The best sports for weight loss: types of activities

Each of us at least once looked in the mirror and thought about his physique. Someone from birth is overweight, someone acquired it already in the process of a conscious life, but the fact remains, many of these people want to have less “wealth” than they actually have. If you have problems with extra pounds, and you want, standing on the scales, see the cherished figure on the display, then this article is exactly what you need. This review will talk about sports for weight loss.

Aerobic training

Aerobics in the gym (stepper exercise)

Aerobic training (the same cardio training) is a moderate-intensity exercise in which the heart rate increases and breathing quickens. This type of exercise is considered the most effective sport for weight loss.

During aerobics, the human body is saturated with oxygen and the metabolic process starts. As a result of such training, the muscles become more toned, enough calories are burned, subcutaneous fat is consumed, the cardiovascular system is strengthened, blood pressure is normalized, and working capacity and stamina are increased.

There are a few tips to keep in mind when doing aerobics:

  • It is not recommended to eat food 2 hours before the start of classes;
  • Be sure to monitor your diet;
  • It’s best to do the exercises in the morning, because the metabolism is accelerated by hormones.

We describe a few exercises that are suitable for all beginners in this business:

  • Walking on the stepper. The stepper is the same step that is in every staircase. During classes, the muscles of the legs, buttocks, and thighs are worked out on it. An hour of training in this inventory will cost you 500 calories burned. When working on the stepper, the pressure normalizes, the work of the cardiovascular system.
  • Walking on an ellipse. This is a mixture of a treadmill, exercise bike and stepper. When working with this simulator, the muscles of the legs, arms, hips, and chest are involved. The load on the joints is reduced to zero, since the feet are fixed in a certain position, and the movements are smooth.
  • Water aerobics. The same aerobics, only in water. This method has recently been very popular, since when resisting with water, the muscles simultaneously receive a strong load, and then relax. Sometimes even pregnant women are advised to do it.

We can say with confidence that aerobics is a sport for weight loss. Everyone, men, women and children can deal with it. It is not necessary to have special equipment to do the exercises, enough willpower and desire to achieve results.



Not sure where to start? Start your weight loss activity with walking. She very well helps to burn a subcutaneous layer of fat and calories. But it is not so safe and has its consequences associated with joints. But, if you correctly perform all the actions and sometimes look under your feet, you can avoid undesirable consequences. Walking as well as aerobics will suit everyone from young to old. But this is not just a walk, you must move rhythmically, feel how the muscles of your legs are involved, how the feet work. Only then will you see the result.

Choose a place away from the road so as not to breathe the exhaust gases of cars. Rhythmic music will also help, you can step along with the sound of drums and this is just what you need.

You need to walk 8000-10000 steps every day, so as not to do calculations while walking, keep in mind that this is about an hour of your time.


Low intensity running

Running is divided into two categories: high-intensity and low-intensity. The difference between them in speed indicators. With high-intensity running, the speed should be at least 8 km / h or more, with low-intensive running - from 3 to 8 km / h.

The first type is suitable for already trained people who regularly train or those who have ever played sports in order to strengthen the heart muscle and speed up metabolism. You need to run from 10 to 15 minutes.

The second type is what you need. It is ideal for weight loss. You need to set a very low pace, but the training should be long. Fat begins to be actively burned after 30-40 minutes of training. Your goal is to turn fats into energy, but by no means carbohydrates, so keep your pace low.

Before jogging, it is not recommended to consume carbohydrates, as they suppress the process of burning fat during the process, and there will simply be no sense in your workout. It is important to monitor your heart rate. If suddenly you feel unwell, it is better to stop, but not sharply, slow down gradually, otherwise a strong load on the heart is possible. Having stopped, feel for a pulse and count your indicators, if they are high, then you should stop training and just go for a quick step.

Remember that running is a very good way to lose a couple of extra pounds, but also it does not always have a positive effect on the joints, before starting to run, consult a specialist.


Swimming (pictured is legendary swimmer Michael Phelps)

Athletes do not do sports for weight loss, they do it to achieve results. In this case, for you, the result will be the very lost extra pounds.

You watch TV and inadvertently find a channel where they broadcast swimming competitions. It is worth noting that the figures of swimmers are honed almost to the ideal. Developed shoulder girdle, wide back, narrow waist and powerful legs. Indeed, this sport very well helps to fight excess weight, without significant strain on the joints, which is present, for example, when running.

It’s worth not spending too much intensively an hour in the pool, as soon as you get off about 500 calories, and with an intense load - from 700 or more. These are very impressive numbers, despite the fact that you swim at your pleasure. Therefore, swimming can be safely called a sport for weight loss.

During the swim, you not only lose weight, but also gain lean muscle mass.

Do not headlong at the sight of the pool to jump into it and swim at high speeds. Before you plunge, you should do a warm-up and warm up your muscles, since when swimming all muscle groups are involved, and often many face cramps in the pool. Mentally you should divide your workout into several parts. For example, swim 4 segments at an average pace, freestyle. Take a short break and continue in the same vein. If you can swim in different styles, then this is great, try to alternate them.

Follow all the rules and after a month you will see the first results.

Cycling as a sport for weight loss

Bicycle riding

Most houses have a bicycle, usually they are all given to children, and then they just stand there. But it is worth noting that it is the bike that makes the lower body work better and safer than any other equipment.

In order to lose weight you need to conduct workouts lasting at least one hour, without stopping. Try to choose flat sections of the track so that your intensity does not fluctuate and you move in a certain rhythm. If you want to increase the muscles of your legs, then you can ride on hilly surfaces, but only after a long straight stretch of road.

Riding a two-wheeled friend helps improve balance and control body balance. It also develops the muscles of the legs, feet, buttocks, pelvis and abdomen. For an hour of cycling, you can burn 500-600 calories. Some people think that this is the best sport for weight loss.

If you do not have such an item in your home, then an analogue will be an exercise bike in the gym.


The game of football (pictured are two world famous football players, Lionel Messi and Luis Suarez)

It would seem what football is - running back and forth with the ball across the field for fun. In fact, take a closer look, you are doing tremendous work during the game. This is the same run, only much more intense, and more energy-intensive. After all, your task is not only to run, but also to score goals, hold the ball, and logically think how and to whom to pass. An hour of playing football can burn from 600 calories and above. Very impressive result. Undoubtedly, it can also be chosen as a sport for weight loss.

Water polo

Water polo

Another leader in our fat burning charts is water polo. Normal swimming and water polo are related, like running and football. You can spend up to 700 calories per hour.

Basketball and Beach Volleyball

Basketball in this regard is similar to football, only the upper body works more here. If you look at the basketball players, then none of them will be overweight, and all because they are engaged in strength training and at the same time develop endurance on the treadmill. After playing basketball intensively for an hour, you can gladly lose up to 600 calories.

Basketball (pictured world-famous basketball player James LeBron)

Similar energy costs are observed in the case of beach volleyball. Imagine a beach on which the sun literally fries, and you also do the work. You do not just run and pass, you are on the sand, and he, in turn, gives a very strong resistance, since your grip with him is almost zero. You are doing hard work, which in an hour can help you lose the same amount of calories as playing a ball.

Some go in for sports for weight loss, others - professionally, there are lovers, but all of them are united by the fact that they keep their body in good shape.

We also add that there are many sports such as cross-country skiing, martial arts, tennis, ice skating, etc. What kind of sports for weight loss do you choose? You can learn everything, the most important thing is that there is a desire. After all, if you, looking at yourself in the mirror, will only blame everyone around, then, unfortunately, nothing will come of it. You need to work hard on your body, then you will be proud of yourself.


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