What is the dream of being beaten? Dream interpretation

Every dream has a specific meaning. To correctly interpret it, it is important to remember all the details of the vision. What is the dream of being beaten? Such a vision has many different meanings. The most popular dream books will help you figure it out. Let's look at them.

Russian dream book

To dream about how you beat another person means that you will soon overcome difficulties. Perhaps defeat the ill-wishers.

Noble dream book N. Grishina

In this book, such a dream is interpreted as follows. To beat means to give one’s strength, energy to another person. If the boss dreams that he is bashing his subordinates, then this means their obedience.

When a man dreamed that he was beating his wife, then this testifies to her betrayal in reality.

why dream that they beat

To beat mother in a dream means to worry, worry, worry, think about her.

Why dream that they beat you? Interpretation Options

If this is done by a friend, then in real life everything will come to its senses and get better, possible conflicts between you will be resolved. And in case of a blow from the enemy, it is worth taking a closer look at this person. Maybe he is not an enemy at all, but simply does not know how to express his feelings. It is important to remember the strength of the blow. After all, the stronger he is, the more powerful a person experiences feelings towards you.

dream that they hit in the face

People who have their own business or are trying to acquire one can often see in a dream how they are hit on the head. This means that all their plans will be realized. But for this they will have to pass difficult tests.

Other visions and interpretations

Why is it that several people beat you? This may indicate a low self-esteem of the person. In reality, you need to solve this problem. It may also mean that a person becomes a hostage to his own phobias, about which he cannot tell anyone. In this case, a psychologist can help.

If in a dream you witnessed a fight and could not stand aside, but climbed to separate people, then most likely you are unhappy with how your life is going and you are trying to change everything.

why dream that brother is being beaten

Why dream of being hit underground or in the basement? Such a dream may mean that the past is trying to remind itself, thereby causing anxiety in reality. And if in a dream you are beaten in the sky or in the air, then you should expect serious changes in the near future.

Sleep for a girl

A woman dreams that they hit her in the face ... What does such a vision mean? If she is married and her husband strikes, they should abide by family traditions and laws. Only then will the marriage be truly happy, and the couple will live in love and joy. But if a wife tries to run away from her husband’s blow in a dream, then in real life he seriously blamed his wife. But do not because of this inflate the scandal and take offense. We must try to keep the relationship, despite everyday problems and quarrels.

why dream that they beat you

If a woman dreamed that she was beating her lover, then in reality one should not expect anything good. Everyone is responsible for their sins, sooner or later the secret will become apparent. Then there will be a chance of losing a dear person.

Strange dreams

When they beat with all their might in a dream, why do you dream of this? If the blow was so strong that blood should have appeared, but it was not there, then this vision has an interesting interpretation. A stranger seeks to enter this person’s real life. This is not bad at all. It is possible that he will become a reliable shoulder, support and a good friend.

beat in a dream why dream

Why dream that messengers from the kingdom of darkness beat? The presence of aggressive otherworldly creatures in a dream means anxiety, financial distress, domestic troubles and problems. If such a plot seems to be a sick person, then further deterioration of health is possible. If you dream of an empty wallet in the same vision, then a person can get sick, and seriously and for a long time.

What is a sign of career success?

When a leader beats his subordinates with anything, then in real life pleasant news and festive events await him. Success at work will allow you to drink a glass of champagne with your employees at lunchtime. The financial situation will also improve soon. Waiting for career success or promotion. Possible transfer to another place with an increase in salary. Such a dream is only of good value. Very soon in real life everything will improve.

Fights and children: what do such visions mean?

Why dream that the parents of their children beat? Despite the fact that many consider this to be permissible, and thus raise their children, sleep does not prevent something good. And it’s understandable, because kids should not be beaten either for the sake of the educational process, or for the purpose of punishment. But still it’s better to beat the children in a dream than in reality. Such a vision may also mean that parents are not able to share their feelings with someone and accumulate everything in themselves. This dream may also mean that in reality, the good news awaits the person. And old problems that could not be resolved for a long time will be settled soon.

Why dream that children are beating? This may mean that in real life they lack attention from their parents. They are trying to get it that way. Parents need to reconsider their attitude to their own children. To think, maybe, really, because of household affairs, they deprive them of the necessary attention. This may have bad consequences in the future.

Sleep with brother

Why dream that brother is being beaten? Such a dream warns of danger in real life. Enemies are malicious against brother. If a person dreamed that he was fighting in a dream with a relative, then in real life he misses him. Most likely, his brother is far away or he will soon have a long road ahead of him. Such a dream testifies to the emotional attachment of relatives.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K8996/

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