Tatyana Remizova: biography and photos

Tatyana Remizova is a charming host of the Vesti television program. Her work and personal life will be discussed in this article.


Tatyana Remizova realized that she wants to become a TV presenter, in high school. The girl loved to watch the news on TV. Collected and beautiful announcers attracted her attention. They were in eternal tone, were in the know about the latest events, infected with their energy. However, after school, the girl went to study at the Saratov Socio-Economic University. There she comprehended the intricacies of the global economy. In addition, the student moonlighted on local television. She told viewers about the latest news. In the future, this experience was very useful to her.

Tatyana Remizova

Moving to Moscow

Tatyana Remizova moved to the capital in 2004. She began to look for work in various forums on the Internet. Soon she came across an announcement about a set of presenters for work on the morning channel. The girl sent her resume, and she was invited to audition. Tatyana successfully passed a serious competition and began working on one of the largest television channels in the country. To increase her professionalism, she entered the magistracy at MGIMO. The internship took place in the UK.

Tatyana Remizova TV presenter

Extreme work

Tatyana Remizova admits that her favorite work takes away a lot of time and energy from her. The most extreme experience was for her the program “Elections 2012”. Before the broadcast, the girl lost her voice. The phoniatrist came to the aid right to the studio. He forced the host to take special solutions. It was lucky that the main load was borne by the partner - Ernest Matskevičius. He helped Tatyana hold out for six whole hours of live broadcast. At the same time, he had the professionalism to keep the attention of the audience until the very end of the program. The presenter still gratefully recalls this moment.

"Battle" at the Olympics

Reported during the 2014 Olympics, Tatyana Remizova. The TV presenter says that between her native “Russia-1” and other channels, a real battle broke out for the heroes of a sports competition. She considers it a great success that she was able to interview the Olympic champions in pair skating - Tatyana Volosozhar and Maxima Trankova. They had to hunt for days, because journalists were not allowed into the Olympic village .

The most memorable interview with Tatyana took place with Evgeni Plushenko. The athlete was sharply condemned when he had to withdraw his candidacy from the competition, so he flatly refused to communicate with the press. Only Remizova managed to talk with him. Moreover, on the way to the studio with an already recorded interview, the journalists got stuck in traffic and managed to finish work right before the news release. The report nevertheless aired on time. The feeling of triumph from a well-done work remained with the TV presenter for a long time.

Tatyana Remizova Leading

Personal life

Tatyana Remizova, whose biography is sanctified in this article, lives in Otradnoye. She settled there with her husband back in 2007. Our heroine met her fate by accident. She met her future husband on the street, in the company of mutual friends, and married a year before graduation. Her chosen one is Dima. He is engaged in design. He currently leads the creative team of an advertising agency.

Tatyana Remizova is a presenter with great potential. She has developed creativity. This unites them with the spouse. Even the wedding at the lovers was unusual. Instead of a button accordion, a saxophone sounded at the celebration; instead of a traditional restaurant, the young waited for a walk along the Volga. Gifts from Tatyana with her husband were also very original. Dima declared her love in the pages of his own coloring book. And she, in turn, once gave him a telescope.

Tatyana Remizova biography

Child education

Daughters Tatyana Remizova recently turned five years old. Her name is Liza. She loves outdoor activities, she withstands many hours of hiking. The girl has very diverse interests: she loves theater, studies English, draws well, loves dancing. Parents and children have trusting relationships. Every night before going to bed they perform a special ritual. Lisa pretends to be little and hides, and dad and mom find her and put her to bed. The girl likes that her parents love her and appreciate her.

Now you know about the life and work of Tatyana Remizova. I would like to wish her further success in her chosen field.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9023/

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