Smartphone BlackBerry Z3: reviews, review, feature

Probably, all connoisseurs of smartphones remember that (epic, if one can call it that) moment when sales of the device called BlackBerry Z10 began. No worse are these people aware of what a failure for the company this peculiar campaign ended. I remember that the price of this unit was about two hundred dollars.

The device was replaced by BlackBerry Z3. This is not to say that the phone is an ideal model of the current smartphone. Note that this model is not officially sold in the Russian Federation. Nevertheless, we can say that the Z3 is really in great demand among a wide audience.

If we consider the BlackBerry Z3 smartphone, reviews of which we will give in the article in general form, we can immediately note the fact that this model was a real breakthrough among the first touchscreen devices of the company. He was deprived of many of the shortcomings that were inherent in previous devices. In general, the BlackBerry Z3 phone marked the beginning of a new era in the history of the company. We will now study the device.

Feature BlackBerry Z3. Equipment

blackberry z3

So, what will we see by opening the box with the phone? The standard equipment includes:

  • the phone itself;
  • stereo wired headset (ordinary headphones);
  • charger (charging unit + USB 2.0 cable);
  • user's manual.

Well, as we see, the equipment of the device is no different. But this is to be expected. In this case, we continue to review the phone.

Design and controls

blackberry z3 reviews

Probably, the main difference between the device (from numerous Chinese models literally flooding the smartphone markets) is a complicated design. However, we can see with a naked eye a large corporate inscription located on the front panel of the phone.

Left side

blackberry z3 review

On the left side of the device is a power control button. With its help, the phone can be locked, turned on or off. There are also buttons to adjust the volume of sound mode or music. There is also a proprietary button. Its purpose is directly related to the menu. Thus, it depends on the context.

Right side

smartphone blackberry z3

On the right side of the device there is a slot designed to insert a memory card into it. This connector is protected by a special plug. Also here you can see the connector for installing a SIM-card format Micro.

Bottom edge

phone blackberry z3

On the bottom of the device is only a microUSB format connector. It allows you to connect the appropriate cable to the phone, which serves as a charger (in combination with a power supply) or simply as a means of synchronization with a personal computer or laptop (for single use and connecting to the appropriate device).

Top face

feature blackberry z3

At the top end we can see only one connector, which is designed to connect a stereo headset to a smartphone. This connector is 3.5mm standard.

Rear end

It is made of plastic. The material is velvety to the touch. At the same time, it has a rulering to a point. This design decision does not just look good - it has a practical basis. Thus, it was possible to achieve that there will be no noticeable scratches or fingerprints on the phone case. The case belongs to the monolithic type, it is not possible to disassemble it. Therefore, it is also impossible to remove the battery. On the back surface of the device is the main camera (having a resolution of 5 megapixels), as well as an LED flash.

front part

As with most smartphones, the front has a front camera. It is located directly above the screen of the device. Next to it you can see the proximity sensor. It should be noted right away that glass is superimposed on the display from one edge to the other. This brings some convenience to the process of using the phone.

Dimensions and dimensions

In all three planes, the dimensions of the smartphone are as follows: 140 millimeters by 72.8 and by 26. If we talk about the mass of the device, then it is 164 grams. As for how such dimensions affect the use of the phone, then everything is simple. In fact, the BlackBerry Z3 smartphone is comfortable in the hand. We can say that the device is relatively thin. There are no complaints about the assembly. There are no backlashes. You may notice that two microphones are built into the device at once. Such a peculiar system allows providing good communication quality even when there is an increased noise level around.

BlackBerry Z3 Phone: Screen Overview

Currently, buyers of "smart" phones are hard enough to surprise with the screen size. This also applies to our model under discussion. It would seem that 5 inches for the screen is not enough, but at the same time, such a diagonal is not something beyond the limits. Even relatively inexpensive models can be found screens with a diagonal of 5 inches. Therefore, we move on.

As it turned out, the resolution of the display is 540 by 960 pixels. Also not particularly impressive. But for the middle segment it’ll do. The geometry has an aspect ratio of 16 to 9. The image displayed on the screen of the device turns out to be a little "loose", not detailed. Nevertheless, with other characteristics, or rather, when they are taken into account, such a fact of the user should not surprise at all.

A separate word should be said about fonts. If we recall the older models of this line of smartphones, how the fonts were displayed on them, we immediately notice striking differences. At the same time, to say that such a feature is a drawback, just the language does not turn. In this regard, there should be no complaints against the apparatus. You can clearly see this if you take a couple of other devices of the same price segment and compare them with our model. In this case, you will see that the quality of displaying fonts on the screen of the Z3 is not an example better. It was expected that under natural light the screen β€œfades”. But reading information from it is still possible. For a budget model, the display specifications can be called quite good.


The smartphone has a lithium-ion battery with a capacity of 2500 mAh. The manufacturer has repeatedly assured potential buyers that such a capacity will allow the device to work for a long time. If we talk about specific numbers, then the battery provides the following features:

  • 10 hours of movie watching;
  • 84 hours of continuous music playback;
  • 15.5 hours of continuous voice calls;
  • 16 days of standby time.

There is a rather interesting fact. Models of the line up to Z3, which had removable batteries, worked an order of magnitude less. At the same time, one serious problem was discovered with them. Those who used the appropriate smartphones remember very well that they had a lot of third-party software. It was due to his battery that sat down for 5-6 hours. The device was enough for a maximum of one day. But it was a rarity.

It turned out that the software was optimized in the new device. The operating time has increased (compared with previous models) at least twice. Moreover, such adjustments were made precisely due to optimization procedures, and not due to the installation of some other hardware stuffing. Until now, BlackBerry, frankly speaking, lost almost all other manufacturers in terms of energy efficiency. But apparently, the time has come, how everything should change.

Owner reviews

Many users who purchased this unit drew attention to a fairly good quality of communication. In their opinion, the vibrating alert, which is simply impossible to miss, also became a positive side. Among other things, there are several more advantages. This is an advanced hardware β€œstuffing” and optimized software that has increased energy efficiency.

Among the shortcomings, the owners note a not very attractive and original design. Once again, the hardware filling becomes a kind of double-edged sword, and to say that it will satisfy the needs of any user is simply impossible. That is why the company still has much to strive for.


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