Olga Nikolaevna Belova: biography, history of a successful career

Olga Nikolaevna Belova - host of the "Meeting Place" program on NTV channel. There is no doubt about the career success of this public figure. For the first time, when Belova came to television, she heard: "Darling, you won’t last long here." Neglecting such predictions, Olga was able to build a successful career in television.

Now she works in the TV show "Meeting Place", but she has a lot of experience: for the first time she corresponded with several programs, conducted news broadcasts in the Today program (which brought her wild popularity, as the informative program from NTV is very popular) and much more. In the piggy bank of experience of Olga Nikolaevna Belova is a self-made documentary. She does not like to show her beliefs to the public, although she takes an integral part in political programs. It has a share of secrecy, which, in turn, fuels the interest of the audience.

Olga Nikolaevna Belova

Biography of the TV presenter Olga Nikolaevna Belova

Date of birth - July 19, 1976. After graduating from high school, she entered the Moscow State Law Academy for a law program. On this Olga Nikolaevna Belova suspended receiving her higher education and embarked on a career. But after 2015 she continued her studies, but already as a master.

Olga Nikolaevna Belova began her first steps in the role of TV presenter since 1997. Having not yet received a full-fledged higher education, she got a job as a correspondent for the TV program β€œYou are an eyewitness,” and then smoothly walked up the career ladder.

The beginning of work of Belova Olga Nikolaevna with NTV

Since 2001, Olga begins to work on the NTV channel. For five years, until 2006, she was the host of the Today TV show in the morning show. And then replaced Julia Pankratova, and from 2006 to 2016 she worked in the evening sessions. It should be noted that Belova Olga Nikolaevna NTV channel brought great popularity and relevance. Thanks to NTV, Belova became a TV celebrity, viewers began to take an interest in her life, and fans appeared. The whole country spoke of her.

Belova Olga Nikolaevna NTV

In February 2016, a new program of Belova Olga Nikolaevna on NTV with the name "Meeting Place" was released. Andrei Norkin becomes a colleague on the introduction of the program . This program fully consolidates the solvency in Olga's career and ensures consistency in the television industry.

In 2006, Olga was awarded the medal "For Services to the Fatherland" by order of President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin for his useful contribution to the development of television. It is noteworthy that Olga Belova was awarded the medal by Sergei Sobyanin in the Kremlin at the time that Olga was eight months pregnant.

10 years after the award on the NTV channel, the documentary film "Red Easter" is released, directed by Olga Belova.

Olga Nikolaevna Belova TV presenter

Personal life

Belova does not like to talk openly about her private life. This side of her life is little known to the public. It is known for sure that she is not alone, only who is her chosen one and what is his profession - this remains a mystery. The press knows that Belova has two daughters. The age difference between them is 5 years. The oldest is Seraphim, the youngest is Alexander.

Rumor has it that her husband is a diplomat and his name is Oleg Lakoba, but this is unconfirmed information. The presenter believes that she was very lucky with her family. She found the very support and understanding she was looking for. For her family is of great importance.

What is Olga Belova outside the cells

She considers her family a treasure, so she keeps her away from the cameras. She is not interested in social events. Having laid the foundation of life during the collapse of the Soviet Union, Belova had a steady grip. She used to rely primarily on herself. She has her own core, which helps her achieve goals and remain a strong personality.

TV presenter Belova Olga Nikolaevna biography

Belova is one of those women who prefer politics instead of any women's themes. Spending time on disputes about the relationship of powers and the actions of public figures looks extremely entertaining for the TV presenter. Such a lesson can last until late at night, if the interlocutor seems Belova suitable.

In her free time she likes to read dystopias and watch political series. Olga has a tradition every summer to fly to Europe with her family and travel around the cities in a rented car. The daughter of the TV presenter is very happy about such a trip. From vacation, the family returns with a suitcase of gifts.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K8948/

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