Type of figure "pear": how to lose weight? Special exercises, advice of trainers

How to lose weight with a pear figure? For men, this is one of the most beneficial types of female body shapes. The fragile top, waist and wide hips excitingly “reassure” the subconscious of men, because giving birth to an heir is easier for a lady with initially wide hips and a pelvis. But this is the depth of the subconscious.

Typical pears have a massive hem and a thin, graceful torso. They also have fragile hands, no cheeks. Body type can not be changed, it's nature. If you lose weight, you will simply be a girl with a pear-shaped figure that has simply decreased in volume. How to lose weight in the hips of ladies of such a complexion?


What problems bother pear girls? Accumulating excess fat on the hips and cellulite. It is in the "bikini" zone that women of such physique concentrate the maximum of fat cells, getting rid of which is a lifelong game. The task during physical exertion is not to hypertrophy muscle fibers, but to study the internal, postural muscles. There have not yet been reviews of how to lose weight with the figure "pear", "apple", "rectangle" and other body shapes that would not feature tips for following a certain diet. The simplest advice is to cut back carbohydrates to 100 g per day and watch your body.

figure pear how to lose weight reviews

Postural - these are the deep muscles lying at the skeletal base. They maintain a constant posture and help overcome gravity. In addition, they are responsible for our correct posture, provide resistance to gravity, facilitate the implementation of active movements, form the correct proportions of the body, help in developing flexibility and improving balance.

This does not mean that we must forget about strength training of the superficial muscles. If the body shape is "pear" to do basic strength training on the buttocks, then you risk getting hypertrophied gluteus maximus muscle, quadriceps and the back of the thigh. As a result, you risk looking massive. As a result, you will not know how to lose weight. With the figure "pear" you need to develop the upper body - shoulders and back muscles, in order to get closer to the harmonious proportion of the hourglass. At the same time, you get a pleasant "bonus" - the chest visually increases, becoming higher.

Therefore, "pears" are recommended to do Pilates, yoga, body ballet - that is, those types of loads that provide for the development of deep muscles. It is also reasonable to combine them with cardio training and power loads (no more than 2-3 times a week).

lost weight with a pear figure

How to train?

To your question about how to lose weight with a pear figure, trainers offer an almost perfect complex, which must include strength exercises, working out the postural muscles at the base of the skeleton, aerobics and be based on the following principles:

  1. Strength exercises - three times a week.
  2. 4-5 times a week - a half-hour aerobic load of medium intensity. It is advisable to carry it out in the morning, as this speeds up metabolic processes. Suitable for dancing and swimming, walking, jumping rope and cycling.
  3. 1-2 times a week training to strengthen the skeletal system, for example, tennis.
  4. 2-3 times a week exercises to work out the main, postural muscles.
  5. Good balancing exercises: 5 Tibetan pearls (Eye of Rebirth).

If you are not very well prepared, then strength training and aerobics should take place on different days. But if you perform aerobics exercises immediately after strength training, you will see the result even faster.

5 Tibetan exercises

Program Examples

The basic rule of all strength exercises is that exhalation is done when you overcome the maximum load. It is necessary to inhale when the effort is the least. The point is that during exhalation, muscles can be tensioned much better.

Program 1

Exercise nameNumber of approachesThe number of repetitions in the approach
Reverse hyperextension5fifteen
Squat scissors (in Smith's simulator, cross-legged)fourfifteen
Romanian cravingfour8

Program 2

Exercise nameNumber of approachesThe number of repetitions in the approach
Belt pullfour12

French bench press


Upper Block Rod


Dumbbell Deadlift


California bench


Program 3

Exercise nameNumber of approachesThe number of repetitions in the approach

Chin rod


Link "Lee Haney"


From a standing position - French bench press


Biceps Lift


Type of figure "pear": how to lose weight in the hips, if you are "ecto"

body type pear how to lose weight in the hips

Not all girls with large hips with modest parameters above the waist have identical silhouettes. There are three types of pear shapes. How to lose weight, giving yourself the right load? First you need to decide what type of "pears" you belong to. You calmly eat something superfluous and do not gain a kilogram, your hips and buttocks are rounded, and your arm muscles do not "want" to build up? Most likely, you are an "ectogear."

Optimal training

Here are some workouts shown to you:

  1. Movements with weighting to raise the pelvis with a focus on the buttocks and on the upper body are the most voluminous muscle groups. You need to do three approaches in each exercise (with a respite of 30-60 seconds). Classes should be held three times a week before cardio classes. You can alternate: day "cardio" - the day of strength training.
  2. Cardio 30 minutes three times a week. Swimming is ideal - it will form the upper part of the silhouette.

Bench Squats:

  • Standing and holding the dumbbells at the height of the shoulders with your palms forward, do a squat, keeping the lumbar deflection until the hips are parallel to the floor.
  • Stand up straight, pushing the dumbbells over your head. In total, you need to do 8 such exercises.

Romanian Deadlift - 8 repetitions:

  • Stand with your knees slightly bent, hold the dumbbells in front of you with your upper grip.
  • Make a slope, lower the weighting materials as low as possible, keeping them close to your feet.

Step aerobics on hands - 8 times on each hand:

  • Take a step platform with a height of 15 to 30 cm, make an “emphasis lying down”, put your hands on the platform, transfer the body weight to the right limb, put the left on the floor.
  • Next, move the right palm to the floor on the other side of the platform, put the left palm on it. The essence of the exercise is to alternately put your hands on a raised platform and on the floor.

Reverse lunge from elevation - 4 repetitions per leg:

  • Starting position - standing, feet wide hips.
  • Step back with your right foot until the left knee is bent 90 degrees;
  • To rise, leaning on the left leg, squeeze the buttocks.


If you have muscular, athletic hips and a clearly defined waist, and muscles are easily built up, then you can achieve the figure of an Olympic athlete. Perform cardio workouts for 50 minutes twice a week (dancing and running are best). Be sure to do exercises for the lower body with a lot of repetitions and exercises for the upper part with a small number of repetitions (this will add the lack of completeness to the bends). Each exercise is performed in three sets three times a week. Very soon you will not recognize your changed figure. How to lose weight "pear" type "meso" more effectively? The simple answer is to combine strength exercises with cardio workouts, and not alternate them every day, of course, if your health allows you to withstand such a load.

figure pear how to lose weight in the hips

What exercises are recommended?

The following exercises are recommended for this type of figure:

  1. Plie squat with socks deployed at an angle of 45 degrees, and a three-kilogram dumbbell. Squat until the hips are parallel to the floor. Hold in this position for a few seconds, then stand up, pushing your feet. Repeat 16 times.
  2. Steps to the step platform. Take weights in hands of a maximum of 2 kilograms and stand behind and to the left of the platform so that it is one meter to it. Take a step with her left foot. Return to the floor, taking the first step with your right foot. Now repeat the same thing, climbing to the platform on the right side with your right foot and going down to the left side with the left. You need to perform 16 repetitions on each side.
  3. Bench press in an incline. Lie down on a bench set at an angle of 45 degrees with a pair of dumbbells of a maximum of 5 kg (if you can lift one with one hand). Starting position - hands at chest level. Do a bench press, about 20 centimeters. Then return to starting position. Squeeze your hands up again, this time to the end. Lower it. Do six reps at a slow pace.

How to lose weight in the legs with a pear shape of the endo type

If you naturally have magnificent forms, and excess fat easily accumulates in the lower part of the body, then you are an “endogear”. The upper body (compared with the lower) in these girls is very small. You can change your figure in the direction of an attractive hourglass. To do this, you need to do a circular workout three times a week with a large number of repetitions, the purpose of which is to work out the arms, back, shoulders and chest (to build muscle in this part of the body) and burn fat in the abdomen, hips, legs and buttocks. For maximum effect, you must complete three circles without rest between movements.

figure pear how to lose weight

Also do cardio loads for 40 minutes four times a week at an average pace or slightly above average. An excellent solution would be step aerobics.

The most effective exercises

The following exercises are recommended:

Leverage shoulder with rubber shock absorber. With your right foot, step on one end of the rubber shock absorber, with your left hand, grasp at its other end. A hand with a slightly bent elbow should be along the body. You need to raise your hand along the body until it forms a line with the left shoulder. Slowly lower your hand and repeat ten times, then change your hand.

body type pear how to lose weight

"Pullover." Lie down on the platform. The knees and elbows should be slightly bent, keep your hands with dumbbells a maximum of 3 kg in weight on the sides of the thighs. Feet should be on the floor. Raise your hands with dumbbells up to the ceiling, lower them behind your head, while the dumbbells should not touch the floor. Do not bend your arms at the elbow. Put your arms back so that they are on the sides of your hips. You need to do 15 reps up and down.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K899/

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