What is a red apple dreaming of? Why dream red apples on a tree?

What is a dream? A parallel between reality and fantasy or the answer of our subconscious to the past day? There is no clear and reliable answer to this question. So, medicine is inclined to believe that a dream is a normal physiological process during which our body rests and builds strength. Esotericists think in the opposite direction, who believe that nightly dreams carry in themselves something mystical that defies simple truths.

As for ordinary people, there are differences too. Some do not pay attention to the content of their dreams, while others, on the contrary, each time try to unravel its meaning, truly believing that thanks to the answer received, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from harm and misfortune. On the agenda is the question of what a ghostly red apple means . What this fruit is dreaming about and what it warns about, we learn from our article.

red apple why dream

Dream Book Wangi

The great Bulgarian seer explained the dream easily. Vanga noted that the red apple, dreamed of in night dreams, symbolizes the beginning of a successful period. This means that everything conceived will soon be realized. Use your chance, because at the moment luck and goodness are on your side.

Miller's Dream Book

Did Miller also have his own thoughts about dreams, in which a red apple was seen? What is the dream of this fruit, according to the famous psychologist? A red apple is an auspicious sign meaning wisdom and a willingness to overcome all obstacles. In the discovery of these qualities you will be helped by a person who suddenly appears on the threshold of the house. Perhaps it is he who will direct the true path and allow us to discover the essence of everything that happens.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

According to Hassa's dream book, red apples symbolize the approaching joy, happiness and victory. The same applies to communication with the opposite sex. If you believe the interpretation, then soon on your way you will meet the person who is ideal for creating a strong family. Good luck awaits in the work. Perhaps soon they will offer you a high position or significantly increase your salary.

what red apples dream on a tree
In any case, success will be with you everywhere.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkova

Why dream red apples on a tree? There is a clear answer to this question in Tsvetkov’s dream book. Unfortunately, these good night dreams, according to the famous esoteric, do not bode well. The dreamed red apple promises painful conditions and the long-term treatment associated with them. As for work and relationships, here too the dreamer will be disappointed and fail.

Aesop's Dream Interpretation

Aesop has a different opinion regarding sleep, in which a red apple was dreamed. What does this fruit dream of in Aesop's opinion? The red apple is positioned in this case as passion, temptation and temptation. Perhaps a situation will arise in life that will put you before a choice. The dream interpretation states that a beautiful fruit is not always sweet, therefore, before tasting it, think a few times.

If you bite a red apple in your nightly daydreams, why is this a dream? Aesop connects a ghostly fruit with a sentence that you cannot resist.

why dream of picking red apples

And what is the interpretation of dreams in which you eat a red apple? Why are you dreaming? Such visions are associated with health problems. The dream book advises to deal with it at this stage, so that in the future there are no complications.

Erotic dream book

In an erotic dream book, a red apple is compared with passion, a forbidden fruit, a tempting offer, a deceptive situation, etc. What if the fruit was in a young man’s dream? A red apple tree with mouth-watering and large fruits means that the dreamer has excellent relations with the fairer sex. He is always in the spotlight, and it’s wonderful.

If a young man is under an apple tree, then these dreams indicate that the dreamer has long dreamed of a girl who is unaware of his feelings.

If a man takes a fetus from a woman, then this means that this person wants to seduce him.

why red apples dream a lot

Did a young man dream of rotten and wormy red apples? This means that he is not completely satisfied with the current sexual partner. Perhaps it is worth changing something or making a few nuances in your intimate life.

Apple ripeness

The interpretation of sleep in general depends on how mature the apple is. So, if the fruit has not yet ripened, then this indicates that you have not reached the level of maturity and wisdom. You still have situations that require maximum concentration and endurance. And if you can resist these life tests, then there will come a period of transition to a new level.

Are the fruits ripe and beautiful? You have a solid life position, which allows you to find a way out even of the most difficult and confusing life situation. The same applies to relationships with the opposite sex. You are endowed with the ability to lure into your networks any, even the most unshakable, person.

What else can this dream book tell about this dream? Why dream red apples that are approaching the stage of decay. This suggests that the dreamer is not satisfied with the current sexual relationship. Perhaps this is due to the fact that past love still remains in your heart, or maybe your partner is not ready for diversity in intimate life.

dream book why red apples dream

Apple flavor

If you ate a red apple in your night dreams and at the same time felt its taste, then remember what it was. Having eaten a fruit, you felt satisfaction from taste? So, in the future you are waiting for luck, happiness and love.

Was the apple sour? These dreams mean your unpreparedness for serious actions and discoveries. You are too unsure that everything will work out. Therefore, do not rush - everything goes on as usual.

A bitter and tasteless apple means impending nuisance. Pay attention to where the apple came from. If you were served it, remember who it was. Beware of this particular person. Was the fetus ripped off by you? Problems will arise through your fault.

Is a beautiful red apple turning rotten? This means that soon you will receive a tempting offer that you can’t refuse. But in vain! Accepting it, you will find yourself in a difficult material situation. You will need a lot of strength and endurance to get out of it.

Fetal availability

Why dream of an apple tree with red apples that turned out to be very high? The inability to get the fruit from the tree suggests that the goals will not be achieved.

If you, not paying attention to the height, decide to climb to the top and get the coveted fruit, then what does this mean? Your determination and firmness will not allow any obstacles to prevent the realization of a cherished dream.

Why dream red apples on a tree? If the fruits are located on the lower branch, but as soon as you try to get them, the trunk suddenly grows - this indicates your uncertainty and shyness. If you do not fight this, then you will not achieve what you want.

why dream apple tree with red apples

Pick apples

Why dream of picking red apples? If on the earth lay ripe and beautiful fruits, then in the future you will expect great success and good luck. This is especially true for work. Perhaps, thanks to the dreamer's efforts, the authorities will finally appreciate the work and reward it.

If you had to pluck apples from the very top in night dreams, then this means that because of your arrogance, the thing you were counting on would fail miserably. Be humble and do not tell strangers about your plans for the future.

Why are red apples dreaming? A lot of fruit around means that you are surrounded by good friends who will come to the rescue at the right time. If there were a large number of rotten apples nearby, then almost everyone who calls himself a friend actually wants your failure.

Buy, sell apples

What are the big red apples you bought at the store for? This means a period of luck and good luck. Do not miss your chance.

what red and green dream about

The same dream can be interpreted differently. So, dreaming of ripe fruits in the store signifies the beginning of a relationship in which sex takes the most important place.

If you pick up the last red apple, and there is a huge queue behind you - wait for the luck that will come to you.

Buy rotten fruits for a large sum of money? This suggests that you will fail. Be careful. Do not accept dubious offers and do not sign documents without reading them.

Red apple dreamed of a woman

Why dream red and green apples to an unmarried girl? This means that soon she will marry a good man.

If a girl in marriage saw such a dream, then the long-awaited replenishment is soon expected.

Other significant little things

If the dreamer rolls a red apple on the table, then this means that in the future he will have to learn someone's secret.

Lying fruits on the grass indicate that in your environment there is a person who calls himself a friend. You should look at your social circle. Someone has been plotting you for a long time. The Dream Interpretation advises not to blindly trust all those who at least once turned to you with a request for help or entrusted their secret.

What is the dream in which you treat someone with a red apple? This suggests that you really want to find your love. If you have a good look at this person, then perhaps this is the one who is needed. Pay attention to whether the dreaming person received your gift. If not, then you are still far from a serious relationship.

What if red apples were stolen from you? This is a bad sign promising failure in business and unattainability of goals.

I really want our dreams to carry only positive emotions. Unfortunately, this does not always happen. Therefore, if you saw a bad dream, get out of bed before sunrise, go to the window and say 3 times: “Where the night is - there is the dream.”

Enjoy your night dreams!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9044/

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