Chatterbox for carp: how to cook

Crucian carp is one of the very interesting and widespread fish in the water bodies of Russia. To catch it, you can use various nozzles. But one of the most catchy and simple is the talker for crucian carp from semolina. At home, making it is not too difficult.


How to cook a talker for crucian?

For this nozzle you will need such ingredients and tools: 100 g semolina semolina; twenty-centimeter wooden stick, glass, plastic syringes.

The cereal needs to be poured with a small volume of water and wait 60 minutes for it to swell properly. It is advisable to use for these purposes liquid from the same reservoir where fishing is planned. This is not so difficult to do, since the talker for crucian is preparing quickly. Therefore, it can be made directly on the spot. When the cereal swells, the excess liquid must be drained (if necessary), and the mass should be thoroughly mixed with a stick of wood and shaken. This should be done for 5-7 minutes, adding water as needed. Raw materials must be brought to a โ€œstretchingโ€ consistency. Wooden tools for mixing need to be used because the fish feel the metal, which does not contribute to the improvement of the bite. For the same reasons, it is advisable to use enameled dishes. The talker on the crucian should be stretched by 7-15 cm. After that, you can pack it in plastic syringes for easy storage and bait.

How to make a talker for crucian

A talker for crucian carp is an excellent attachment that provides a good catch. A variety of aromatic substances can be added to it, if appropriate. The bottom line is that the smell of semolina talkers is very attractive to fish, and the use of aromatic ingredients will weaken or completely kill it, but this does not guarantee a good catch. Modern industry makes many additives that increase the attractiveness of nozzles. There are also natural flavors for luring crucian carp: cinnamon, vanillin, aniseed or homemade sunflower oil, various fruit essences, cocoa, etc.

In different water bodies, fish preferences are different. Therefore, the effectiveness of aromatic additives must be determined experimentally. To do this, the raw materials for the talker should be divided into the desired number of shares before mixing and add your flavor to each. The main thing here is not to overdo it so as not to scare away the fish. Catching on nozzles with different odors will determine the most catchy aromatic additive.

Catching a crucian carp

Catching a crucian carp

Hooks need to choose small sizes (No. 4-5.5). The talker is wound on a hook using a syringe or a wooden twig. The float should be relatively light. This allows you to subtly feel the moment of hooking. Crucian pecks in different ways: drowns, raises, and sometimes spreads the float. Semolina talker - the bait is soft, so the right moment of cutting ensures the capture of fish. Catching crucian carp on this nozzle is better in sunny and calm weather. A well-made talker can give odds to any other nozzles (such as barley, bloodworms, worms). In addition to crucian carp, other fish are also caught on it : tench, roach, carp, carp. If everything is done correctly, then the catch will be very good.


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