How to connect and how to disable mobile Internet on "Tele2"?

Now we will try to figure out how to disable the mobile Internet on "Tele2". In addition, we learn about the connection conditions thereof. This mobile operator offers very favorable tariff plans for the Internet. And therefore, it is also worth knowing some information about them. Indeed, before you connect the mobile Internet to "Tele2" or abandon it, you should generally have an idea of ​​the conditions under which we will work. Perhaps there is no need to refuse or connect to certain services. Let's try to understand this difficult issue.

how to disable mobile internet on tel2

Internet for every day

The first option that you can offer is daily billing from the operator. That is, you will pay a monthly subscription fee for using the Internet. For example, pay attention to a sentence called "Everyday Internet". For it you will pay 5.5 rubles per day. And with all this, you get 100 megabytes of free traffic. After the exhaustion of this limit, the speed will decrease to 64 Kbytes per second.

In truth, the Mobile Internet service on Tele2 has many alternatives. But sometimes this option is suitable for customers. It connects quite easily and simply, and also disconnects.

Possible options

Before introducing any specifics, pay attention to the fact that all operators have the same principles. So, if you are interested in how to turn off the mobile Internet on Tele2 or connect it, then in all cases, regardless of the offer, you will use the same methods, but with some adjustments. Which ones?

The first is the use of a mobile operator’s hotline. Call on "Tele2", inform about your intentions to connect / disconnect from the Internet on your mobile device and wait for the result. Nothing difficult. True, this alignment of events does not please many.

how to connect mobile internet on tel2

Secondly, in order to independently perform actions to connect or disconnect a service (not necessarily the Internet), you can use the so-called USSD request. On a mobile, you need to dial a certain combination that activates one or another function.

Thirdly, the “Personal Account” is often used at Tele2 and other mobile operators. Here, using a computer and the Internet, you can connect and disconnect any services, as well as change the tariff plan. There is nothing special about this. True, novice users avoid this method.

Fourth, in some cases, SMS requests can help. Form a message of a certain type, then send it to a short number and wait for a response. Easy and simple.

We connect / disconnect for every day

If you are interested in how to turn off the mobile Internet on Tele2, you can go in several ways. The first is sending a USSD request, the second is using the "Personal Account" on the operator’s official website. The Internet is connected in a similar way.

Let's start with the connection, because without this you can’t disconnect the tariff. So, how to connect mobile Internet to "Tele2" with the terms "Internet for every day"? Just dial the combination on your phone: * 155 * 151 #. After that, press the call button of the subscriber and wait for an answer. Connection of this offer will cost you 10 rubles.

how to disable the mobile internet service on tel2

Disabling is absolutely free. To implement this idea, you will have to print * 155 * 150 # on the phone. As last time, we send a request and wait for an alert with a response. Internet is off.

If you decide to use the "My Account", then go through the authorization on it on the page "Tele2", then select "Services" - "Internet" there. Now you need to find the "Internet for every day" and click on the appropriate line. At the end of the page you will see “Connect” or “Disconnect”. Click on the button, confirm the action and the problem is solved.

"Day on the Web"

The next offer from Tele2 is Day on the Web. You pay only for the days when you really used the mobile Internet. In truth, a pretty good offer, especially for those who do not want to overpay. A day of such an Internet will cost 15 rubles. Just like a connection. With all this, you get 250 megabytes of high-speed Internet traffic per day. After that, the speed will decrease.

Connection via "My" Tele2 "is carried out in a manner similar to the previous method. The same applies to disabling the service.

But when using the USSD command, you will have to make some adjustments. How to disable mobile Internet on "Tele2"? In order to refuse to use the "Day on the Web" service, send a request * 155 * 160 #. Connection is made using * 155 * 161 #. A couple of minutes of waiting - and you will receive an answer with the appropriate text. Either you have activated the service, or disabled it.

mobile internet service on tel2

Internet Package

There is also the next advantageous offer from our current mobile operator. It is called the "Internet Package." What does this service provide? For 250 rubles per month, you get unlimited mobile Internet on Tele2. True, a high-speed connection will only be until you download 5 gigabytes of data for yourself. After that, the speed will decrease. In principle, a very good offer.

We will not consider the option with "My Account", because it is no different from previous cases. USSD commands are of great interest. They differ from each other at each tariff.

In our case, the connection is made using the combination * 155 * 191 #, and if you are interested in how to disable the mobile Internet on "Tele2" ("Internet Package"), you will have to dial * 155 * 190 #. Click on the call button and wait for the result of processing the request.

Internet Portfolio

Next on the list is the Internet Portfolio offer. Perhaps this is a more interesting option that Tele2 can give its subscribers. After all, when you connect this service, you get 15 gigabytes of high-speed Internet for only 350 rubles per month. Pretty profitable and practical. True, as soon as the limit is exceeded, the connection speed will decrease by several times and will be 64 Kbps.

how to check traffic on tel2 mobile internet

Connecting this offer is quick and easy. Again, we form a team and send a request. You need to dial * 155 * 201 #. And if you are interested in how to disable mobile Internet on "Tele2", then just write * 155 * 200 #.

"Suitcase of the Internet"

Well, here we are with you to the last offer from "Tele2". "Suitcase of the Internet" - this is the name that unlimited high-speed Internet carries for 450 rubles per month. By the way, you are given 30 gigabytes of traffic. As in all past cases, it is worth exceeding this limit, as you will get the most ordinary Internet connection on your phone.

You can activate the service using the request. We dial * 155 * 211 # on the mobile and wait for a response from the operator. Disabled "Internet Suitcase" using * 155 * 210 #.

Traffic check

Do not forget that if you connect to a mobile tariff that provides high-speed Internet for certain traffic, you always have to control the balance. This is, of course, done using the appropriate request. On each connection packet he has his own. How to check traffic on Tele2 (mobile Internet)?

unlimited mobile internet on tel2

  1. Everyday Internet uses a request of the form * 155 * 15 #.
  2. "Day on the Web" - * 155 * 16 #.
  3. "Internet Package" - * 155 * 19 #.
  4. Internet Portfolio - * 155 * 020 #.
  5. "Suitcase of the Internet" - * 155 * 021 #.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in our current plans. Checking traffic, connecting or disconnecting the Internet on the phone is not such a difficult task. Everyone is able to cope with it. The main thing is to know which combinations to use. After all, now we know how to disable the Mobile Internet service on Tele2, which includes one or another package for connecting to the Network.


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