DIY feeder feeder as a way to save money

There is no need to explain that feeder feeders are the basis of feeder fishing, its essence. And the saying that, as you feed and catch, is most applicable to this type of fishing. Very often during fishing there is a situation where the place is pretty catchy, but the fishing conditions are difficult. At the bottom there can be a lot of garbage, or driftwood, or the edge is steep enough.

DIY feeder feeder

The feeders in these places are usually stuck, and it is impossible to get them out of there. For one fishing, you can leave up to ten, or even more feeders. And for many, such a question as a feeder for a feeder with their own hands is on the agenda. In this article, we will consider the most popular method for making feeders among fishermen.

So, you need to immediately say that a feeder for a feeder with your own hands will reduce your expenses on this article by an order of magnitude. And the workmanship will be acceptable if you learn how to do it correctly. A feeder for the feeder, made using this method with your own hands, will once again help you out fishing.

We will make feeders from plastic bottles. They are suitable for almost any feeder. Fishing using this type of feeder is no worse, as if you were using store options.

feeder bait

The manufacturing process is quite simple - you need to take a two-liter plastic bottle, cut off the upper and lower parts, so that you get a cylinder without a lower and upper part. Next, cut it in such a way that it turns out its side part in the form of a strip. Then cut this strip halfway across. The resulting two parts are cut into 3 strips each so that the sizes of the resulting strips are 5 cm by 12 cm. As a result, you should get 6 strips - this will be the material for the feeders.

Next you need sheet lead. It also needs to be cut using special scissors into strips. The length of the strip should be about 8 cm. If you have the same thickness of lead, you can only change the width of the strip. By changing the width of the strip, you get different weight feeders. Attention, this is a very important parameter. You need to clearly know what weight feeders are needed specifically for your fishing conditions. To calculate the weight of the strip, multiply its dimensions (length, width, thickness) between each other and multiply by the density of lead 11.32, get the weight in grams.

feeder fishing

After we received strips of lead and plastic, we proceed to manufacture. The feeder feeder with its own hands in appearance does not yield to the purchased ones, if everything is done carefully. To do this, take a strip and twist it into a cylinder. Next, we need a pre-heated soldering iron. With it, we fasten the strip at the ends in three places. These rivets are obtained. They will be kept excellent, tested in practice. When we got the body of the feeder, we proceed to fasten the lead strip. To do this, take the pliers and at the ends of the strip bend them and attach to the feeder.

Next, you need to make an eye for the feeder. To do this, take a thin wire and make a twist out of it that resembles a coat hanger. Having received such a thing, we pass it between the lead and the cylinder, gently using pliers to clamp. As a result, we got a ready feeder. Next, you need to make holes. They are needed so that the used bait for the feeder is washed and dusted faster. Using these openings, the feeder performs its job better. The holes must be made using the same soldering iron, we make them evenly over the entire surface of the feeder.

Everything, the feeder for the feeder with your own hands is ready.


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