Dream Interpretation: why chickens dream

Sometimes during dreams we see both intricate and incomprehensible symbols and images, and simple objects and phenomena. Today, on the basis of several dream books, we will try to figure out what we should expect if in a dream we had an ordinary chicken.

what do chickens dream of

What chickens dream of : A childish dream book

This dream book claims that a chicken in a dream can be a prototype of any of your relatives. If in your dream a chicken peacefully pecks grains, then in the near future you should not expect any stormy events or upheavals. If she worries, she can express her concern about an illness that threatens you or an unpleasant situation.

What chickens dream of: a dream book for the whole family

If in a dream you see a chicken running around the courtyard, then expect the arrival of guests soon, so you have to pretty much chatter. If chickens dream of night from Wednesday to Thursday, then be vigilant and careful in real life, because there is a possibility that they will try to drag you into some kind of scam or adventure. If you had a chicken dream from Sunday to Monday, then be prepared for some kind of difficulty in matters that you are unlikely to be able to overcome alone.

chickens dream

What do chickens dream of: a wandererโ€™s dream book

In general, according to this dream book, the chicken is a symbol of the feminine, motherhood, the hearth. Thus, chickens dream of a variety of household chores and worries about home and family. If in a dream a chicken hatches testicles, then your expectation of something will be crowned with success. If the chicken laid a testicle, then rumors and gossip are possible about you. If in a dream you saw a chicken with chickens, this is a sign that everything is fine in your house, and all the household members are happy and satisfied. If a gray or black chicken appeared in a dream , then scandals with domestic or illnesses of relatives are possible. The snow-white chicken is a symbol of love and an imminent wedding, either of your own or of one of your relatives.

chickens dream to

What chickens dream of: dream book XXI centuries

Now we learn how this dream interpretation interprets the appearance of a chicken in a dream. A dreaming beautiful and big chicken may be a harbinger of happiness in love and family affairs or getting a share in any property acquired illegally. If in a dream you see several chickens, then wait for the arrival of guests and get ready for household chores. If you had a lot of hens at once, then be prepared for hard and tiring work. If in a dream you eat chicken, then expect a gift. If the chicken in your dream laid a testicle, then you will have success in business and undertakings. The chicken with chickens is a symbol of happiness in the family and home. If in a dream you saw a severed chicken head, then expect some important news or letters. If you dreamed of a singing cock, then in real life it is worth showing prudence. If in a dream you pluck a chicken or a rooster, then some problems are possible both in the family and at work. If you are trying to catch a chicken, then in real life you will find some disputes and disagreements. If roosters fight in a dream, then you are facing a quarrel with someone from your friends or relatives.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9099/

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