What is an orange dream for? Why dream rotten oranges?

Almost everyone loves to eat citrus fruits. Against the background of these fruits, large and tasty oranges stand out, of course. But what if these delicious fruits were not on our table in real life, but were dreamed of in a night dream? What can promise such a dream? Let's try to figure it out together, turning for help to several of the most authoritative and complete collections of interpretations available today. So why do oranges dream?

what is an orange dream about

Dream Interpretation of Gustav Miller

Let us find out how this American esoteric regards the visions in which oranges appear. So, if you dreamed that you are eating these fruits, then sadness awaits you. The cause of it may be the illness of a friend or one of relatives. Why do oranges dream on a tree? Such a vision is considered a good sign and promises health and pleasant people in your environment. If a young woman dreamed that she was eating an orange, then in reality there is a risk that her lover will leave. If in night dreams she saw this fruit growing on the very top of a tree, then caution should be exercised in choosing a future spouse. Sliding on an orange peel in a dream is a very bad sign. This may be a harbinger of the death of someone close. If a man dreamed that he was buying oranges, as his wife asked him to, then all the complications in matters could resolve themselves, and it would be possible to get considerable profits.

why do oranges dream

Freud's Dream Book

We will find out why an orange is dreamed, according to the world-famous founder of psychoanalysis. So, Sigmund Freud considered this fruit as a symbol of pleasure and temptation. If this fruit is a dream, then you are prone to erotic fantasies in relation to strangers. You can think about what a person is in bed, etc. There is nothing shameful in this, because you simply analyze your own desires.

What is the dream of an orange that you enjoy eating? This vision portends that in the near future someone will give you great pleasure. Moreover, you will be very surprised, because it could not even have crossed your mind that this person is capable of such emotions. The dream in which you peel an orange from the peel indicates that at this stage of your life you do not accept spontaneous intimate relationships at all. They seem rude and unromantic to you.

why dream of picking oranges

Dream Interpretation Miss Hassay

These fruits on the tree predict you anxiety. Why dream of collecting oranges? Such a vision is considered a good sign, as it predicts sleeping happiness. Ripe fruits promise promise. Buying oranges - to reciprocity in love, selling them - to an interesting new acquaintance, looking at them - to an unfulfilled desire, eating - to futile work, and peeling these fruits from their peels - to memorable love joys.

what do oranges and tangerines dream about

Intimate dream book

We will find out how the compilers of this collection answer the question of why oranges dream. Many beautiful and ripe fruits on the trees are considered as a sign of a healthy relationship, which will soon lead you to a strong and happy marriage. But eating these fruits is a bad omen. Such a dream portends constant dissatisfaction in intimate relationships.

what do oranges dream on a tree

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

We will find out why oranges and tangerines dream, according to the compilers of this collection of interpretations of night dreams. So, if you buy these fruits, and at the same time they are very bright and ripe in appearance, then all your desires and increased well-being await you. Immature fruits promise losses or a complete failure in a matter that at first seemed very promising to you. If in a dream you eat beautiful ripe oranges, then fate will be very favorable to you. Stale, spoiled, or dried fruits promise promise, the cause of which will be a serious ailment of a person close to you. If you dreamed that your spouse or lover eats such fruits, then all the barriers to the goal will collapse and disappear by themselves.

Why do oranges dream of a girl who she eats unpeeled? Such a vision is seen as a warning that a young woman risks losing her fiancé. A dream in which you look at magnificent and mouth-watering fruits, but for some reason cannot eat them, is a sign that for some reason in real life you risk missing out on a very good offer.

why do oranges dream

Pythagoras Dream Interpretation

What is the dream of an orange lying lonely on a large dish or plate? Such a vision promises you considerable troubles that you will have to face on the path of life. If the fruit is bright, round and very appetizing, then the worries will be pleasant. If the orange is wrinkled and not at all tasty, then in the next ten days you or some of your close friends may have health problems. The dream in which you peel the fetus warns that in real life you tend to overestimate your own strengths. As a result, this may entail a situation in which you cannot cope with the duties assigned to you and let someone down in a responsible matter.

If in a dream you didn’t eat an orange, then in reality you prefer to have a tit in your hands, rather than dream of a crane in the sky. A vision in which you treat someone with this fruit indicates a feeling of loneliness experienced by you. If such a dream had a representative of the fair sex, then she probably dreams of marriage. And if the one to whom this lady offered the orange accepts it, then in real life she will soon meet a man who may become her husband. The dream in which you saw only a slice of this fruit indicates that in one day you will have to face the unpleasant consequences of your indecision and recklessness.

why oranges dream a lot

Dream interpretation for lovers

If you dreamed of a garden with many fruiting orange trees, then you will find a successful relationship with members of the opposite sex, a strong marriage with a loved one and a happy family life. But the vision in which the sleeper eats these fruits is considered a bad omen. It promises an emergency illness of a loved one. The representative of the fair sex, who in a dream ate an orange with her skin, should be on her guard. After all, it is quite possible that her lover will leave her for another woman.

Old English dream book

Why is an orange dreaming according to information from this highly respected collection of interpretations? So, such a vision is usually considered unfavorable. After all, it portends failures, health problems, quarrels and discord in the family. Such a dream promises a lover a manifestation of coldness on the part of the object of his adoration, the gradual fading of interest and, as a result, the breakdown of relations. If you are planning a wedding in real life and you dreamed about oranges, then your marriage risks being unhappy. Nothing good should be expected from such a vision for business people. So, such a dream promises them serious losses - bankruptcy or betrayal by employees. To farmers, these fruits seen in a dream predict a bad harvest.

Culinary dream book

Picking fruits from trees is a novel that you will never regret, but you will remember about it for many years to come. A dream in which you squeeze juice from an orange and drink it indicates that you are waiting for a carefree existence. Boxed fruits predict a slow but steady increase in your income. Why do rotten oranges dream? This image predicts the occurrence of certain problems. However, you will be able to overcome them without much difficulty. A dream in which you saw beautiful orange trees, literally strewn with ripe and bright fruits, suggests that soon your friends and relatives will please you with their care and attention, and no adversity can overshadow your life.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9021/

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