Dream interpretation: what a black cat dreams of

People have been interpreting dreams since ancient times. Unusual objects, animals, or strange circumstances can have very different meanings and predict various events. To interpret such visions, special books are used - dream books. Moreover, different publications can interpret different visions in completely different ways.

what is the dream of a black cat
So, why is a black cat dreaming? If this is your pet, then this is nothing special. If you see a completely unfamiliar black cat, then there are several options for the interpretation of such a dream. According to the interpretation of modern dream books, it can be a harbinger of a close quarrel or even a fight. If in an dream the animal moves towards you, then you should expect in the near future the appearance of an ill-wisher in your life.

If in a dream a black cat caresses you, it means that soon you have to survive the misfortune. The loud meow of this animal suggests that your partner's love for you is insincere. The question of why a black cat is dreaming can most fully open the French dream book. According to his interpretation, the appearance of this animal in a dream may mean precisely treason. The French also believe that in the event that cats fight in a dream and one of them is black, a person will face trials in the form of a night robbery.

dreams with cats
Italians can also tell us what a black cat is dreaming of. In their opinion, this means bondage. Moreover, they interpret such a dream not only as a harbinger of imprisonment, but also as a warning about the appearance of unrequited love in the near future , that is, the capture of feelings.

However, the interpretation of what a black cat dreams of is not always negative. According to the Assyrian dream book, such a vision can mean the realization of all secret desires and hopes. In addition, the appearance of this animal in a dream may mean that in the near future someone powerful from among the powerful of this world will begin to help.

However, in most other countries, dreams with cats, and not just black ones, usually mean the approach of events that will upset the dreamer. Only visions in which the sleeper manages to drive this animal away, kill it or in any other way avoid its attack are not negative. These dreams can be attributed to auspicious. Such visions portend a speedy deliverance from enemies.

the secret of your dreams
If in a dream you see a white cat, this may mean that in reality you will not immediately see the misfortunes looming on you, and therefore, you will not be able to prepare for them accordingly. If a cat of any color succeeds in scratching you, it means that enemies will soon succeed in depriving you of some of the income. A sagging cat may portend bad news from relatives or friends. Most likely, an accident happened to any of them. A dream involving a cat of any color and type may also portend the destruction of various commercial undertakings.

The secret of your dreams can be revealed by using any dream book. In different countries, dreams involving these cute pets are interpreted differently. Which interpretation to choose depends only on the dreamer's personal preferences.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9057/

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