What is a matrix in a TV? Features, types and replacement

When choosing a TV, any buyer, along with other characteristics of the device, has to deal with the concept of “matrix”. This is one of the most important indicators of a TV device, which must be paid attention to.

Let's try to figure out what a matrix is in a TV, why it is needed and what types of systems can be found in stores. We will consider the most common types of devices working on LCD technologies LCD, LED and "plasma".

What is a matrix in a TV?

Such systems are a set of thin and transparent electrodes located in vertical and horizontal planes parallel to each other. If we transfer the design of the matrix to paper with a simple drawing, then we will see the usual square-nested grid.

what is the matrix in the TV

The system is located between glass plates or - in some cases - films. Electrodes located perpendicular never touch each other. If you give a simple definition of what a matrix is ​​in a TV, then this is an ordinary sheet with tiny lights that give an image.

Systems of such a plan can be conditionally divided into three types - LCD, LED and "plasma". All of them work on liquid crystals (LC) and differ from each other in some physical characteristics. For a complete understanding of the differences and the answer to the question of what a matrix is ​​in a TV, we will consider each technology in more detail.


Today, LCD technology is the most popular among TV manufacturers. Such systems are a flat container with a viscous liquid, where the crystals can change synchronously under the influence of an external energy source. In the case of a TV, this is an electric voltage. The internal optical characteristics of the container can go from one state to another - from transparent to opaque.

matrix in lg tv

LCD elements are evenly distributed throughout the container, and their position is leveled with the help of special films. In the place where the conductors intersect, there are cells responsible for the passage of light. They can display only three colors - blue, red and green. Combining the gamut, you can create any color, including white. Three such cells form one pixel in the matrix of the LCD TV.

Technology features

Behind the entire system is a mirror film and a light source. In our case, these are tubes with a “cold cathode”. After applying voltage to the TV, they glow constantly. The light falling on the cells “enlivens” the pixels and the user sees the image.

There are not so many manufacturers of such systems, but they are all by ear. Companies producing matrices for TVs: Samsung, LG, Hitachi, Dell, Fujitsu and NEC. It is these brands that supply other manufacturers of equipment with LCD matrices around the world.


The TV on the matrix with LED technology differs from the LCD only in the characteristics of the light output. Instead of the usual “cold glow” lamps, LED systems use groups of LEDs. Moreover, they, unlike the LCD, can be completely turned off, transmitting a deeper black color to the screen.

lcd tv matrix

In turn, LED technology can branch into several subspecies. For example, in the most low-cost matrices for LG TVs, LEDs are distributed throughout the rear plane of the screen. This technology is called Direct.

In expensive models, more modern lighting is used, scattered around the entire perimeter of the device. Marketers firmly assigned her the name EDGE. This technology has allowed not only to improve the image, but also significantly reduce the dimensions of the device. The vast majority of examples can be seen in expensive matrices on Samsung TVs.

Advantages of LED technology:

  • noticeably greater contrast, brightness and color saturation of the image in comparison with LCD-models;
  • expressive black color due to the complete shutdown of unused LEDs;
  • ultra-thin body can only be created using LED technology;
  • replacing lamps with LEDs has significantly increased the operational life of the TV;
  • cost-effectiveness of models (power consumption is 30-40% less than that of LCD).

The price of the matrix for TVs with LCD and LED technology varies greatly, as well as the total cost of the models. Devices with LED backlighting are noticeably more expensive than their tube counterparts, but they also show better, and last longer.

Next, we consider the types of matrices for TVs from LG, Samsung and other venerable brands.


Literally, the abbreviation TN stands for “Twisted Nematic”. Here, all the elements in the cells are arranged in a spiral. The technology is distinguished by its comparative cheapness, so the price of replacing the matrix on the TV, as well as its cost, does not hit the pocketbook so much.

matrix price for tv

Advantages of TN matrices:

  • minimum screen response compared to other technologies;
  • more than a democratic price tag for TVs with TN-system;
  • energy saving.


  • small viewing angles on all planes;
  • relatively weak color saturation;
  • a clear black color is often replaced by glare of gray.


IPS systems were developed by the Hitachi brand, and later they were picked up by LG, Samsung and other companies. The abbreviation stands for In-Plane Switching. The matrix has received significant improvements compared to TN-technology and is enviable among TV manufacturers.

matrix tv samsung

Advantages of IPS-systems:

  • maximum viewing angles;
  • noticeably better color quality compared to TN-matrices;
  • real color depth according to the RGB standard.


  • longer screen response time;
  • pixelation is noticeable on models with a small diagonal (less than 17 inches);
  • high price.


In the literal translation - "vertical alignment" (Vertical Alignment). This technology was developed by Fujitsu brand engineers, and after a couple of months of exclusive use, it appeared at other manufacturers. Unlike the first two types of matrices, there are no helically twisted elements, and the light does not go beyond the boundaries of the liquid crystal layer.

matrix on samsung tv

Benefits of VA Technology:

  • The highest contrast in comparison with other types of matrices;
  • rich and deep black color without a hint of grayness;
  • excellent color rendering and natural gamut.


  • colors begin to “dance” even with a slight change in the viewing angle.

A couple of years ago, VA technology got a receiver - MVA. She absorbed the positive features of the base matrix, and the viewing angles increased markedly.

Plasma panels

The picture on the screen near the “plasma” appears due to the glow of the phosphor, which, in turn, is heated by ultraviolet rays. Here, each cell is a separate light source, independent of other elements. That is, the “plasma" simply does not need as such a backlight. Only three brands are engaged in the production of such panels - Samsung, Panasonic and LG. They also repair broken matrices of televisions in their official service centers.

Advantages of plasma panels:

  • excellent color rendering and gamma depth;
  • the presence of volumetric 2D effect;
  • natural black color;
  • excellent display of dynamic content;
  • minimum screen response;
  • maximum viewing angles;
  • slim body.


  • plasma technology has an afterimage, which means that the TV will not work normally with a PC;
  • mediocre display of static backgrounds (not for viewing photos);
  • high power consumption;
  • high price even on budget models.

How much is the matrix on the TV?

The matrix is ​​the main element of any TV. It breaks extremely rarely, unless, of course, you tried to save money and bought a frankly cheap Chinese consumer goods. The matrix can fail for various reasons, but mainly due to mechanical damage or some external influences.

It happens that the TVs fall, they get water or you just got a factory marriage. In the latter case, there are no problems: we carry the warranty to the store where we bought the model, and they are required to replace it. All other options imply a complete replacement of the display system. The new matrix will cost about 40-50% of the total cost of the TV itself. That is, if you bought a model for 50 thousand rubles, then be prepared to pay about 20-25 thousand rubles for a brand new system.

Matrix replacement

The replacement process itself is more like a complex organ transplant surgery. It will be necessary to carefully disassemble the case, disconnect the old matrix from all the modules, then put and connect a new one, and then assemble the case. At first glance, it seems to be simple, but in fact there are a lot of pitfalls, starting from small inconsistencies due to the difference in revisions and ending with the coordination of the new system with all modules.

how much is the matrix on the tv

There is no right to make a mistake here, because buying another matrix instead of a damaged one will cost the same TV cost. Experts in this area strongly recommend contacting a service center with this problem. The work of replacing the matrix will cost you one or two thousand rubles, depending on the model, but specialists will do everything quickly and competently, while an ordinary user will have to sweat over it all day, and the results are not always positive.

Which matrix to choose?

If you really want to buy a TV with LCD technology, but there are not many funds, then you can look towards TN-matrices. They cost significantly less than their more technologically advanced counterparts, in addition, they consume the least amount of electricity, which will also save.

As a compromise for the average budget, you can recommend models with VA technology. Almost all manufacturers focus on this particular segment, so there are plenty to choose from. Serious models with IPS-matrix are expensive, but also give a lot. You will get the best picture and excellent viewing angles - what you need for a large family. In addition, IPS technology allows you to get rid of the effect of pixelation on televisions with a large diagonal.

If you want to use the device not only to watch TV shows, but also to access the Internet or plan to connect it to a computer, then you need to choose a model exclusively with an LCD matrix. This technology is not burdened with the memory effect, when the screen freezes from time to time with a picture, therefore, LCD models will fit perfectly as a second monitor.

Plasma panels, although considered the pinnacle of technology due to their amazing color reproduction and realistic 2D image, are still in little demand due to their fastidiousness to related equipment. If you have at your disposal an intelligent prefix broadcasting high-resolution content, and you like to watch TV with the lights dimmed in the room, then the “plasma” will become an expensive but excellent help in a pleasant pastime.

It is also necessary to pay special attention to the manufacturer of the TV and matrix. The Noneym companies from the Middle Kingdom stamp devices as laces and on the shelves of even reputable stores you can often see some frankly cheap models from the next Shaolin. Buying such TVs is more expensive for yourself: breakdowns, frequent defects, lack of service centers and other problems will make you nervous. It’s better to dig up a little and buy a budget model from a venerable brand and enjoy buying, and not go to workshops with your “profitable” device.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9038/

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