TV presenter Vitaly Eliseev: biography, photo

Broadcasting about the main events that took place in the country and abroad, and even on the First Channel, is an honorable and at the same time responsible mission. An experienced presenter of the Vremya news program Vitaly Eliseev performs it perfectly. His intelligent appearance, magnificent diction and the ability to correctly present the material, no doubt, bribe viewers. However, Vitaly Eliseev himself dreamed of a different career from a young age. How did he get on television, and what was remarkable in his biography? Let's consider this question in more detail.

Curriculum Vitae

Vitaly Eliseev is a native of the Russian capital. He was born on September 30, 1970. The future star of blue screens did well at school. He gravitated to the exact sciences: physics, algebra, geography, astronomy. He was also interested in history. From a young age, Vitali liked to assemble radio equipment and amplifiers according to the schemes that were offered in the relevant magazines. It is likely that a children's hobby in many respects influenced the choice of the future profession of a young man.

Vitaly Eliseev

However, the Vremya information program was not alien to him in his youth: he enjoyed watching sports news, watching with admiration the work of famous commentators at that time: Nikolai Ozerov, Vladimir Maslachenko, Nina Yeremina.

Student years

Having received a certificate of maturity, Vitaly Eliseev, a biography whose personal life is interested in a huge number of viewers, decided to enter a technical university by choosing the Moscow Aviation Institute (specialty - radio engineer). Soon, the young man gets a job related to video. Naturally, there was little time for study, and classes were skipped regularly. However, Vitaly Eliseev was not particularly worried about this: the young man was becoming increasingly aware that a technical specialty was not for him.

Vitaly Eliseev biography

He decided to take some time to think, wrote a statement on academic leave, which he signed, and soon joined the Armed Forces.

Carier start

Having given his debt to his homeland, Vitaly Eliseev, whose biography contains many noteworthy facts, nevertheless decided to finish his studies at the Moscow Aviation Institute, and as a result received a treasured diploma. However, he did not work in his profession. The young man was offered the position of an employee of the technical coordination service at the Ostankino television center. Vitaly Eliseev, without thinking twice, agreed. He was responsible for the correct location of the equipment on the television platform. Eliseev began his career on television with lower steps, thanks to which he was able to study in detail all the stages of the process. Vitaly worked as an editor and producer of the correspondent department, and when this lesson developed to an impressive scale, he became the head of the department.

Vitaly Eliseev biography personal life

Moreover, in his post, he did not forget to help ordinary correspondents in their work in order to prepare the plot for TV viewers with the highest quality.

Finest hour

In 2007, Eliseev received an offer to become a leading news block on Channel One. At first, he thought that he was just being played. Vitaly immediately suspected that they wanted to check his reaction in such a trivial way. He did not react to the proposal, and when a few days later he was again asked about whether Eliseev was ready to become the first person of the Vremya program, he was even taken aback and said that he had not yet made a final decision. The management recommended Vitaly not to delay the answer. During this period of his career, the head of the planning and production department at Pervoy was very worried: was it a joke to become the host of the country's main television channel. Until a certain moment, he thought that his place on television was already determined. But as it turned out, no.

Vitaly Eliseev photo

At the same time, before appearing in a new capacity, Eliseev decided to try his hand at the field of a TV presenter on the Far East broadcasting, and after a while he became the face of the First on a national scale. Today he regularly reads news on the main channel of Russia.

Personal life

Vitaly Eliseev, whose photo is presented in the article, took place not only in the profession of a presenter. He is also a beloved husband, as well as a caring father. Eliseev has a wonderful family, which consists of his wife and daughter.

With his wife Marina Vitaly met at work. At that time, she collaborated with TV presenter Alexander Nevzorov. But soon Marina’s program was closed. After that, she met with Eliseev and outlined the problem. The girl really wanted to continue her career on television. Vitaly immediately responded. He arrived and talked with Marina for several hours. Eliseev introduced her to his colleagues in the workshop, and then she already made her way on her own.

Vitaly Eliseev TV presenter

As for the daughter, Elizabeth is already faced with a difficult choice of her future profession. She does not exclude that she will enter the Faculty of Philology, but has not yet made a final decision.


In his free time, Vitaly Eliseev (TV presenter) prefers to fish. He gladly gets out into the bosom of nature, just to sit with a fishing rod and in silence admire the water surface of a pond or river. At the same time, if possible, he will always throw a couple of phrases with his fellow fishermen. He is attracted to the process itself, and not the potential amount caught.

Currently, Vitaliy is full of strength and more than ever ready for the implementation of creative ideas, which he always had a lot.


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