List of programming languages. Low and high level programming languages

As the development of computer technology does not stand still, methods and methods of programming, as well as programming languages, are constantly being improved. Consider what languages ​​exist in the modern computer field and their classification.

General information

The list of programming languages ​​is so wide and diverse that it is almost impossible to fully upload it. Among all languages, there are three main subgroups:

  • machine (low-level programming languages);
  • machine-oriented (assemblers);
  • machine independent (high level);

list of programming languages

Among the developers of modern software, the following main programming languages ​​are the most popular. The list is shown in decreasing order of popularity:

  1. SQL
  2. Java
  3. XML
  4. C ++.
  5. HTML
  6. Visual Basic
  7. XSL
  8. Delphi

This list of programming languages ​​is far from complete, but these are the most popular languages, the knowledge of which a programmer may require when applying for a job. All of them are high-level programming languages.

Basics of programming

high level programming languages ​​list

Low-level programming languages ​​are languages ​​that require consideration of the type and capabilities of the processor. The operators and working methods of such programming languages ​​are quite close to machine code; they require knowledge of the memory device of a personal computer and how the processor accesses it.

It is difficult to name various low-level programming languages. The list still comes down to one dominant language - assembler. Since it allows compiling program codes in symbols close to machine code, assembler is used exclusively when writing system software, such as operating systems, device drivers, and when programming control codes for microcircuits.

The disadvantage of such programming languages ​​is that programs are written on them to perform specific tasks on a specific device and their execution is impossible if transferred to another processor.

Application Development

The list of programming languages ​​for creating custom applications, as well as for developing and implementing custom software, has thousands of positions. As you know, such a variety is due to the fact that a particular language is suitable for solving certain problems.

main programming languages ​​list

Despite the fact that these programming languages ​​are defined in a separate group, their execution occurs in machine code. To execute a finished program line by line and translate it into machine code , special interpreter programs are used. If the translation of program code from one language to another is carried out without executing commands, then compiler programs do this. In general, programs designed to translate written programs from one formal programming language to another are called translators.

Let's consider in more detail high-level programming languages. We will not compile a list, we just write a little more details about each of the most popular.

low level programming languages ​​list


A specialized programming language is intended primarily for working with database management systems and their programming. SQL translates as "specialized query language." Since the DBMS market has grown many times in recent decades, the popularity of this language does not come as a surprise.

There are various opinions regarding the future of this language. It is clearly believed that the technology for creating relational databases was at its best, but its time is running out. The need for development in connection with increasing volumes of processed data leads experts to the idea that in the future, humanity simply needs a transition from relational to post-relational technologies, but taking into account compatibility with existing data banks.


It is rightfully ranked second among high-level programming languages. Easy to learn, easy to use. The increased programming ability compared to the progenitor leads to the fact that millions of people around the world work with this language. An object-oriented language based on C ++ is adapted to create programs and applications that can process huge flows of information in specialized environments and take into account the specifics of the implementation environment of a finished software product.

Java technology is the basis for expanding the infrastructure of enterprises and companies in unlimited quantities, capable of linking systems of various calibers together, from connecting to a phone’s network via Wi-fi and ending with supercomputers.


programming languages ​​list in Russian

A descendant of HTML, this technology is an extensible markup language. It is adapted for interpreting documents. It carries out the most complex transformations and changes to documents. XML is used to transfer and temporarily store data when working with various relational databases over the Internet.

XML has already reached the point where it can claim to be the fundamental technology for building enterprise networks.

Programming in Russian

Most popular programming languages ​​use English vocabulary. However, besides them, there are also Russian programming languages. The list in Russian is small, and the subject area in which they are used is very specialized. Here are some examples.

  • 1C: Enterprise. The whole system designed to manage the organization in all areas of activity. Often in the ads for finding employees you can find "Programmer 1C."
  • Verb. An analogue of the English-speaking Pascal.
  • Robik A specialized programming language designed to teach children the basics of programming.
  • Rapier. Dynamic typing language based on procedures.

As you can see, the list of programming languages ​​is so wide and varied that it cannot be covered by any classifications and lists. If you decide to engage in programming on an amateur or professional level, then remember that a programmer is a creative profession that requires not only knowledge, but also imagination, imagination, intuition and even a little luck.


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