Catch a fish in a dream to a woman. The interpretation of dreams

Catching fish with your hands is not the easiest thing, even if you deal with it only in a dream. Dream Interpretations regard such signs as warnings. A woman catching a fish in a dream is a special dream, which, depending on some details, can prophesy a wide variety of events. Consider how this night vision is interpreted in different dream books.

Miller's Dream Book

According to this dream book, if a woman in a dream caught a fish with her hands, in reality she will be able to win the upcoming trials prepared for her by fate. If, besides, there was a person nearby who couldn’t catch anything, it says that the dreamer's rivals will be left with nothing.

catch a fish in a dream to a woman

If in a dream the fish in the hands of a woman was only a short time, and then slipped back into the water, this indicates a possible loss. That is, a break in relations, a quarrel with relatives, dismissal or trouble at work is possible. The main thing is not to let go of the fish in a dream. Then night vision will mean only positive changes in life.

Also, in Miller’s dream book, such a dream is interpreted for pregnancy, which will happen to a woman in the near future. This is an auspicious night vision. It should convince the woman that the pregnancy will go well and her baby will be born healthy. By the way, this interpretation of sleep has a scientific justification. It's all about the special hormones produced during pregnancy, due to which a woman becomes overly sensitive and insightful.

dream book fish in water

What does sleep mean, in which the fish was caught and then thrown ashore? In the interpreters, such a vision is defined as the presence of problems with conception or portends a quick miscarriage if the woman is already pregnant. However, in some cases, such a dream is an expression of the subconscious fear of infertility or loss of a child. In any case, if a woman saw such a vision, she should behave very carefully and carefully with respect to her health.

What does it mean to catch fish in a dream with a woman’s hands? This may indicate that her character is too unbalanced and unstable. If this is true, then such a vision in this case does not carry any danger.

Dream Interpretation

Any dream in which fish is present is interpreted in the ABC of dream interpretation as expressing deep subconscious processes.

If a woman sees that she is fishing with a man, this predicts her a quick intimate relationship. Therefore, she should think about whether she needs such connections in order to avoid unnecessary problems.

Catch a fish in a dream for a woman fishing rod means that soon she will meet with a representative of the opposite sex. Moreover, it will develop into further romantic relationships and even marriage.

For a woman who is already in a family relationship, the fish in a dream dream of adding. This means that very soon she will have a safe pregnancy.

Catching in a dream a fish, which then turned out to be dead, or seeing fish bones is a bad sign. This can predict a breakdown due to betrayal, betrayal.

American Dream Book

In an American dream book, catching fish in a dream does not bode well. On the contrary, this is a pretty bad omen. Having seen a fish in a dream, a person should behave very carefully in the near future. He should protect himself and his family from possible misfortunes.

dream book fish for women

If a woman catches fish in a dream for a long time, but this does not bring her any results, and she is forced to return home with an empty bucket, this may indicate failure. Failure awaits her in the upcoming business (be it personal or professional).

According to the American dream book, a fish caught in a dream in clear water promises a woman long loneliness. During this period, she will feel unnecessary.

In a dream, to see the fish that other people eat is the success that a woman wants so much to achieve, will come to someone else. This will bring her deep disappointment.

In a dream, the fish escaped from her hands - a woman will soon be waiting for parting with a loved one or girlfriend, as well as a quarrel with one of her relatives.

Female dream book

In a female dream book, such a vision is a very good sign.

If a woman has caught a lot of fish in a dream, this portends her a speedy improvement in financial position. And luck will come completely unexpectedly.

In a dream, a lone woman can prophesy about her acquaintance. It subsequently develops into a romantic relationship.

sleep to pregnancy

For a woman who has long wanted to become pregnant, a dream about fishing is very favorable. A dream in which she caught a large fish promises a long-awaited conception of a child. A woman can prepare for a joyful and desirable event.

Idiomatic dream book

In an idiomatic dream book, fish in water means a woman’s fast luck. Perhaps she is waiting for a major win or career advancement.

If a woman caught a fish in troubled waters, then this can speak of her unclean hidden thoughts, aspirations, and occupation, which can bring suffering to another person.

If a girl bathes in a pond and sees swimming fish next to her, this says that everything is fine in her life. That is, she feels like a fish in water.

Imperial dream book

For a woman to catch fish in a dream means an early pregnancy. Here the following parallel is drawn: the fish is motile as a sperm, which seeks to capture the egg.

If a woman did not catch, but only felt her smell, this may indicate that the pregnancy will terminate at an early date, when the girl herself will not know about her.

Catching a dead fish with an unpleasant smell in a dream means general ill-being. In the near future, the girl is not expecting the most favorable period in her life.

Intimate dream book

A woman catching a fish in a dream can promise her a love relationship that will last for a long time.

If a girl in night vision cannot catch fish, although she makes every possible effort, this may indicate her sexual dissatisfaction. Inability to relax is the main problem. Having seen such a dream, a woman should begin work on herself. That is, to learn to experience pleasure with a loved one, completely relaxed and surrendered to intimate joys.

Treating a man caught in a fish in a dream may mean that the woman is doing everything and even too much to satisfy him. Having received such a sign, she should think. Is she doing the right thing, trying to be a good lover for her partner, but completely forgetting about her own feelings?

If a woman catches fish, but can’t catch anything for a long time, this may mean her desire to find the other half, which can never turn into reality. The girl should change the tactics of the search!

Catching a big fish in a dream to a woman, and then accidentally letting her out of her hands means that she can be dishonored in bed in front of her man. However, her feelings about this will be much stronger than the current situation is worth.

East dream book

According to the eastern dreambook, catching a fish in a dream to a woman means an early pregnancy. If a girl later escaped from her hands, this could indicate a miscarriage.

dream book to catch fish

If in a dream a woman admires small fish at the bottom of a reservoir, but does not have tactile contact with them, this may portend a pleasant event. It will give her aesthetic pleasure.

Russian dream book

Fish in a dream book for a woman means positive changes in her life.

Catching big fish for a bait - to succeed in a career or get a new job. Moreover, the new lesson will be more paid and prestigious.

Catch the fish in a dream with your hands - to the soon addition to the family.

Being in a night vision eaten by fish is to numerous, but pleasant chores.

This creature in a dream can become a reflection of the condition of a woman who in reality is experiencing difficulties in any business. That is, the girl beats like a fish on ice and can not achieve the desired result.

Watching fish in a pond or aquarium - take a position of non-interference in any business.

Swimming together in the same pond and trying to fish with your hands - work success is expected in the near future. It is possible that there will be career advancement, new prospects.

Catching a fish that turned out to be frozen or dead is a bad romance.

Islamic dream book

A fish-related vision makes us recall the story of one person who shared with Ibn Sirin: “There is a dream in which my servant and I sit at the same table and have lunch with one fish and its entrails.” To this, the sage answered the man: “Be careful with your servant. Perhaps he is harming you or your family. ” Following the advice of ibn Sirin, the man discovered that his servant had committed sexual harassment of his daughter.

catch fish in a dream woman hands

According to this story, a vision in which a dreamer shares a fish with another person may mean that he makes some meanness to him.

Also, in an Islamic dream book, catching fish is treated as gaining success in the near future. If the individual is large, success will be overwhelming; if it is small, then the size of luck will be appropriate. However, in any case, such a dream in the Islamic dream book is interpreted as positive.

If a person fries caught fish, this promises him financial well-being and quick profit.

If the caught individual turns out to be salty, this means random income.

Icelandic dream book

The Icelandic dream interpretation interprets to see fish as a good dream, an omen of good events in human life. The only exception is the case if a woman caught a large fish, the bones of which interfere with eating her meat. This can be an omen of an imminent breakup with a lover or a quarrel with a best friend.

If a woman caught a lot of small fish and cooks it on her own, this suggests that in the near future she will face small financial expenses. They will bring her joy and pleasure.

To see a fish in a large body of water means for a woman the onset of great need. An unfavorable financial condition in the family is also possible.

Italian dream book

In the Italian dream book, the fish seen in a dream is a positive sign for the dreamer. She is a symbol of life, fun, health and financial well-being.

Catching a fish in a dream with a woman’s hands predicts her getting a big profit.

If a girl caught an individual and then presented it to a man, this may mean that intimacy will soon take place between them.

A dream in which a woman takes fish from a guy means the opposite - the lack of desire to have an intimate relationship with him. That is, this man is completely not interested in her as a man.

If a woman caught a fish, she cooked it herself and eats it herself, this indicates an early success in her career. You can achieve a good result thanks to your own efforts.

Seeing rotten fish in a dream can indicate a malfunction in family relationships or loss of health. Such a dream portends a disease that will cause a lot of trouble.

Culinary dream book

According to the culinary dream book, a woman catching a fish in a dream promises her quick profit, financial stability.

Big catch - to multiple diseases.

Catching small fish in a dream - in reality, experience frustration and pain from frustrated expectations.

See falling asleep or dead - experience the ruin or break of a relationship.

Moon Dream Book

If a woman of childbearing age caught a large fish with her hands - this is a dream for pregnancy.

If a girl in a position dreamed that she was born a fish, this means that she will give birth to a weak and lightweight child. If such a dream is still a non-pregnant woman, it may mean the imminent onset of this situation. Moreover, the pregnancy will take place with complications.

Seeing a woman in an eel dream is a great success for her. Such a dream can be a omen of a successful job placement or career advancement.

Mythological Dream Book

In Slavic folklore, fish is used as a symbol of self-knowledge.

If a woman dreamed that she was swallowed by a fish - this means that she will succeed in all endeavors, whether in the professional sphere or personal life.

To see such an individual from afar - will soon go to travel.

In a Muslim dream book, fish in the water does not bode well. If she constantly gets hooked, this can mean a lot of trouble and problems in the near future.

If a woman caught a fish and dried it on her own, this indicates an approaching depression. The disease will be difficult to overcome.

Psychoanalytic dream book

The fish in the psychoanalytic interpreter is a symbol of the phallus. The dreams in which a woman sees her are somehow connected with her intimate desires.

To treat a man with fish - to the emergence of a sexual relationship with him.

Catching in cold water, under ice - such a dream can mean a quick cooling of feelings for your partner.

catch a big fish in a dream to a woman

To see a fish swimming in the other direction is to the betrayal of a lover. Such a dream also indicates the intention of a loved one to go to another woman.

If a woman dreamed that she was eaten by fish, this may indicate that subconscious desires will soon prevail over consciousness. Also, this means that she is on the verge of committing an irreparable mistake.

If a woman was eaten by fish and then uprooted, then she will be able to defeat her bad desires. She will also be able to find stability in intimate relationships with her partner.


Now you know the interpretation of dreams about fish. From the article it becomes clear that the fish in the dream books for women is interpreted very differently. We hope you find this information useful. Now do not be alarmed if you see fish in night vision. This is very likely a good sign!


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