Portable TVs: selection, features and reviews

It so happened historically that a person is closely connected with new technologies: phones, tablets, laptops, etc. Portable TVs also play an important role in the life of every second consumer. They allow you to receive new information, as well as just have a good rest after a working day. And many men will be offended if they need to go on a picnic with their family, and at this time the long-awaited match is broadcast. It is in this situation that digital mini-TVs come to the rescue.

Half a century ago, manufacturing companies had the idea of ​​creating such a device. However, some details, remaining too bulky, did not allow to reduce the size of the devices. This was only possible in the 21st century, when a liquid crystal screen was spread.

portable tvs

LCD screen description

A liquid crystal screen (LCD) is a technology that consists in the fact that liquid crystals are located between two glass plates. The latter are parallel to each other. When an electric current acts on the crystals, they change their transparency, due to which a picture appears. Moreover, the more they are in space, the sharper and brighter the image will be. The primary indicator of demonstration quality is resolution.

In the plates there is a collection of cells that are located directly in the matrix itself. They have light filters. Thanks to the latter, a person sees a color image. There are three main shades - green, red and blue. This is what distinguishes portable TVs from conventional ones. In older devices, you can often see flicker, while LCD screens do not have such anomalies.

digital portable tv

Types of portable LCD TVs

Currently, the market is filled with portable TVs. Most often, devices with a diagonal of 5 to 9 inches are found. Options with high rates are practically not bought by consumers (the price is too high), so their production has been reduced.

In order to choose between a 4: 3 and 16: 9 screen, you need to decide what the purchased device is for. Portable TVs with an antenna used to watch TV channels have lower resolution. And to watch DVDs you have to look for an expensive option. In principle, some models have the function of stretching the image, but then there is a risk of skipping the creeping line below or any other text located at the edges.

The pricing policy has not suffered too strong changes for several years, so we can say for sure that, depending on the diagonal and functions, an ordinary portable device will cost from 4 thousand to 17 thousand rubles.

digital mini tvs

Characteristics of TVs and their configuration

Portable equipment has a weight of not more than 300 g (while manufacturers are constantly striving to reduce it), and sizes from 3 to 10 inches. Image quality depends on how the signal is transmitted: through the built-in antenna or connected tuner. The latter is capable of receiving both digital and analog television. The kit, as a rule, is a small remote control, headphones, stand for mounting. The devices are considered universal due to the fact that the manufacturer can supply with the TV a cigarette lighter adapter, batteries and a power adapter.

Depending on the model, among the options may be a radio, navigator, microphone.

portable tv samsung

Portable TV Features

Each TV is equipped with special connectors that allow you to connect various devices to the device: console, player, tuner, etc. It should be noted that all portable TVs have video and audio outputs, an adapter for the cigarette lighter and a headphone jack.

More modern models have USB outputs and a slot for reading a memory card. This extends the functionality of the TV, allowing you to view materials from a flash card, and from a phone or tablet. In some versions, there is also a function for viewing photos. Due to this, they are more successful than analogues without a similar option. There are TVs with wireless network support.

Initial selection of the required model

If the consumer plans to use the device in a minibus, then it is best to choose a “mini” model. As a rule, such TVs are no bigger than a palm. In order to watch your favorite programs on the road or outdoors, you should take a closer look at the option of portable TVs with larger dimensions. In all cases, it should be borne in mind that the device runs either on battery power or on external batteries.

You should also consider viewing angles. In order not to regret your choice at home, you need to think about this nuance in advance. In the store you need to check the response time. If you don’t like the interval for which the TV responds to pressing the remote control, then it is better to refuse this model.

portable lcd tv

What to look for when choosing

Portable TVs have recently become popular and in demand. This happened when liquid crystal equipment began to be in demand. It was only with the advent of the possibility of creating such devices that a technique appeared that made it possible to install it in a car with its dimensions. The TV is fixed on the control panel thanks to special mounts.

First of all, choosing a digital portable TV for yourself, you need to pay attention to the options from well-known manufacturers who have been working in this area for more than one year. Their equipment is of high quality and is unlikely to fail before the end of the warranty period. Moreover, if this all the same happened, you do not have to throw it away and buy a new model. After all, the company is famous, and, therefore, the service center is located somewhere nearby.

portable tvs with antenna

Of course, the price directly depends on the diameter of the screen, and on the company that produces this portable TV. Samsung, for example, constantly winds up the price only because it is one of the leaders in sales. A bulky and too large device does not need to be bought if no more than 2 people watch it at the same time. For this number of viewers, a 5-inch device is suitable.

You should pay attention to what options the TV has. Indeed, not every function will be necessary for the consumer. For the number of such additional services, a price is charged. Is it necessary to spend extra money for a portable LCD TV, in which advanced functionality? It is necessary to pay attention to the book on the operation of the device. It should be ensured that everything is accessible and clearly described and, of course, it should be in Russian (Ukrainian) language.

Which brand to prefer?

The main selection criterion should be functionality and cost, not the brand. Moreover, the selection of the company is a purely individual process. Now materials for LCD televisions are made by reliable companies that will not fail in quality. Assembly also plays an important role.

The best portable TVs that are supplied to the Russian market are manufactured by such companies as Sabini, Premier and Prolody. Of course, there is a great chance that a more successful option and a little-known brand will turn up, so it is best to pay attention to technical specifications and customer reviews in online stores. Equipment should be purchased in a specialized center.

portable tv prices


Buyers speak well about the acquired equipment. Portable TVs, the prices of which are low, must have a powerful antenna, otherwise you can regret the choice. For example, a pocket-sized one is capable of catching a signal from a nearby tower, while a car-mounted one is 20-40 km away from it. Many people advise changing the firmware after the purchase, otherwise there may be problems with the color and reception of the TV channels. However, this should be done only in the service center.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K8957/

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