Why are the dead dreaming? Our memory and conscience

Dreams in which the dead come to the living are considered by many to be mystical. Esotericists pay a lot of attention to such dreams, considering them warning. It is known that shamans are able in a dream to communicate with the souls of the dead, receiving from them the necessary information. Apparently, therefore, dreams in which the dead man dreams of being alive are shrouded in a host of all kinds of conjectures and misconceptions. An ordinary person, if not afraid, is seriously afraid. Let's try to figure out what the dead are dreaming about, and whether it is necessary to pay attention to such dreams.

First, let us recall what science says about the nature of dreams. Undoubtedly, they are a product of brain activity, more precisely, the hypothalamus. We will not go deeper into the subtleties, we will only clarify that a dream combines our personal experience, feelings and emotions. Therefore, it is not surprising to see your dead relatives and acquaintances in a dream. They are part of our memory, so it is not surprising that the dead appear in certain situations that you have experienced together. A simple example: most of us who have died grandparents are part of a happy childhood. These people are connected with us by an invisible emotional thread, and even after death, we remember and love them. Many of us want to believe that close, dear people have not left us irrevocably. Of course, science will never be able to prove the existence of life after death.

The existence of the soul is also a very controversial issue. But no one will argue with the fact that our loved ones are alive in our memory. Can a dead man dream of being alive and healthy? So how did we know him before? Yes, this means the only thing - love has been preserved in our heart.

Most often in our dreams there are people close to us: parents, grandparents, sisters or brothers, good friends. You must admit that rarely among living people does not feel guilty before the dead. We so rarely talk about our feelings with loved ones when they are still alive and so often regret that we did not have time to do this. So the departed person disturbs your dreams, appears at night time and time again. Perhaps our conscience speaks to us in the language of dreams? Do not rush to the dream book in the hope of finding out what the dead are dreaming of and what to expect from such dreams. Better pay your tribute to the deceased. Go to the cemetery, tidy up the grave, talk with a loved one, as if alive.

Dreams in which we see our now living loved ones dead are also not rare. What do the dead dream about and what do these dreams testify to? According to the dream book, death in a dream promises a long life to this person. A wonderful, optimistic interpretation, with which I want to agree. But according to the compilers of dream books, this does not apply to spouses or lovers. In this case, such a dream promises a quick and painful breakup. Should such a decoding of a dream be believed? Move aside esotericism and try to understand this issue from the point of view of science.

Death - the image is quite strong and means a permanent loss. For any normal person, going into oblivion causes not just fear, but chilling horror. Therefore, if spouses or lovers dream of the dead, this can only mean one thing - you are very afraid of losing this person. Another question is what is this fear based on? Perhaps you are behaving incorrectly and yourself are deepening the abyss of mutual misunderstanding, which is not far from the final break. Or your past relationship ended in a breakup, and you are subconsciously afraid of repeating a familiar scenario. Undoubtedly, taking into account the interpretation of the dream book, you will only be convinced of the inevitability of parting, lower your hands and will not do anything. A negative program will do its job - the dream book will be right. But, if you correctly decode the signal and throw all your strength into maintaining a relationship with your loved one, your feelings are guaranteed long years of life.

Our ancestors answered the question of why the dead were dreaming, there was a very ordinary answer. They believed that the deceased person dreams of a change in weather. I must say, such a sign will definitely not fail, since the weather tends to change at any time of the year and quite often.

It doesn’t matter if the dead man dreams of being alive or who has to live in a dream, you have to bury such night visions. The deceased relatives or close friends remained in our memory and there is nothing surprising in seeing them in a dream next to themselves. However, such dreams are always an occasion to recall the past with a kind word.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9029/

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