Ballerina Lyudmila Vlasova: biography, personal life, creativity

The famous ballerina Lyudmila Vlasova, whose biography is full of such vivid events that it seems like this is the life of several people, today lives quietly in Moscow and does what she loves. Behind her is huge fame, incredible love, tragic partings and a lot of work.

ballerina lyudmila vlasova


The future ballerina Lyudmila Vlasova was born in Moscow on March 2, 1942. Mila’s father, a well-known musician in the capital, Joseph Markov, was a real representative of bohemia, and therefore the family life of the parents of the future prima did not work out. The girl’s mother worked as an actress in the theater of the Red Army, but after the birth of the child left the stage and took up the family. After the divorce, she had to become a waitress to feed herself and two children. Mila’s mother was a very beautiful woman, she repeatedly received offers from men, but she never married again and devoted her whole life to children. Times were difficult, post-war. The family lived in a large communal apartment on Arbat, in which the most inhabited place was a corridor where music from the reproducer was constantly played. The apartment was inhabited by 12 families, about 40 people, so it was always very crowded here. Little Mila was constantly dancing in the hallway, which prompted her mother to think about taking her daughter to a dance school. So began a new life of Mila Markova.

Vlasova Lyudmila Iosifovna


When mom brought Mila to the choreographic school, the teachers immediately noted the good natural data of the future star. She easily passed the selection and ended up in a class in which she had a chance to study with Mikhail Lavrovsky, Nina Sorokina, Natalya Bessmertnova. The girl spent all her time in school, there was not enough free time. Therefore, she understood so well what separation was from her mother. For her, it was a small celebration of the opportunity, after school, to go to her mother in a cafe, where she always kept a raisin roll for her daughter. Already during her studies, Mila showed great success, she was even invited to participate in extras in productions of the Bolshoi Theater, she danced children's parties. With the distribution at the end of the school, Mila Markova had no problems: she was immediately taken to the Bolshoi Theater.

spartak ballet

First marriage

As soon as the young ballerina came to Bolshoi, she almost immediately met her fate. Dancer Stanislav Vlasov immediately drew attention to a very beautiful young ballerina who came to the troupe. Their romance very quickly ended in marriage. The husband was 9 years older than Lyudmila, and in it she immediately found a husband, a teacher, and a director. So the ballerina Lyudmila Vlasova appeared in the troupe - the girl took his name at the insistence of her husband. Stanislav was a brilliant dancer and soloist of the theater. His wife became a partner not only in marriage, but also in creativity. He perfectly understood the possibilities and strengths of his wife and helped her to better reveal her talent. The couple quickly climbed to the top of their ballet career. The husband indulged a young wife, she bathed in luxury. The Vlasovs bought Mama’s mom a comfortable separate apartment, got their own luxurious apartment with an unusual design. Mila had several fur coats, a lot of jewelry, the most fashionable clothes. She had everything that was then considered a symbol of the highest success in life.

Alexander Godunov

Work at the Bolshoi Theater

Together with her husband, the ballerina Lyudmila Vlasova traveled the whole world on tour. She shone in such productions as Swan Lake, Romeo and Juliet. Her career was excellent. In fact, everything she dreamed about in a creative way, she was able to get here. Vlasov set numbers for Mila (“The Swan Princess”, “Fly Pigeons”), which made a splash, and she was invited to the programs of Maya Plisetskaya, Natalya Bessmertnova, Ekaterina Maximova. Vlasova performed with almost all the stars of the USSR ballet of that time. She was constantly invited to perform in government concerts, which was a symbol of the highest glory. Vlasova, a brilliant soloist of the Bolshoi Theater, could choose parties and teachers. She always wanted to work with Marina Timofeevna Semenova, and she got to her class. Although at first the teacher put the “star” on the very edge of the machine, but after several rehearsals Vlasov was moved to the center, which was a sign of recognition from the mentor.

Alexander Godunov and Lyudmila Vlasova

Years of fame

Ballerina Lyudmila Vlasova in the late 60s - early 70s was a real prima and star. Her name on posters during foreign tours gathered full halls in London and Paris. Her career was such that many prima could envy her. She had talent, the Bolshoi Theater, a beautiful loving husband ... But fate prepared her a great test.

after the completion of a ballet career

Alexander Godunov: fatal meeting

In 1967, a young dancer Alexander Godunov arrived in Moscow from Riga. He was found and lured to the capital by Igor Moiseyev. Godunov began working in the ensemble “Classical Ballet” (“Young Ballet”), and the ballet dancers quickly started talking about a new rising star. Alexander had not only outstanding choreographic data, but also an unforgettable appearance: a tall blond with the figure of Apollo, moreover, he was endowed with an incredible face and dramatic talent. Vlasov noticed the new dancer. There is a version that it was she who spoke about Alexander to the main choreographer of the Bolshoi, Yuri Grigorovich. In 1971, Grigorovich invited Godunov to the Bolshoi Theater, where he made his debut in Swan Lake.

Once, at the premiere of the film, he did not take his whole show off Vlasova’s eyes, and when she went into the lobby, she saw that he was timidly standing at the column and was embarrassed to turn to her. Then Mila took the initiative into her own hands. She started a humorous conversation with Godunov about a dangling button on his suit and allowed the dancer to conduct herself. So the beautiful couple of the Bolshoi Theater itself appeared: Alexander Godunov and Lyudmila Vlasova. Although at first the ballerina did not think that this acquaintance would forever change her life. She was 7 years older than Godunov, and she was just pleased with the admiration of the young man.

ballerina lyudmila vlasova biography

The novel of a lifetime

At first, Alexander Godunov and Lyudmila Vlasova just met, but the novel quickly gained momentum. Mila’s friend Nina Sorokina immediately told her that she should not hope that it would be just an affair, that Godunov would lead her away anyway with the strength of her love and talent. He was a man of passions and strong manifestations in everything. Very soon Mila left her stable and wealthy husband, from their luxurious apartment to Alexander, in his little "odnushka". The next day, after the departure of his wife, Stanislav Vlasov demanded a divorce and immediately quit the Bolshoi Theater. Mila was worried for a long time because she had caused him such a wound.

Godunov at that time was still just showing hope and getting a salary of about 100 rubles. In order to somehow live in the first time, Vlasova was forced to sell her fur coats and jewelry. This extremely upset Alexander, and he insisted that he would surely make sure that his beloved would have everything. And he fulfilled his promise. Very quickly, Godunov became a soloist at the Bolshoi Theater with a salary of 550 rubles (like that of ministers and professors). In addition, he performed a lot in concerts, went on tour, and the financial situation of the young family quickly recovered. He spoiled his beloved wife and often, when he received a fee, gave her jewelry, she had the first fox coat in her first in Moscow.

In addition, Godunov and Vlasova became a wonderful creative couple. Together they performed many parts in famous productions. The performances Spartak, the ballet Spring of Sacred, Romeo and Juliet (Godunov danced the part of Tybalt specially written for him) became real choreographic masterpieces. The ballet "Ivan the Terrible" at the Bolshoi Theater with Godunov became a real world masterpiece. The couple toured a lot, swimming in the glory.

However, for Godunov, life was not so perfect. As a result of intrigue at the Bolshoi Theater, he did not get the roles he dreamed about. And life itself in the USSR with its limitations, censorship and surveillance was cramped for the maximalist Godunov. In 1974, a close friend and classmate of Alexander Mikhail Baryshnikov remained in the West . All this set the stage for a bold step. Although the couple never seriously discussed the issue of emigration. But in the 70s, this idea literally was in the air. In addition, the authorities periodically refused Godunov and Vlasova to travel abroad, which was sometimes done in a very insulting form. All this infuriated the passionate and freedom-loving Alexander.

ice dance choreographer

Day x

On August 19, 1979 in New York at the Metropolitan Theater the next performance of the Bolshoi tour was held. Godunov danced brilliantly at Romeo and Juliet and returned to his hotel room with his wife. This was the last day of their 8-year-old happy marriage. In the evening, Alexander Godunov left the hotel, and two days later the media announced that he had sought political asylum in the United States. Vlasova immediately said that she was not going to stay in the West, and asked that she be sent home “to her mother”. She perfectly remembered how Rudolf Nuriev, who also remained abroad, was not allowed to see his mother even during her most serious illness. Mila did not want herself and her family such a fate.

Three days of difficult negotiations, it came to the point that the heads of the USSR and the USA intervened in the matter. Godunov claimed that his wife was forcibly detained and prevented from staying in America. Therefore, the US authorities did not allow the plane to fly. At the airport, demonstrators lined up with posters “Freedom to Lyudmila Vlasova.” Many former compatriots, embassy workers joined the negotiations. Vlasova constantly said that she wanted to go home. On the proposals to go to Godunov and tell him about it, Mila refused, because she was afraid that when she saw her husband, she would no longer be able to say no. Three days later, she flew to Moscow, and Godunov remained in New York.

After life

When Vlasova Lyudmila Iosifovna returned to Moscow, outwardly her life almost did not change. Her parties were preserved for her, she rehearsed new roles. But in her heart it was very hard. She said that she did not want to leave the house at all, but she did not want to show her pain to others. She closed, but continued to work. Godunov called her a few months later and began with the words: "I am not a traitor." They called up almost daily. Alexander was very fond of Mila and made different plans for family reunion. Some options were almost realized, but still the plans were not destined to come true. Godunov feared that he would be stolen and forcibly returned to the USSR. Until the last day, he continued to communicate with Vlasova, she was the main love of his life. Although each of them later had new partners, Mila and Alexander did not hide the fact that they are still very warm to each other. Vlasov was never allowed to tour abroad again. Two years later, the couple was quietly divorced through the embassy. Lyudmila Vlasova calmly finalized at the Bolshoi Theater before retiring. And Alexander Godunov, having made a rather successful career on the American ballet scene and in the cinema, died at the age of 45. The circumstances of his death were more than strange, but there was no investigation. Police admitted that he died "for natural reasons." Five years after Godunov’s death, his girlfriend, actress Jacqueline Bisset, came to Moscow. Mila met with her, and both women recalled the dancer for a long time. Jacqueline said that all her life Godunov loved only Lyudmila. With the permission of the priest, Vlasov installed a stone in memory of Alexander at the Vvedensky cemetery in Moscow.

Outstanding parties

Vlasova’s repertoire is predominantly classic. She shone in Swan Lake, in Sacred Spring. The star part for her were: Spartak, the ballet Anna Karenina, The Legend of Love. Today, the name of Lyudmila Iosifovna is most often remembered in connection with the story of Godunov. But only connoisseurs and fans remember that she was really a brilliant ballerina, a star of the first magnitude.

Movie work

Vlasova Lyudmila Iosifovna was not only an outstanding, but also a beautiful ballerina. This texture and talent could not fail to notice filmmakers. Even when she was studying at school, one day an assistant S. Bondarchuk came up to her in the theater and said that the director was looking for an actress for the role of Natasha Rostova and whether Mila wanted to pass the test. The proposal was tempting, but for the filming it was necessary to leave the ballet for 4 years. For Vlasova, this was impossible. So she chose the ballet. She still left her little mark in the cinema. She has performed two small ballet films: Trapeze and Mischievous Ditties. In 1967, Mila played a small role in the opera film Stone Guest. And in 1978, together with Godunov, she played an unusual role in the musical film "June 31." Later, she also happened to star in Carmen Suite, and she also took part in the creation of the documentary about Godunov's “Escape to Nowhere”.

Third marriage

In 1981, Vlasova Lyudmila Iosifovna entered into her third and last marriage. Her chosen one again was the artist, this time an opera singer, the bass of the Bolshoi Theater Yuri Statnik. He is a little younger than Lyudmila, just as she had worked all her life at the Bolshoi Theater. He knew and appreciated Alexander Godunov very much and always was very careful about his wife’s feelings, realizing that he was not given to replace the great dancer in her heart. Statnik, in addition to being a successful soloist of the Bolshoi Theater, took place as a vocal teacher. He teaches at the Bolshoi Theater and at the Helsinki Opera. Lyudmila Vlasova, who never talks about her feelings, notes that Yuri is a very good and dear to her person.


At 41, the ballerina Lyudmila Vlasova, whose personal life was still the subject of heated discussions, decided to retire. Yuri Grigorovich called her into the office, like all the employees upon reaching retirement age, and unexpectedly said that Vlasova was in excellent shape and the theater was ready to renew her contract. But she categorically did not want to dance anymore. She was offered to become a choreographer-teacher. But Mila was so tired of the ballet world with its intrigues, gossip, hostility, that she resolutely refused all offers. Moreover, she wanted the audience to remember her young and beautiful. In addition, she knew perfectly well that behind her stood a whole series of talented dancers who were not given the lead of the soloists, since they were all occupied by eminent ladies. Therefore, she left Vlasov’s ballet.

But she didn’t want to stay at home after the completion of her ballet career, especially since her husband Yuri often went on tour. And she decided to find herself something to do. Then suddenly a friend called her friend Valeria Kokhanovskaya, who had once left the ballet for rhythmic gymnastics, and called Vlasov to her. In gymnastics, Lyudmila worked for several years. It was an unusual experience. But fate prepared Vlasova another surprise.

Figure skating

Figure skating coach Natalya Linichuk called Lyudmila and said she needed an ice dance choreographer. Vlasova at first refused, did not want to change work, and she was heard about the character of Linichuk. But nevertheless I agreed and went to see the training. Angelica Krylova and Vladimir Fedorov rode on ice. The couple rehearsed “Carmen”, and several ideas of what could be done with such a couple were immediately born in Vlasova’s head. Thus began a new life of Lyudmila Iosifovna.

For several years she successfully worked in the team of Natalia Linichuk, but when she decided to move her training base to the USA, Vlasova refused to go. She stayed in Moscow, periodically traveling to Italy. On her account, work with such well-known couples as O. Grischuk - E. Platov, M. Anisina - I. Averbukh, I. Lobacheva - I. Averbukh, A. Semenovich - V. Fedorov, E. Ilinykh - N. Katsalapov, A. Cappellini - L. Lanotte, F. Fayella - M. Scully. Vlasova finds great pleasure and satisfaction in working with skaters, so her creative potential found a way.

lyudmila vlasova ballerina children

Private life

Lyudmila Vlasova, a ballerina, whose children is a sore and almost forbidden topic, says that in the world of dance, few decide to have children. The age of the dancers is very short, and to leave the stage and give the repertoire even for a few months - this often means losing your position, which you usually have to go to for years. Therefore, when Vlasova became pregnant in her first marriage, the question of whether to save a child was not even discussed. Today for Lyudmila Iosifovna this is perhaps the only thing she really regrets. He speaks about his remaining actions without bitterness and doubt and assures that she has lived a difficult but happy life.


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