The formation of the authorized capital: accounting entries

The first operation after the establishment of the enterprise is the formation of the authorized capital in the BU. Its value should be determined before the registration of the company, and then fixed in the statutory documents. Let us consider in more detail how the formation of the authorized capital occurs in the balance sheet . Postings depend on the type of contribution. But in each case there are some nuances.


The authorized capital is the amount that the founders contribute after the registration of the company. It is displayed in the liabilities side of the balance sheet, as it is a source of asset formation. Founders can make contributions in the form of cash, non-cash funds, materials, fixed assets. The funds of the Criminal Code finance the activities of the enterprise.

formation of authorized capital

For lenders, this value is a kind of guarantee of return on investment in case of bankruptcy of the borrower.


How is the formation of the authorized capital reflected in the BU? Postings depend on the sources of funds received. Accounts 80 and 75 are used to account for the authorized capital. The receipt of funds is displayed on the loan 75, and debiting is shown on the debit 75. The posting compiled during the formation of the authorized capital in joint-stock companies looks like this: DT75 KT80 - the debt of the founders in the authorized capital is reflected. Each owner must contribute to the capital in accordance with his share. In the same ratio, then profit will be distributed.

The formation of the authorized capital: accounting entries

Each receipt of funds will be displayed as a separate operation. The second posting account depends on the type of contribution. Formation of the authorized capital in cash:

  • D51 K75 - non-cash transfer of funds.
  • D50 K75 - cash receipt in cash.
  • D10 K75 - contribution to the Criminal Code in the form of materials.
  • D41 K75 - reflected the formation of the authorized capital.

Posting DT01 KT75 means that the contribution has arrived in the form of an asset.

Account 75 is also used to account for accrued and paid dividends. Analytics is carried out for each founder:

  • D84 K75 - accrual of dividends;
  • D75 K51 - payment of funds.

posting compiled during the formation of the authorized capital in joint stock companies


Difficulties arise if the accounts 01 and 04 were used in the posting of capital formation. Problems arise when calculating income tax. The value of the property is formed separately for the purposes of accounting and control.

According to Art. 277 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, property taken in the Criminal Code is accounted for at residual value. The latter is determined according to the sellerโ€™s NU at the time of transfer of ownership, taking into account additional costs, provided that they are included in the authorized capital. If the recipient cannot document the value of the property, then it is equal to zero. Received equipment is registered. The initial value of the object is calculated based on the costs of its acquisition, delivery and bringing to the state of use, net of VAT and excise taxes. The recipient cannot change the already formed cost of fixed assets by the amount of additional expenses without reconstruction, modernization, and re-equipment of the facility.

If the founder who transfers the object is an individual, then the operating system is accounted for according to the act of an independent appraiser.


The organization received equipment worth 80 thousand rubles. as a contribution from the founder. We display the formation of the authorized capital of LLC. Postings:

  • DT75 KT80 - 80 thousand rubles. - debt of the founder on a contribution to the UK.
  • DT08 KT75 - 80 thousand rubles. - received OS as a contribution.
  • DT01 KT08 - 80 thousand rubles. - reflects the commissioning of the facility.

Difference in calculations

Most often, the appraised value does not match the accounting documents. If the residual value is less, then there is a constant difference, a permanent tax liability is formed. Non -operating income in the amount of depreciation is monthly recognized in the BU, a posting is formed: DT99 KT68.

formation of authorized capital

UK increase

The increase in the authorized capital is carried out due to net assets, additional and contributions of third parties. It is allowed to use several sources simultaneously. Consider how the formation of the authorized capital is displayed, postings in the accounting department will also not be ignored.

The new amount of equity is approved at a meeting of shareholders. Then changes are made to the statutory documents, data is registered with the Federal Tax Service and postings are made to the accounting department. An increase in equity is not always due to additional contributions. Sometimes retained earnings are used for this purpose, the amount of revaluation of assets:

  • DT75 KT80 - for the amount of increase in the authorized capital.
  • DT84 KT75 - the direction of profit in capital.

In accordance with Art. 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the personal income tax of joint-stock companies received in the form of shares, property shares or in the form of the difference between the new and initial cost of the Central Bank is not subject to personal income tax. The increase in the cost of shares does not lead to real income, provided that the changes occurred due to revaluation of fixed assets. But if the difference is formed as a result of adding part of retained earnings to capital, then such amounts are subject to personal income tax. In this case, the amount paid may be taken into account in future periods. The date of receipt of income is the day of registration of the new size of the capital.

reflected the formation of authorized capital

Consider how in BU displays the formation of the authorized capital. Postings with revolutions according to CT80 mean that the funds came from internal sources:

  • DT83 KT80 - due to share premium, revaluation of fixed assets;
  • DT84 KT80 - due to special purpose funds, retained earnings.

Additional shares may be issued only within the amount declared by the Central Bank. In this case, the decision to increase the capital company should determine:

  • the number of placed ordinary and preferred securities;
  • publishing method;
  • price;
  • form of payment;
  • other conditions.

Payment of additional securities is carried out at a market price, but above the nominal value. An exception is the purchase of securities by participants who already have ordinary shares. The placement price in this case may be a maximum of 10% below the market. If professional market participants are involved in the publication, the price of the Central Bank can also be increased by an amount equal to the cost of intermediary services. But their remuneration cannot exceed 10% of the placement price.

formation of authorized capital

Reduction of the Criminal Code

The minimum capital is regulated by law. Its value is calculated according to the minimum wage and depends on the form of ownership of the enterprise:

  • LLC - 10 thousand rubles .;
  • CJSC - 100 minimum wages;
  • OJSC - 1000 minimum wages;
  • municipal enterprises - 1000 minimum wages;
  • state enterprises - 5000 minimum wages.

The founders may decide to reduce the amount of their own funds by reducing the price of shares or redemption of the Central Bank. As a result, the participant is paid a fee in the amount of the difference between the initial and new value. Income received as a result of reduction of the authorized capital by changing the value of the share is subject to personal income tax.

posting the formation of the authorized capital in cash

If the company bought back the shares, it is impossible to distribute them among the owners. The Central Bank must be sold or canceled and, as a general rule, amended by constituent documents.


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