Vitamins "Complivit Shine": reviews, composition, instructions for use

Everyone had to watch a lot of commercials that describe different products and medicines. Therefore, it is probably no secret to anyone that there is a multivitamin complex “Complivit Shine”. It is not necessary that you learn about it on TV, you may have read it in some kind of advertising booklet. This is an inexpensive complex, which is characterized by good properties. The purpose of this article is to understand the question: are all the results of using this drug really related to the complex itself, or is it a self-suggestion? This is a very important question, because many doctors recommend it and even prescribe it. This is another way by which you could learn the Vitamins “Comply Shine.” Many people in the reviews write that their attending physicians recommended that they take this complex as a medicine for some ailments.

It is worth mentioning the fact that complexes of the Complivit series are a popular product that has passed the test of time. You can find it in absolutely any pharmacy. The product of this series - "Complivit Radiance" for women - has gained particular popularity, as the effect of this drug is associated with the ability to have beautiful hair and skin, become more energetic and cheerful, and also to cheer up. It turns out that this is a “magic pill” at a low price. Are all these advertising slogans true, or is it just a marketing ploy? Instructions for use "Complivit Shine" and reviews of doctors will help to figure this out.

Pills "Complies shine"

Talk a little about the composition

If we consider the drug as a multivitamin complex, then it is not much different from its "counterparts" in the pharmacy shelf. It contains a complete set of vitamins and nutrients, minerals necessary for the body. The preparation contains vitamins A, E, C and B vitamins (B 1 , B 2 , B 6 , B 5 , B 9 , B 12 ). It contains zinc, selenium, silicon, cobalt, iron, as well as biotin and nicotinamide.

Unlike other complexes

What is the difference between this complex and other vitamins? Really all the reviews were based only on the vitamin composition, and “Complivit Shine” does not have other advantages?

No, this is a profound error. About the Complivit Radiance complex, reviews, one way or another, are being built regarding two new components - lipoic acid and green tea extract. Both of these supplements are the strongest antioxidants that remove stagnant “trash” from our body. Moreover, the tea extract is more powerful. But how can these substances affect the growth of nails or hair or rejuvenate the skin? Suppose that the body is cleansed of toxins, which means that metabolic processes will occur faster. Metabolism will increase a little, and this is the reason for losing weight and feeling good, no more. Therefore, doctors believe that this complex is not a panacea for all diseases.

Vitamins "Complies shine"

Possible directions of action of the drug

This multivitamin complex was originally created for the female part of the population. It is also referred to as the so-called beauty vitamins, that is, beauty vitamins. All proportions of this complex from the very beginning were selected in such a way that all vitamins and minerals are absorbed by the female body without residue, and that there is no deficiency of these trace elements. So, just by drinking these pills, we will cover the daily requirement of the body. However, "Complies Shine" in reviews is not always praised. There are opinions that have a negative orientation.

What will the doctors say about this? If you turn to them, they will say one thing: it’s not necessary to dump everything in one pile, it is necessary to distinguish between concepts. When there is a problem, you need to look for many ways to solve it, that is, use an integrated approach. Including drug therapy. "Complies Shine" is a dietary supplement. This is not a medicine, so you should not count on the "wonderful properties" of this complex. This is only a regulator of your normal state at a time when you are absolutely healthy. If disruptions in the body begin, deviations from the norm (increase in the percentage of fat, brittle hair, peeling of the skin), then you must consult a doctor who will prescribe specialized treatment. After solving all the problems and returning the body to a normal state, it will be possible to drink this complex again in order to prevent the repetition of a bad scenario. Most reviews claim that it is impossible to be treated with these dietary supplements, like any other. This is just a preventative!

Vegetables and fruits

How to take "Complivit Shine"?

As already mentioned above, this is a dietary supplement, so you need to consult a doctor before taking. This complex is recommended as an additional source of useful trace elements. Adults need only one tablet per day. It is enough to wash it down with water. The course lasts one month, then a break is needed. If the therapy is under the supervision of a doctor, then he can extend the course of admission for another two months.

Is this complex really necessary?

Many people like to buy this complex for only one reason - its affordable price. Indeed, the cost of a monthly course of the drug “Complivit Shine” is about 400 rubles, which is very inexpensive in our realities. We spend much more on everyday needs. In any case, even if there is no noticeable result, the person will not be very upset. And if you notice the positive effects, then this will be another plus in the piggy bank reviews about "Complivit Shine." In any case, the funds spent on this complex are not too large.

To begin with, you should be well aware for what purpose you are buying this tool, what problems you hope to solve. Prices and reviews about the complex are secondary information that can be obtained at any time.

Instructions "Complies Shine"

What is the reason for differences in reviews?

In fact, about the tool "Complivit Shine" reviews vary greatly. Some say that this is a panacea for all diseases, others believe that the effect is minimal or absent altogether, and still others think that there is nothing good in this complex. It is worth paying special attention to reviews that state the results of weight loss when taking the supplement. Reviews of people who have lost excess weight inspire hope that you can lose weight with the help of vitamins alone. Doctors believe that this is a placebo effect - self-deception. If a person himself believes that he is losing weight due to vitamins, he will subconsciously help himself in this matter: he will measure smaller portions, he will choose healthier and more proper food, he will move more on a positive wave and lead a more active lifestyle . Even taking into account the fact that the body with a full balance of vitamins will require less food, the effect will be minimal, and no one will be able to notice it. Fat will not go away unless you rebuild your diet and control yourself.

A more tangible result is observed if the body is greatly weakened and there are some facts indicating the presence of vitamin deficiency. In such a situation, vitamin complexes will really help. However, you should not associate all the effects with vitamins here. They are somewhat inferior to the correct diet, in which a complete balance of trace elements in the body will be observed. Then the body’s ability to regenerate is higher. However, the use of such dietary supplements makes one think that all these results were achieved solely due to the magical properties of vitamins.

If the body is absolutely healthy, the diet is correct and abounds with a variety of healthy products, then you should not expect accelerated hair growth and skin improvement. Your body is already fine. But when you start to limit nutrition by switching to diet mode, then the help of tablets "Complivit Shine" will be very helpful. The opinions of people who have lost weight are confirmed by the fact that taking a multivitamin complex significantly improves the condition of the skin and nails, and hair growth does not slow down. What is the reason for this? During a limited diet, all trace elements are primarily spent on maintaining all the important biochemical processes to support life. There is no excess of vitamins, there is a deficiency, and the body begins to spend all its reserves to the detriment of the skin and hair. Therefore, any restriction of nutrition is the cause of the deterioration of the external state.

“Complies with Radiance”

Hair Loss Effectiveness

When the body lacks vitamins, that is, the balance is not maintained, it begins to gradually direct the amount of incoming elements to more important processes due to less significant organs. Hair is just like that, so taking the Complivit Shine removes the cause of the redistribution of micronutrients. Thus, doctors say, after finishing the course of taking the drug, the necessary set of elements comes to the hair again, and they become much better than they were.

And how does it affect weight loss?

This issue has already been described above, so we will repeat only the main points. This dietary supplement only contributes to weight loss, but is not a cause. To lose weight, you need to build a proper, balanced diet with a calorie deficit. But a calorie deficiency also causes a lack of vitamins, so taking the complex will be a good help in maintaining health during this period of time.

To whom is this drug contraindicated?

The fact that this is a dietary supplement, not a drug, has been repeated many times above. The percentage of vitamins in comparison with the daily requirement is negligible and amounts to 5 percent or more. Why such low numbers? Yes, to avoid an overdose, because any excess of the norm affects not the best way. The creators of the Complivit Radiance vitamins are aware of this, therefore their dosage is also lower than the daily requirement. The doctors' reviews are pretty good about this dietary supplement, but they urge not to consider the complex as a cure for all problems. These are only trace elements that can be obtained with ordinary food, building the right diet.

But still, the complex, like any drug, has contraindications. Many different allergic reactions in people who take it show the need to approach use with caution and focus on instructions for use. "Compliance Shine" does not affect everyone the same, negative reactions and individual intolerance are possible. Do not take this supplement without control during pregnancy and lactation, as there is a risk of harming the baby. All issues must be decided by the doctor, analyzing the data of the obtained analyzes. If you get more vitamins than you need, then any additional intake of vitamins will only do harm. The most dangerous thing is that it is almost impossible to diagnose hypervitaminosis, although there will be damage to health.

Compatibility of the “Complivit Radiance” complex with other additives

Only a doctor will answer this question. If the results of a blood test revealed a deficiency of a certain vitamin, then the doctor will prescribe it in the right amount in addition to the main complex. In no case should one intervene independently on this issue. You can use only one complex at a time. Also, the effect of the drug on skin rejuvenation is an exaggeration, women often report the “Complivit Radiance” remedy. The composition can slow down the aging process of the skin, but if it is already old and not as good as you want to see it, then you will not be able to rejuvenate it.

Vitamin complex "Complivit Shine"


Usually the course "Complivit Radiance" lasts 1 month without the recommendation of a doctor. Then a pause is made for 1 month and then repeats again. This mode is almost unlimited. Follow the instructions for use. In no case do not exceed the dosage, as some advise a double dose when losing weight. Again, vitamins do not affect weight loss and fat burning. There may be side effects. So, during the course, allergic reactions can occur - itching, swelling, rash.


If the drug does not cause an allergy, then the reviews will be good. The main results were achieved by those who took the drug during a vitamin deficiency. But today almost everyone suffers a deficit. Good effect "Complivit Shine" on the hair. Most of the positive reviews, one way or another, were written by people who took the drug for a long time, while consulting a doctor.

Composition “Complivit Radiance”

"Complies with the radiance": analogues

By a set of vitamins, the following analogues can be cited:

  • The Berocca.
  • Wi-Fer.
  • "Pregnakea."
  • Multi-Tabs.
  • Mega Vite.
  • Three Vi Plus.
  • Fenyuls.
  • "Lavita."
  • "Kaltsinova".
  • Unicap.
  • Bio-Max.

These are the main analogues. “Complies Shine” and some other remedy from this series may differ in price and slight deviations in the composition.


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