How we define the positive traits of a person’s character

When we value someone, we first of all pay attention to his character. At the same time, we clearly define the positive and negative traits of a person’s character. In this article we will consider both those and others. And also try to answer the question: "What specific features do we attribute to positive, and which ones to negative?"

What is good and what is bad?

positive character traits
First of all, it is worth understanding that the positive traits of a person are a subjective assessment. Each of us has different concepts about good and bad, and therefore, we do not evaluate this or that fact equally. Such judgments are laid in us from childhood. For most, they change over time under the influence of culture and society. Consequently, the conditions under which an individual was brought up put in him certain ideas about what is happening. A person is prone to assessing himself, and by this criterion each of us knows our good and bad sides. But in this case, we consider ourselves in terms of our ideas about what features should be in each.

The impact of society on man

Society also tends to value the individual. It is it that primarily determines the positive traits of a person’s character. But the opinion of the individual and the opinion of society may not coincide. That is why, as mentioned above, the positive qualities of a person are a subjective assessment. In addition, positive traits of a person’s character, as well as negative ones, are incorporated in a person in childhood and change over time, as values ​​and life priorities change.

Summarizing all of the above, we can note:

  1. The concept of "positive human traits" is subjective for the most part.
  2. Judgments about what is good and what is bad, a person receives from the external environment, culture and society.

positive and negative traits

We draw conclusions:

  1. If we want people to do only good deeds and acquire positive character traits, we must raise the level of education, health care and, in general, the standard of living.
  2. Man, in fact, is innocent of what he does. This applies to both good deeds and bad ones.
  3. How people will act depends on their level of education and moral development.

positive human character traits
We list the main positive features

There can be dozens, if not hundreds, of positive traits. But very rarely all qualities are combined in one person. The character traits of women and men differ among themselves. It is natural for a man to be strong-willed and strong, and for a woman, kindness and femininity are preferable.

Interestingly, when men and women were asked to name each other's positive traits, women indicated masculinity, wisdom, reliability, responsibility, ability to keep their word, determination, willingness to solve any problem. And men - for kindness, meekness, tenderness, frugality, patience, caring. A real woman is a virtuous wife, a keeper of a family hearth, a loving mother. The strengths of a person’s character can be developed by everyone in themselves. This is very important, as others are drawn to positive people, they are more fortunate in life and happy.


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