Instructions for use: how to use condoms without the risk of contracting or becoming pregnant

Hello boys and girls! Before telling you how to use condoms, I want to inform you that none of the existing methods of this or that contraception will give you 100% protection against various kinds of sexually transmitted infections or from unwanted pregnancy. If you want to be 100% confident in yourself, refrain from sexual activity in general!

how to use condoms
The most reliable way to reduce the risk of certain diseases transmitted through sexual contact is to maintain a constant intimate relationship with the same partner. But this is not all: the partner, in turn, should also have sexual contacts only with you and no one else! Now we pass to the main thing.

How to use condoms

A bit of history

For many teenagers, a condom is a commonplace joke, a test for growing up, and so on ... Indeed, at different ages, the word "condom" has its own meaning - you can’t argue with that. In general, the story of this little thing is very ancient and rich. I was shocked when I found out that 300 years ago BC the Greeks and Egyptians were defending themselves against an unplanned pregnancy ... with a ram gut! So the first natural “condoms” appeared in the history of mankind. How to use (the photo has not been preserved to this day) such peculiar "condoms" - today only one knows, sorry for sacrilege, to God.

how to use condoms

In turn, in Italy in the 16th century, the flax shell was used as this contraception. In addition, she defended well against syphilis. And only in 1839 did the first condom appear, more or less similar to the modern one. Today, all the "gum" is made of latex or polyurethane. They are affordable, reliable and can’t afford!

How to use condoms correctly

  1. First you need to determine the size of the "gum". It is very important. The fact is that a small condom can easily break, and a large condom can crawl and even remain in the vagina! Boys, pick up the product by trial. I am depressed by the fact that it is girls who are most often involved in the acquisition of condoms, not guys! The harsh truth of life, what can you do ...
  2. Remember one simple truth: you need to buy "gum" only in a pharmacy! The price there is higher than in kiosks, however, the conditions for long-term storage of these products are most suitable. In kiosks, they can be exposed to direct sunlight or the harmful effects of warm air.
    condoms how to use photos
  3. So, how to use condoms so that you don’t have to regret later. Remember the three golden rules. Firstly, the product is worn on an already erect penis before sex! Secondly, before using the product you need to pull the foreskin, exposing the head of the penis. Third, hold the sperm tank (lump on the end of the condom) with two fingers, and then put it on the head. Important! In no case should there be air in the tank, otherwise the condom will simply tear during sex! Here are three main conditions for using condoms. Then everything is simple.
  4. Slowly unfold the product to the full length of the penis. Notice if it does not unfold - you put it inside out!
  5. After ejaculation, the condom must be removed immediately (while the penis is still hard). When removing the penis from the vagina, be sure to hold the product with your hand so as not to leave it in your partner.
  6. When you remove the condom, be sure to tie it in a knot and throw it in the trash (not in the window, and especially not in the toilet).
  7. Never use the same condom repeatedly!


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