

This brand can hardly be called the leader of the domestic market, especially since the company's products often appear on the shelves in the form of veiled copies, which all music stores were littered with several years ago.

multimedia speakers 2 0

The model with its appearance and characteristics resembles the F&D R223, widely known in the circles of music lovers. The latter, although it is in enviable demand, however, the 505th model is in no way inferior to its expensive and high-quality counterpart in its technical data.

Judging by the reviews of the owners, the speakers from Top Device look a bit archaic, but in this attractive price range we get great sound along with high-quality performance. Users note pleasant and shallow bass, as well as a flat middle. If you want to get an inexpensive and high-quality speaker system or decide to make a gift to an inexperienced music lover, then you can take a closer look at this option.

Konoos KNS-D600

The brand appeared on the domestic shelves about three years ago with a rather aggressive policy. The company's lineup is very extensive, and among all the variety you can find extremely interesting systems. One of the main advantages of the D600 is, of course, the price.

acoustics volume 2 0

Despite the budget cost, the system is equipped with a full-fledged 4-inch speaker with low frequencies and a decent high-frequency radiator with a fabric diffuser. At the output, we get a pretty good sound for ourselves - detailed and pleasant.

Many owners in their reviews note the company's competent policy of entering the Russian market - the models fell into the budget segment, but the β€œfilling” is distinguished by quality and clear technical superiority over competing counterparts.


The 707th model can be called one of the few successful brand products in recent years. Most of the company's new products look somehow faded, and this is especially noticeable against the background of past developments.

portable speakers 2 0

Despite its small dimensions and somewhere even poppy appearance, the system turned out to be quite decent, and the sound at the output - beautiful, loud and high-quality. Also included is a convenient remote control and interchangeable grids.

On the one hand, everything seems to be fine, but on the other hand, the owners note in their reviews ill-conceived button controls. After turning off the power, all acoustic settings are reset, and if, for example, you find that you prefer the enhanced tonal balance, then each subsequent turn on will begin with the settings and corrections for you, and this is a significant minus.

Nevertheless, the model is in enviable demand, and it is not only a low price, but also really high-quality sound, which more expensive analogues will envy.


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