The regimen of the day for weight loss: nutrition, training, water treatments

Any person who has set himself the goal of getting rid of extra pounds, you need to review the regimen of the day and nutrition. For weight loss, it is also important to be responsible for performing physical exercises. Comprehensive impact on the problem is the key to a successful result.

slimming day regimen

How many times a day should I eat?

With a sharp restriction of the caloric content of the daily diet, many people make a gross mistake. They believe that the number of meals should be reduced. But this is not so. If the breaks between meals are large, the chance to get rid of unnecessary kilograms is practically zero. This is due to the dependence of hunger on blood sugar. With rare snacks, its level is significantly reduced. As a result, at the next meal, a person absorbs food uncontrollably - the process takes less time, and yet the feeling of fullness does not appear earlier than 15 minutes after the start of the meal. As a result: overeating, overweight, weakness, a constant feeling of tiredness, malaise.

In order to lose weight and establish digestion, you need to maintain the same level of sugar in the blood. To do this, you need to plan a daily diet and divide it into 4-6 receptions. Thus, the metabolic rate does not decrease, as does the sugar index.

As "side effects" a person receives:

  • energy charge: increased efficiency, laziness and a feeling of fatigue recede;
  • ceases to disturb hunger, reduced craving for flour and confectionery;
  • thinking processes improve;
  • due to the acceleration of metabolism, calorie consumption increases sharply;
  • the body is better absorbed vitamins and trace elements.

calorie counting program

Do not forget about maintaining water balance. Pure non-carbonated liquid is important for weight loss. The daily regimen should be designed in such a way that it has time for taking several glasses of water:

  • immediately after waking up;
  • between snacks (half an hour before the start and an hour after the end of the meal);
  • 40 minutes before bedtime.

In order to calculate the daily rate of water, you need to multiply your weight by 31 (for men - by 35). For example, a woman’s body weight is 70 kg: 70 x 31 = 2170. This means that she should drink 2.2 liters of pure water per day. When playing sports, this figure should be increased by an average of 500 ml.

Calorie intake

In order to lose weight, you do not need to sit on the strictest diets. It has long been proven that with their completion, the lost weight will return with interest. It is enough to somewhat limit the caloric content of the diet, and kilograms will begin to leave gradually, without provoking the appearance of various diseases.

The indicator of energy costs is individual for each person. It depends on growth, physique and age.

In order to find out how many calories you need to consume per day, you need to make several calculations:

  1. Find out the metabolic rate (energy costs of the body at rest). Your weight in kg must be divided by 0.454. Multiply the result by 0.409. The resulting number is multiplied by 24 (hours per day). The result will be a metabolic rate in a calm state of the body, expressed in kilocalories.
  2. Determine the total energy consumption per day. They depend on the level of physical activity. The metabolic rate should be multiplied by one of the coefficients: 1.2 (in the absence of any activity during the day); 1,375 (physical activity up to 3 times a week); 1.55 (3-5 times); 1.725 (6-7 times), 1.9 (with frequent and active sports, very active work). After making such a calculation, you will find out how much you need to get with food in order to maintain the available weight.
  3. Calculate calories for weight loss. To lose weight without jeopardizing your health, you need to multiply the total energy consumption by 0.8. Thus, debilitating diets can be avoided, which also lead to the opposite consequences or other health problems. And by reducing the daily calorie intake by only 20%, you can get rid of excess weight.

Today, there are many applications for phones and tablets, eliminating the need to perform mathematical operations. Calorie counting programs not only help to comply with the norm, but also provide information about energy consumption during any load.

water treatments

BJU ratio

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates play important roles in the life process. To lose weight, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Limit carbohydrate intake, but do not rule out them altogether. They provide energy for the whole day and nourish the brain. Norm - 50-70 gr.
  2. Keep the same or increase the amount of protein. This is important for strengthening muscle tissue, and so that weight does not go at its expense. Norm - 1 gr. per 1 kg.
  3. Do not exclude the use of fat. It is necessary for the normal functioning of all organs and systems. Norm - 20% of body weight.

In the regime of the day for weight loss, more time should be reserved for breakfast. At the same time, it is important to consume carbohydrates. For dinner, it is recommended to leave the most digestible food.

Why is diet ineffective without exercise?

An important part of the daily regimen for weight loss are workouts lasting at least 1 hour. Even if you follow all the principles of healthy eating, it is difficult to achieve a beautiful body without exercise. Muscles and skin become flabby, creating an unattractive appearance. In addition, the weight returns faster.

Regular training strengthens the muscle corset, burns more calories, tightens the skin, the result remains for a long time.

how much to go per day for weight loss

Training plan

Beginners are recommended to perform all exercises under the supervision of a specialist. He also individually compiles weight loss programs in the gym for girls and boys, taking into account their physiological characteristics and health. The optimal number of workouts per week is 3-4: the muscles need time to recover. In this mode, it is advisable to work out all muscle groups in one session.

Sample training plan:

  • warm up on the treadmill;
  • lunges with legs (or steps on the step);
  • deadlift;
  • bending of the legs while lying down;
  • squats;
  • lifting the torso from a lying position;
  • exercises with dumbbells for arms standing (or chest press);
  • stretching.

Beginners are recommended to start with 3 approaches 10-12 times, gradually increasing the load. This is an approximate scheme, it can be varied by other exercises. Each workout should be different from the previous one.

The optimal time should be chosen based on biorhythms. For some, training is the perfect end to the day, and someone gets a boost of energy from her in the morning.

On days when intensive loads are not provided, you can do stretching, yoga, jogging or just walking. For example, unhurried walking in 1 hour burns about 170 kcal, fast - 400 kcal. Jogging spends 500 kcal. Regarding how much to go per day for losing weight, there is no single answer. But even 1 hour of active walking helps in losing weight and improves health.

gym weight loss program for girls

The importance of water procedures

In days free from training, you can also go swimming. It is extremely useful for the figure. An hour of swimming in the pool burns 800 kcal. In addition, the metabolism is accelerated, the muscles are not overworked, the work of all organs and systems improves. Also, water procedures relieve cellulite.

What time to go to bed?

The production of hormones that suppress the feeling of hunger starts in the process of sleep. And so that it is strong and healthy, it is important to go to bed from 22 to 23 hours.

Each person, to be awake, requires a different duration of sleep. But in order to lose weight, it should be 7-8 hours.

swimming hour in the pool


The regimen of the day for weight loss can not be a reference for everyone, but when planning it, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Immediately after waking up, you need to drink a glass of water and do exercises.
  2. Breakfast should be dense and high-calorie, the time between snacks - 2-3 hours.
  3. Training 3-4 times a week for 60-90 minutes (on other days - swimming, yoga, running, stretching, walking, etc.).
  4. Remember to maintain water balance.
  5. Go to bed at the same time every day.

daily diet and diet


Once a person has a goal to lose weight, it is important not to give up at the beginning of the journey. The key to excellent results is a carefully planned regime of the day, including meals and physical activity. The energy value of snacks is of considerable importance - monitoring its performance will help to get rid of excess weight, a constant feeling of hunger and provide a charge of vivacity for the whole day. And in order not to get confused in mathematical actions, you can use the program for counting calories on the phone. She will also tell you how many proteins, fats and carbohydrates have been eaten and how many calories have been consumed.


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