How many winters, how many years! Field of Miracles: 25 years on air

The popularity rating of this capital show hit, beats and continues to break all records. In our country, perhaps, there is no person who has not heard of the "Field of Miracles." This unique television project still attracts a huge audience to the screen like a magnet. Many are simply amazed at how many years “Field of Miracles” has been kept afloat, entering the top of the most rated shows. After all, a huge number of modern programs of the entertainment genre do not have even a small fraction of the popularity that the "people's" capital show has. And everything is very simple in it: shine with your intellect and get “fabulous prizes” for it. It’s just amazing how many years the “Field of Miracles” makes a person a little happier. And today, many people want to participate in the program and spin the drum with their own hands. What is the secret to the success of this project, which was so loved by the Russian audience? Let's consider this question in more detail.

Historical reference

The first issue of the capital show was released back in 1990. Its authors were the famous journalist Vlad Listyev and the former general director of the ORT television channel Anatoly Lysenko.

How old is the Field of Miracles

Initially, it was supposed to be an analogue of the American Wheel of Fortune project. When the creators were on one of their overseas business trips, they accidentally watched this entertainment program. Soon, they were already discussing the idea of ​​the appearance of the Russian version of the Wheel of Fortune. Neither Anatoly Lysenko nor Vlad Listyev could have guessed how many years the “Field of Miracles” would cause smiles and give joy to ordinary people. Absolutely everyone plays it: teachers, doctors, milkmaids, tractor drivers, firefighters, police officers and others. There are no territorial boundaries for the project: people living in different parts of the country became participants in the program.

Presenter - the key to success of the program

The game "Field of Miracles" has largely become popular thanks to a well-chosen host. Initially, he was the creator of the capital show - Vlad Listyev. However, after some time the journalist had other television projects, and the time for the “Field of Miracles” was less and less. As a result, it was decided to appoint someone else as the lead.

Game Field of Miracles

After several unsuccessful trials, Leaves chose Leonid Yakubovich as a candidate . First, the "auctioneer" took time to think, and then agreed. Of course, the first programs he felt, according to his own words, were not quite at ease, but then became so accustomed to his role that the viewer understood: the game "Field of Miracles" and Leonid Yakubovich are inextricable concepts. And Vlad Listyev himself well understood that one of the components of the success of a television capital show was the charismatic presenter, whom Leonid Arkadevich was. For Russians, he became a popular favorite, because his charm, kindness and humor can attract anyone. In the program, bright models assisted and assisted him, who open the unraveled letters and words on the scoreboard and give prizes to the winners.

Interesting fact

It is noteworthy that in October 1992 the program "Field of Miracles" was released for the hundredth time, and it was on it that a curious case occurred. The release was filmed in the Nikulin Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. In the final of the capital show, the winner did not receive the cherished car, because a hint from the audience sounded in the hall.

Field of miracles 25 years

The host was forced to change the task, the offender was removed, but the finalist could not answer a new question. However, Leonid Arkadievich showed nobility and left the winner with all the prizes won.

Good capital show

Of course, the audience that has not missed a single episode (and there are many such fans of the project that Russians have loved) knows how many years “Field of Miracles” has recently celebrated. Yes, the program celebrated a quarter-century anniversary. One of its creators - Anatoly Lysenko - commented on the success of his "brainchild": "Today," Field of Miracles "has become a habit. This capital show has become a home friend who regularly visits, sometimes outrages a little, but when you feel his absence, there is a lack of something. There is no harm from the “Field of Miracles”, on the contrary, this transmission is kind and sincere. Now on television this is a rarity. A huge merit in the fact that the capital show lives and flourishes belongs to its permanent host, Leonid Yakubovich. ”

“There is such a letter!”

For the anniversary of the show “Field of Miracles” (25 years), the documentary “There is such a letter!” Was released on Channel One

Field of Miracles program

Its authors tried to maximally illuminate the question: “What is the secret to the popularity of capital shows invented in 1990?”

Over the entire period of the existence of this entertainment program, more than 74,000 prizes, about 100 cars and 20 apartments were awarded. The scenery, gifts, treats on the drum are all real. And it feels like this holiday will exist indefinitely, while people are ready to go hundreds of thousands of kilometers in order to give a jar of honey, sing, dance and kiss the leader in his thick mustache.


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