Inner Thigh: Exercises for Strengthening Muscles and Slimming

To remove the fat that interferes with life from the inside of the thighs, you really need to want to and try. Often during training, the internal, adducting thigh muscles are undeservedly faded into the background.

You need to reconsider your diet, accustom yourself to drink plenty of clean water, eliminate harmful sweets (you can leave light marshmallows and marmalades, but not overnight) and excessively fatty foods, give point loads on the inside of the thighs, combining them with cardio: running, skating on a bike, swimming. Training should be performed at least three times a week at least half an hour, but the diet and drinking regimen should be observed constantly. Then you will see the result very quickly. A very useful simulator for the inner thigh is a fitball: compressing it with your legs very effectively works out the adductors.

exercises with fitball

Super idea for sedentary work

If your work is associated with a sitting position, over time you will feel that your hips are not taking the best shape, especially if you like jam tea and other sweets. There is a way, do not despair! Take not a chair, but a stool, sit on top of it. Tighten your buttocks. Bend your knees at an angle of 90%. With the inside of your hips, squeeze the edges of the stool as hard as possible and unclench. Continue until you get bored. Feel like a rider ... This exercise will also help increase your sexuality, as it promotes blood flow to the pelvic organs.

Best exercises

how to lose weight in the hips

It is on the inside of the female legs that the problem areas are located: the receptors located here inhibit the breakdown of fat cells. Thin delicate skin and fat form a gloomy picture - the flabby thigh surface begins to sag over time. The inner part of the thigh should look perfectly even, then the legs will look graceful and harmoniously developed.

The exercises below will help to pump up your legs both in the gym and at home. At the same time, the first exercise, which provides the deepest muscle development, is very effective.

How to Pump Inner Thigh Using Leg Raises

exercises for the inner thighs

Lie down on the right side, lean on the elbow of the left hand, put the bent left (upper) leg in front of the knee of the right leg, that is, the heel of the left foot should be in contact with the right knee. The right leg should be straightened and then it should be lifted as far as possible above the floor (you will get 15 centimeters), in the upper position, hold it for a while, the heel should look up. Next, lower the leg, but do not touch it on the floor, then again begin to lift it up. Do 15-20 times with each leg. Three approaches will be enough, but you can do more if you have already trained, and your muscles are ready for exertion. You should feel the tension of the inside of the thigh, not the front.

You can modify this exercise a little, not to put a foot in front of the other, but just to put it on the floor, bent at the knee. It will be a little easier.

Lying legs on your side

leg raises

Lie on your side, legs should be straight. It is important to maintain balance, you can support yourself with your hands in order to concentrate the supply of effort to the inner part of the thigh. With one foot on top of the other, start lifting the top. Do 15 repetitions on each leg. You need to complete three sets of such repetitions.


plie - great exercise for the inner thighs

Spread your legs as wide as possible, turn the foot so that the socks look around, and the heels look at each other. This is a very effective exercise that will help tighten the inside of the thigh at home.

Slowly squat with a strained straight back, knees at a right angle. Hold this position for three seconds, slowly return back. When performing the exercise, knee tension should not be felt (wrong technique), you should feel tension in the inner muscles of the thighs. Perform 15 times.

Breathe correctly. Inhale - before the squat; on the squat - exhale. You can help yourself by holding onto the back of a chair. And if you are a trained person, use weighting materials. You need to complete three sets of 15 repetitions.

Side lunge

Stand straight, arms at the waist, start squatting on one leg to the side. Your knee should form a right angle. The back is straight, the second leg should also be absolutely straight and set aside. If you work without weights, you can close your hands in front of your chest, or you can leave them below. Once again - the case should be absolutely straight. Do not lose weight on your knee because you run the risk of overloading the joints instead of the inside of the thigh, resulting in damage. Rise slowly, but not to the end, move the pelvis to the other side, and lunge from the other leg.

"Roll" alternately in both directions, without getting up, in a sitting position, the number of "rolls" should reach 30 times, then you need to rest, shake your legs and repeat the set.

lateral lunge

Divorce lying on your back

Lying on your back, press the spine and tailbone to the surface of the floor or bench. Lift your legs perpendicular to the floor. Gently spread your legs to the sides, carefully monitor that the muscles work, strain them. This exercise for the inner thigh will be more effective if you use weights, in addition, so you can pump your abs.

With this exercise, you can also use other muscle groups if you lie on a gymnastic bench, put your hands behind your head and take up support.


Not only the "winding up" of circles in the stadium will help in the fight against such a nuisance as fat from the inside of the thigh: it is possible to remove saggingness and strengthen muscles by describing the circles with your feet lying on the bed. What does it mean? Lie down, keep your back straight. Your legs should be raised at an angle of 90 degrees to the floor. Spread your arms to the sides and also press them to the floor.

Do not bend your legs, lower one leg down and begin to describe the circle clockwise along the maximum radius. Keep the other leg upright. Describing circles, feel the tension of the inner thigh. Make ten circles with one leg, change the leg, then repeat the same thing, outlining the circles now counterclockwise, change the leg. In total, you need to do three approaches clockwise and counterclockwise with a change of legs.

Without getting out of bed - "butterfly"

You woke up, fine, take your time to get up. Lying on your back, raise your legs at a right angle. Bend them at the knees, spread them apart. Then, to work out the inner thighs, bring the bent knees together and bend them out. This exercise should be performed in three approaches, each of which to do 30 repetitions.

Professional Tips

  1. In no case should you neglect the warm-up. It’s better not to train at all if you don’t have the opportunity to do a workout, without which untrained muscles can be injured. Run for 5 minutes, jump. So you will saturate the muscles with oxygen, which "knows" how to remove fat from the inside of the thigh, and from the buttocks, and from the abdomen - it is a natural fat burner. At the end of the workout, you also need a stretch.
  2. Change the order of exercises, the sequence is very important, every 14 days the exercises should give a different load on the muscles, since uniformity does not bring the desired result.
  3. When performing the exercise, it is very important to concentrate and listen to your body. You should feel the muscles you are working on, feel the load on them. If there is no tension, then you are doing the exercise incorrectly or the performance technique is β€œlame”. Do you know how to lose weight in the inner thigh much faster? Let's open another secret: after the exercises, massage the worked-out zone, so you will provide an even greater flow of blood to the muscles.
  4. When working out problem areas, it is necessary to try to use all muscle groups, an integrated approach is much more effective than a point load.


healthy eating and exercise is key to success

All nutritionists in the world unanimously argue that drinking is fundamental with proper nutrition. If you manage to accustom yourself to drink 2-2.5 liters of water per day, this will help to avoid the accumulation of toxins in the body. With active training and exercises for the inner thigh, moisture in the body is consumed at a high speed, water supplies must be replenished.

As for nutrition, try to make it fractional: you need to eat in small portions, while five to six times a day, and not three, as you are used to. Within half an hour after training, you need to eat a protein dish so that the muscles receive nutrition for recovery. A large number of fruits and vegetables will be enriched with vitamins.

eat right, fresh food

The meaning of training is systematic and regular, then the effect of them will increase, in addition, you will need much less time to achieve your goal.

Concentrate and go to your goal!

You can practice both in the hall and at home. The main thing is not to cheat and work on conscience. It is not necessary to buy expensive simulators for the inner part of the thigh, the complex, which is described in this article, will help to work out these muscle groups perfectly. Do not be distracted by extraneous matters. Three workouts a day will allow you to get a quick result. You can try and make time for yourself?


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