How to choose an echo sounder for fishing in winter and summer: expert advice and feedback

Among the male population, fishing is a fairly common hobby. A significant population of the inhabitants of the water world, as well as a huge number of natural and artificially created reservoirs, contributes to this hobby. A person who has been fishing for quite some time has a whole arsenal of necessary equipment.

echo sounder for fishing in winter and summer

Do I really need to buy a fish finder?

One of the fishing tools is an echo sounder. This device is quite old and was used during the Second World War by the ships of the fleet of the British Queen. With the help of an echo sounder in those days, surface ships discovered submarines of opponents. Now the echo sounder is used by fishermen not only to search for fish, but also to view the bottom topography. But of course, military sonars have many differences with a modern fishing device.

The main differences are dimensions, price and quality. That is why anglers often ask the question: which sonar for fishing in winter and summer is better? But before starting the search for the device, you need to decide on the following questions:

  • At what depth will fishing be carried out?
  • Should the echo sounder for fishing in winter and summer be multi-functional?
  • What should be the cost of the device?

Select the sonar by the number of rays

In any fishing equipment store, customers will be offered several types of equipment. Fish finders for fishing in winter and summer are for fishing from a boat, from the shore, as well as for winter fishing. But often purchased universal devices that can be used at any time of the year.

echo sounder for fishing in winter and summer reviews

In this case, the main criterion is the angle of wave coverage. More waves guarantee a clearer display. But buying a powerful device is not always a guarantee of good fishing, because even a clear image can show untrue information about the state of the bottom. That is why sounders with one or two rays are most often bought. Single beam devices have a coverage angle of not more than 20 degrees and have only one reflective wave. Devices with dual-frequency reflection cover an angle of 60 degrees.

There are various fish finders for fishing. Winter, summer - these are the periods in which they are used by professional fishermen. Typically, such devices have several beams. But for amateur fishermen, a standard echo sounder for fishing in winter and summer with a single beam is also suitable.

Dimensions and seasonality of echo sounders

After the power of the device is selected, you need to pay attention to the type. Sounder for fishing in winter and summer, you can choose from the following types:

  • Compact - has a small size and fits in your pocket. The device takes energy from batteries.
  • Portable - this is a fairly versatile view, because it can be transported, because it is packed in a special suitcase or backpack. You can use this echo sounder at any time of the year.
  • Tube - is used for winter fishing and has many advantages due to the fact that all the equipment is connected in a single building and has a side view. It is powered by batteries.

A difficult choice between summer and winter sounder

If you have a choice between buying a summer or winter echo sounder, you can stop at the first option, because many manufacturers produce summer equipment that can be used for winter fishing. To do this, it is enough to establish a tight contact between the sensor and the ice surface.

echo sounder for fishing in winter and summer which is better

The use of a summer echo sounder in the winter is possible if you attach the sensor to a special tripod and lower it into the hole. In this case, it becomes possible to independently change the viewing angle and consider everything that is under the hole.

Winter echo sounders should be bought only if fishing is carried out exclusively in winter. These devices have qualities such as stability at sub-zero temperatures, and are also equipped with special sensors that work effectively in the wells.

The main components of the echo sounder and the principle of their work

When choosing a device, you should understand how the echo sounder works correctly. Winter, summer - these are the periods for which they are designed. First of all, you should know that its main components are:

  • Converter. Serves to convert the sent electrical pulses into ultrasonic waves.
  • Emitter or transmitter. It has two main parameters: power and efficiency. The better the power, the better the signal. This means that a powerful impulse allows the signal to penetrate deeper under the water column, and accordingly the image from this will only get better. From here follows its effectiveness. Power is indicated in the technical specifications. Peak and average power are also determined in watts.
  • The receiver is responsible for the sensitivity of the echo sounder. A good echo sounder for fishing in winter and summer, the reviews of which fishermen write, is one that should pick up even the weakest signals in order to convert them into pulses later. But the receiver also has a negative quality, which lies in the ability to transmit natural interference. But you can get rid of this by adjusting the sensitivity.
  • CPU.
  • Screen. Resolution and size are the main qualities that a good display should have. The more pixels, the better the image and the better the angler can make out a picture of the bottom. For a sharper image, you should select a screen with the ability to adjust the contrast. As for the size of the display, for fishing, which is carried out in one place, small parameters do not matter. In other cases, the large size is much more convenient.

echo sounders for fishing winter summer

General purchase criteria

So, in order to choose an echo sounder for fishing in winter and summer, you should consider:

  1. Size and weight. This plays a very important role, since if for summer fishing these indicators are practically irrelevant, then for the winter period all components must be frost-resistant and also have a small weight.
  2. Display resolution is also very important, since a high-quality screen can display a good image. It should also be noted that many manufacturers to this day produce monochrome displays, which are much cheaper than their counterparts. From black and white options should choose one that has a large palette of gray shades. Indeed, by the density of gray color, you can get information about the density of the bottom.
  3. The presence of a navigator is the main thing that should be if fishing takes place in hard-to-reach places. Also in such models there is a map on which you can make notes of the area.
  4. The quality of fishing also depends on how the sensor is located in the water. Some models are equipped with special floats for this. They allow you to place the device in a horizontal state.

echo sounder for fishing in winter and summer photo

Pricing policies from manufacturers

You can choose an echo sounder for fishing in winter and summer, reviews of which are read on the sites. Or you can determine its quality by looking at the cost policies of manufacturers. That is why at the cost of devices can be divided into three groups:

  1. Low cost (up to $ 100). This category includes monochrome screen models and single-beam devices. These specimens do not have special functions, and they can work at a depth of not more than 10 meters. But such an echo sounder will cope with its main functions.
  2. Average cost (up to 1000 cu). Devices from this category are equipped with two beams and are capable not only of obtaining information about the state of the bottom, but also of finding fish and thoroughly scanning the space. Also, such echo sounders can determine the size of the fish. Often such devices are used by winter fishing athletes.
  3. High cost (over 1000 cu). Such devices have various functions and are often used by owners of overall and fishing vessels. It is impossible to use such echo sounders in shallow water, since it is not designed to work in shallow water bodies. Usually they are used on an industrial scale, and the reservoirs on which such echo sounders work are deep lakes, seas and oceans.

echo sounder for fishing in winter and summer lawrence

To buy a fish finder for fishing in winter and summer, St. Petersburg offers many specialized stores. To do this, just select the desired model and order it online. There is another way to purchase a cheap or expensive fish finder for fishing in winter and summer. In Irkutsk, for example, you can go to a fishing store and select a model, while you can inspect it and listen to information about its characteristics from a consultant.

Rating of the most popular fish finders

  1. Garmin Echo 200. This device has a large display of 5 inches. Its advantage is that on it you can examine in detail the location of the fish and the condition of the bottom. The color palette has a huge amount of gray and its shades. Clarity and ability to track the target is achieved thanks to HD-ID technology. It is equipped with a two-beam sensor, so it can work at a depth of 500 meters and provide a wide viewing angle. Saves this fish finder for fishing in winter and summer photos, which can then be reviewed. A special convenience is the simple operation and comfortable split-screen.
  2. Sounder for fishing in the winter and summer "Lawrence" is two models. First, the Lowrance Elite-7 HDI is an expensive instance that comes with a 7-inch wide screen, Hybrid Dual Imaging technology, and a built-in navigator. The second Lowrance Mark-5x Pro is a winter model that can work at a temperature of -55 degrees. Two-beam sensor, high-quality five-inch screen and waterproof housing are the guarantee of successful fishing.
  3. Eagle Trifinder-2 is a great option for fishing in shallow water. Suitable for working at a depth of 10 meters.

echo sounder for fishing in winter and summer


According to experts, the echo sounder is an indispensable device both in sport fishing and in amateur activities. Everyone can choose a suitable fish finder for fishing in winter and summer; for this, it is enough to determine the fishing method, as well as your financial capabilities. As for the selection options, it is almost impossible to make a mistake here if you follow the advice of professional fishermen.


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