Anthurium leaves dry: what to do, how to fix the situation, tips for breeding and proper care

Anthurium is a beautiful plant with which you can decorate any room and diversify the interior. A healthy flower should have leaves without yellowness and dried spots. Such a plant needs special care. If the leaves of Anthurium dry, what to do to fix this problem is a question that will be considered in the article.

Care Features

healthy flower

Anthurium is considered a capricious plant, for the proper growth of which you need to observe many conditions. Sometimes even experienced gardeners make mistakes when growing it. The main thing you need to know is that the anthurium deteriorates due to direct sunlight, so you need to keep it in a slightly shaded place or illuminate it with bright enough, but diffused artificial light.

The optimum air temperature for plant growth in summer is +20 ... + 24 ° , and in winter - +14 ... + 16 ° . But in winter there is a short daylight hours, so at this time you will have to provide anthurium with an additional source of lighting. If you ignore this requirement, the plant will inevitably fade. If the question arises, why do the leaves of Anthurium dry and what to do to solve this problem, then first you need to determine whether the following conditions and recommendations are met:

  1. A plant that is standing in a room with dry air must be constantly sprayed with a fine spray. But it is impossible for water splashes to fall on the inflorescence, because because of this it becomes covered with white spots.
  2. It is advisable to water the anthurium with a little warm water. In summer, this should be done three times a day, and in winter - once a week.
  3. The growing season begins in March and ends in October, so during this period you need to fertilize the plant with various nutrients (for example, foliar top dressing), which must be applied in small portions.
  4. Faded inflorescences must be cut off, because they form seeds.
  5. After transplantation, anthurium is extremely sensitive to a lack of moisture, so at first it must be constantly sprayed and watered.

These are the basic rules, the observance of which is the flower grower's duty. However, if the leaves have begun to dry at the anthurium, what to do to correct this situation needs to be decided quickly, since in this case there is a high risk of plant death.

rotten leaf around the edges

Reasons for drying

To diagnose and begin treatment of a plant is a difficult task, since more often the disease occurs due to improper care. If the leaves of Anthurium dry, what should I do to fix it? The answer to this question is known to few flower growers. As a rule, such a nuisance occurs when the flower is in a room whose moisture does not correspond to the necessary indicator for the proper growth of the plant, equal to 65–80%.

In this case, the anthurium will be attacked by spider mites, due to which the leaves will lose their fresh appearance, turn yellow and curl. In turn, in rooms without normal ventilation, it is likely that the plant will undergo an infectious disease.

But there are many other reasons why the leaves begin to dry:

  • weak or poorly organized watering;
  • defeat of the flower by mealybugs or thrips;
  • various diseases (for example, anthracosis or stem rot);
  • draft;
  • non-compliance with the feeding schedule and excess nutrition;
  • dry air
  • lack or excess of lighting, etc.

The result of a long violation of the rules of detention is a dead plant. Experienced flower growers should certainly know why the leaves at Anthurium dry. According to them, this can also happen due to an attack of insects, the result of harmful activity of which is the damaged root system of the plant, and therefore the destroyed aboveground part. However, it is necessary to consider in more detail the main reasons, so that beginners growing anthurium can cure it in a timely manner.

Natural Cause - Aging

Anthurium leaves may turn yellow due to old age. This is an inevitable process, so do not worry too much about this. With aging, leaves that are closer to the ground gradually die off. Yellowness captures the edges of the sheet plate, and then covers the entire sheet, as a result of which it loses elasticity and turns brown. If the anthurium is kept in proper conditions, the decay of old leaves is a natural process that does not harm the plant, as new foliage will appear on its top over time.

However, the flower can be helped in a way. To do this, cut off the yellowed old leaves, making the anthurium more attractive and making life easier for it. In order not to infect the plant with an infection, the knife must be treated with alcohol, and sprinkled with charcoal a little. However, do not forget: the sheet can not be torn off manually, as this will lead to stem injury.

dry leaf

Watering violation

Anthurium does not tolerate both waterlogging of the soil, and lack of moisture. To an excess of water, the roots of the plant are sensitive. Moist soil is an ideal environment for bacteria and fungi. In addition, the anthurium can only be watered with melt or standing water (the settling time is at least two days)

If the plant stays in waterlogged soil for a long time, the tips of the leaves at the anthurium will begin to dry. What to do in this unpleasant situation when tissue necrosis begins to develop from the edges and gradually spreads to the entire sheet? To solve this problem, it is necessary to dry the soil in a pot. If this does not help, then the root system of the plant has rotted, so the leaves lack nutrients. The solution is one - remove the damaged parts and transplant the anthurium into fresh soil.

However, the leaves may begin to dry in the middle. The reason for this may be the accidental ingress of water on the leaf plates. For the sun's rays, such drops are a kind of lens, so they simply burn out the living tissue of the plant. In addition, in anthurium, which is in a cool room, improper watering can cause a fungal disease.

Incorrect lighting

To have anthurium is best in partial shade. If the plant grows weakly or stops flowering altogether, it means that it lacks sunlight or artificial light. During the short daylight hours, when the anthurium ceases to receive the proper amount of energy, the leaf plates become smaller and slightly dry. In this case, the flower must be put in the place where in winter more sunlight falls. As a result, spots will disappear over time.

However, it is impossible to stay under the direct rays of anthurium for a long time, because of this the leaves turn yellow. According to the recommendations of gardeners, to solve this problem, it is necessary to close the glass with a tinting film, the purpose of which is to reflect most of the solar radiation. In addition, the plant can be placed away from glass.

If the tips of the leaves dry in anthurium, what should be done to save the plant in winter? Florists, when they hear this question, say: you need to provide the flower with an additional source of lighting. For this purpose, special phytolamps or other lamps for illumination are used.

damaged anthurium leaf


If the anthurium abruptly stops growing, and its leaves are dried or yellowed, this can happen due to a lack of nutrients. The lack or absence of phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, magnesium and other elements will cause the plant to turn brown.

As top dressings, special ready-made products in a liquid state are used. Thanks to their effect, the diseased anthurium will restore a healthy and flowering appearance. Use these drugs weekly. As soon as the plant gains its former strength, mineral top dressing is applied once every 14 days.

However, not only a shortage, but also an oversupply of fertilizers can become the reason why the leaves of Anthurium dry. In this case, the root system must be washed in warm water and treated with a disinfectant, and then transplanted into a pot with new soil.

Dry air

This is a fairly common problem in centrally heated houses. If the tips of the leaves dry at the anthurium, the plant may lack moisture, because it evaporates too quickly in a heated room. More often this happens when a flower stands on a wide windowsill, under which a heating radiator is installed. There are several ways to increase humidity and improve the microclimate of a room for better growth of anthurium:

  1. Put the pot with the plant on a tray with wet expanded clay or sphangum (another name is peat moss).
  2. Constantly spray the leaves with warm water so that the drops do not fall on the inflorescences.
  3. Place a special humidifier near the anthurium.
  4. Place a container of water near the battery or place a wet towel on it.

In any case, placing anthurium near the heater is a bad idea. In addition, you can not often water the plant to increase humidity in the room.

Draft and cold

dry leaf

If the leaves of Anthurium dry, what should I do (the photo shows a good example of this problem) to save the plant? Florists answer: you can not put a flower pot near the balcony door, which tenants often open in winter. If you ignore this advice, it is very likely that the leaves of the anthurium will still dry. To protect the plant from draft and cold air, it must be taken out of the room for the duration of ventilation.

If the leaves of Anthurium are slightly frozen, the plant will be restored. All damaged flower organs must be carefully cut and put in a warm room. The next step is to treat the plant with a growth biostimulator. However, the root may be damaged, so in this case you will have to transplant the anthurium, having previously cut off the rotten areas. Cutting sites are preferably treated with cinnamon.

Lack of oxygen

The soil should be loose, light, moisture and breathable. If the plant is planted in a heavy substrate, its root system will constantly ache due to lack of oxygen. The ideal soil for anthurium is a mixture of turf land, peat and coarse sand. These components must be mixed in a ratio of 1: 2: 2. If dry tips still appear on the leaves, you need to add charcoal or cones to the ground.

Due to pests, anthurium leaves dry spots: what to do

leaf pest

The plant may turn yellow not only due to improper conditions. An equally common cause is leaf damage by various pests:

  1. When the anthurium becomes covered with yellow spots and begins to dry out sharply, you must immediately examine the underside of the leaf plate. If small insects of green, black or gray colors are visible there, then the aphid has attacked the plant. They feed on leaf juice. To save the plant and destroy the aphids, it is necessary to treat the anthurium with the infusion of garlic, onions or tobacco. But it is better to use chemicals - insecticides.
  2. The presence on the plant of thrips - insects similar to small flies - say dried leaves of yellowish-white color. Different drugs are used against them (for example, Intavir or Fitoverm) and sticky traps.
  3. If the leaves were covered with spots, and shoots - with cracks, then the mealybugs struck the plant. To eliminate them, use kalbofos.
  4. Due to the spider mites attacking the anthurium, the leaves in the middle dry. What to do to destroy these pests? It is necessary to use insecticides from ticks, otherwise the leaves will quickly dry out and turn yellow.

The main thing is to clean the anthurium with water a day after chemical treatment in order to protect the plant from toxic substances. But first you need to protect the earth from excessive moisture with a plastic film.

Infectious diseases

If the leaves of Anthurium dry, the flower should be isolated from healthy plants, examined and a final diagnosis made. The following diseases exist:

  1. Root rot occurs due to the low acidity of the soil and constant waterlogging. With this disease, the anthurium will begin to fade leaves. To save the plant, it must be transplanted into a new soil in a timely manner, cutting off the rotten parts of the root system and washing it with a solution of potassium permanganate. It is advisable to add perlite to fresh soil to distribute moisture in the ground.
  2. Stem rot is a fungal disease due to which black spots appear on leaves and stems. More often this disease occurs due to increased soil moisture. To save the anthurium, it is necessary to cut off the rotten parts, and then treat the flower with fungicides (for example, "Fitosporin").
  3. Anthractosis is an infection that often occurs at elevated temperatures (more than 25 ° C) and humidity. Leaves will suffer more: dry spots will appear on them, which can crack. If the plant is not cured, its surface part will be completely covered with ulcers, which will cause the death of the flower. With anthractosis, it is necessary to reduce watering and spray the anthurium with fungicidal preparations.
diseased plant


When the anthurium leaves dry, what to do and how to fix the situation is definitely hard to say. Nevertheless, this article provides information due to which it will be possible to identify the cause of the disease in a timely manner.

Do not forget about prevention: you need to constantly wipe the leaves of anthurium in order to immediately notice the foci of the disease. But the main thing is to comply with the conditions of detention, since the plant suffers more precisely because of improper care. In addition, you need to transplant the flower at least once a year in new soil to avoid a lack of nutrients.


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