Do you know what dreams are?

What are dreams? The answer people seek for many millennia. It is interesting that, depending on education, faith, mentality, culture, people give completely different answers. Let's try to consider how representatives of different groups interpret dreams today.

what are dreams

Sleep in terms of medicine and physiology

Sleep is a condition inherent not only to humans, but also to birds, mammals, and, possibly (who knows?), And other forms of life. This is a natural situation in which the work of the brain is reduced to the minimum values, reactions are slowed down. In this state, people and animals are able to see images that they met during the day. But they appear in a distorted form (it is said that the brain “slows down”), and therefore they have no meaning other than rest for a person. Doctors distinguish

dreams interpretation
normal sleep is physiological, which should be daily, and lethargic is a painful condition with as low activity as possible. They also produce hypnotic sleep and suspended animation (artificially induced state of deep sleep). Some experts add fainting and to whom to this group.

What are dreams from the point of view of psychologists

Today, psychologists are confident that, despite their physiological nature, dreams can predict the future. Explain it this way. In the period of human activity, the leading role belongs to the brain, but everything that happens falls into the subconscious as well. At night, when the brain is resting, it begins to dominate

dreams today
subconscious. It analyzes and synthesizes everything that happened during the day. People, events, sensations and experiences are reflected, compared, and then the subconscious makes a conclusion. Example: a person constantly sees in a dream a maze from which he cannot get out. Then suddenly he notices the light, but not where the exit should be. Why such dreams? The interpretation is approximately the following: in reality, a person cannot take a decision or find a way out of an unpleasant situation for a long time. In a dream, this decision is transformed into light, and during the day the dreamer can look at the situation from the other side and find a way out of it. Dreams, psychologists say, help to organize the impressions accumulated during the day and relate more sensitively in life.

What are dreams from the point of view of mystics

Many are convinced that the human body is not only flesh and blood. In their opinion, sleep is what the mental body experiences . It is it that can go to the astral plane and travel beyond times and boundaries; it is it that is capable of going to the subtle worlds and descending to the underworld. What are dreams from the point of view of mystics? The ability to connect to the universal information field and gather there the necessary information.

Sleep and religion

The Orthodox Church teaches that no subtle worlds exist, and there are no mental bodies. Man has only body and soul. And the dreams are either sent by the Lord or the Devil inspires. Therefore, the former are nothing but divine warnings, and the latter are satanic deceptions. One needs to be listened to, while others should be washed off with running water, and then pray that God will protect against seduction. Some tribes living today compare sleep to death. Interestingly, what do you think about this?


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