What do the poltergeists dream of in their own and another's house?

Poltergeists call phenomena that are attributed to the paranormal and mystical nature. Folk characters and specific mystical creatures, such as ghosts, brownies, and so on, do not fit this definition. They can move objects or hide them, make extraneous noise, cause a fire. Why are poltergeists dreaming? The answer to this question is contained in the article.

Why poltergeists dream: Miller’s dream book

What is the opinion of a famous psychologist? Why are poltergeists dreaming?

poltergeists in a dream
  • Suppose that in his dreams a man or woman is afraid of an otherworldly entity. Such a plot indicates that the dreamer's future depends on his further actions. If a person makes the right decision, then he and his family will be happy.
  • In night dreams, the sleeper can observe the actions of the poltergeist and experience intense fear. Such a plot signals that a person was captured by his complexes. He needs to develop self-confidence, think less about how he impresses others.
  • Why do poltergeists dream if a man or woman leaves a treat for them in their dreams. In reality, the sleeper makes every effort to establish relationships with others.
  • Friendship with otherworldly strength is a good sign. Such a dream is evidence that a person is following the right path. Support of higher powers to the sleeping man is provided.
  • Sigmund Freud believes that mystical substance can be dreamed of as a powerful and arrogant person. If a young guy or girl sees such a dream, then he testifies to ambition, ambitious plans. Sleeping dreams of success, make a dizzying career.
what is the poltergeist dream of in a strange house

Other dream books

Why dream of a poltergeist in an apartment?

  • The Wanderer's Dream Book informs that such dreams can disturb the peace of a person who is confused. The sleeper needs to take a break and determine his goals, as well as develop a strategy for achieving them.
  • Female dream book gives a negative assessment of night visions, in which poltergeists appear. In reality, a man or woman will have to deal with another's cunning, evil intentions.
  • Why dream of a transition to another reality after an otherworldly entity? The interpreter N. Grishina informs that a person is preparing to change his own principles. It is highly likely that in the future he will be forced to regret it.


Why dream of a poltergeist in a strange house, friendly? Such a plot prophesies to the sleeper an unexpected visit of relatives or friends. From these people he learns overwhelming news.

why dream poltergeist in the house

Did a man or woman dream of benevolent otherworldly entities in their own homes? Do poltergeists help with housework? Such a dream is a sign that luck is on the side of the sleeper. If a person has a cherished dream, the ideal time has come to realize it.

Did you manage to make friends with the otherworldly entity? In reality, a man or woman will soon meet a soul mate.


What do poltergeists dream of when it comes to evil power? Such dreams worry the night's rest not only fans of horror films and science fiction. An unfriendly, otherworldly entity is dreaming of obstacles to the goal. This may be due to the machinations of enemies, competitors. Also, an evil spirit can symbolize failure, disease.

see poltergeist in a dream

Does a person in his dreams try to escape from the essence that is pursuing him? This indicates that the dreamer has a habit of hiding his head in the sand. Problems, if they are not addressed in a timely manner, will accumulate, which will lead to disastrous consequences. Trying to hide from an angry poltergeist is dreaming of serious health problems. Under no circumstances should disturbing symptoms be ignored.

Does the evil spirit manage to overtake the dreamer? In the past, a person committed an unsightly act, for which he will be punished.

Various plots

Why dream of poltergeist in the house?

  • Suppose a mystical, trouble-making entity leaves housing. Such a plot prophesies for a man or woman an early deliverance from someone's obsessive company.
  • A transparent soaring cloud symbolizes unfulfilled desires. A person still cannot get rid of regrets about what he could not achieve. It's time to leave behind the burden of the past and begin to live in the present.
  • In his dreams, the sleeper can turn to someone for help to expel the essence from his home. Such a plot prophesies to the dreamer the adoption of a responsible decision. He can also predict hard work that will have to be done on his own.
  • A man or woman may dream of a hunter for otherworldly forces. Such a dream is a sign that a person will not be left alone with piled up problems. True friends will surely help you get out of a difficult situation.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9079/

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