The origins of tradition. On which hand do women watch

The most stylish and timeless accessory for both sexes is the watch. It used to be that you could only meet them on a man’s hand. But time has changed this opinion, especially since in the Middle Ages they were the prerogative of only the fair sex. Unfortunately, not many fashionistas know which hand a woman watches on. To deal with this issue, you need a little deeper into the story.

The tradition of wearing a watch on his left hand is associated with the device of its mechanism, which had to be wound up regularly. The spring was located on the right side. Therefore, it was more convenient to carry out all operations with this particular hand.

on which hand do women watch
Today, the need for such manipulations has disappeared, but the habit has remained. It is relevant for both men and the fair sex. So on which hand do women watch ? On the same as men - on the left.

Many of these rules, of course, are no longer relevant. Watches today are customary to wear freely and to your taste. You can see that they are adjacent to the arm or, conversely, hang very freely. Someone wears them on the wrist, and some raise them to the level of the elbow. Modern fashion allows any options. With such freedom of choice, it is interesting that there are still eternal postulates that most people strive to observe. The size of the dial is dictated by the volume of the wrist. It must coincide with the girth of the hand, in which case the watch will sit like a glove.

In fact, it is important to know not only on which hand a woman’s watch is wearing, but also how to wear it. For example, it will be ideal to wear them under clothing models with short or rolled up sleeves, and for stylish fashionistas, a great option is to wear them over gloves. The strap can be made of metal, leather or its substitute. The latter option is extremely susceptible to odors, so if you lead an active lifestyle or exercise, stop your choice on another model.

Women's watches should be combined with the general image of the girl, complement and perfectly emphasize it. Fashion does not stand still, it is constantly changing, so if you do not plan to constantly update this accessory, then give preference to classic options. Such watches will never lose their popularity and will suit any situation and clothes.

If we talk about the latest trends, it is impossible not to pay attention to the period 2010-2011.

Women's Watches 2011
During this period of time there was a massive update of these accessories. So what is the difference between fashion watches 2011? Female models are presented in the areas of sports, fashion, luxury. Many design innovations have also been proposed.

Sports models are characterized by the use of materials such as rubber or (more expensive) platinum. As a rule, they are strong, discreet and made with a minimum of jewelry. Luxury or fashion watches are distinguished by the brightness and variety of colors, models, shapes.

womans' Watch
Stylish masterpieces were presented in the 2011 season by fashion houses Valentino, Gucci, Christian Dior.

So, it doesn’t matter on which hand a woman’s watch is worn, it’s important that they suit them, emphasize individuality, reflect the inner world and give confidence. Indeed, it is from such important trifles that the image as a whole is formed.


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