What can fresh fish portend? The dream interpretation will help to find the answer to this question!

A very interesting symbol is fresh fish. The dream interpretation can tell in detail about what its appearance in the vision can mean, and what to expect from it. There are many interpreters, but it is worth turning to the most authoritative.

fresh fish dream book

Miller's Dream Book

Fresh fish is a great sign. Many consider him a harbinger of the gifts of Fate. You can even try to guess which ones. If the dreamer was a young girl, then to happy love. Vision promises young people perspectives and personal growth.

If a person caught fresh fish in the net during a fishing dream, the dream book assures that in real life he will have to face serious trials. Something important will be at stake. But through all the problems the dreamer will pass steadily, without losing his presence of spirit. But if in his vision he was heading to the market to buy fresh fish, it means that soon something will greatly please him. Maybe the good news, or a sudden profit.

According to Freud

This book of interpretations may also interpret such a dream. The fish in the water that the person was trying to catch suggests that in real life something bothers him too much. It can be domestic issues, problems at work, thoughts about life. And they excite him so much that it is difficult for him to break away from them even during intimacy. As a result, he cannot relax.

If the dreamer was a man, and he was happy to eat fresh fish, it means that he does not suit his “soul mate”. Because he thinks only of himself. He tried to catch fish, but he didn’t succeed? Such a vision is a reflection of a person’s subconscious fears.

a lot of fish in a dream

Aesop's Book of Interpretations

Do not ignore this dream book. What does a woman dream about fish ? They say that to happy love and pleasant surprises. Did the girl try to catch her? So, soon she will need men's help. And if a girl went to the market in a vision for fresh seafood, wealth would be settled for a long time in her house.

If in a vision a large fish ate a small one - it is worth preparing for the troubles associated with work. And, in particular, with the authorities. The man tried to catch fish, but could not? Most likely, someone will interfere with the realization of his goals and dreams. Fishing was a success, and the dreamer brought home a lot of fresh fish? To success, and grandiose. And if a person has prepared some tasty dish from his catch - all problems will leave him. They will be resolved not by themselves, but with the help of caring people. Then they should be thanked.

But that is not all that fresh fish can portend. The dream interpretation says: if a person caught her, but decided to let her out, because she was too small, it would not hurt him to take off his pink glasses. Most likely, the dreamer is accustomed to build grandiose, impracticable plans that he cannot implement. But he was so carried away by them that he did not notice small, but very pleasant joys.

sleep fish in water

Modern dream book

This book says: if a person in a dream bought fresh fish in the market - someone is deceiving him. Perhaps there is a “fake” friend in the surroundings. It is worth looking at close people in order to avoid betrayal.

A lot of fish in a dream that a person cleaned is a serious test. Frozen marine life portends a bad romance and breakup. Salty fish speaks of the “resurrection” of old spiritual wounds. Fried promises a loss of money. A stew usually dreams of a waste of valuable time. Dried and dried fish bode failures associated with work.

If a person tried to catch her for a bait - then, in real life, he will experience disappointment. Did you catch a lot of fish in a dream? So, we have to face a long wait. But large fish portends an important, even fateful meeting. Especially good if she was predatory. Some piranha may be the harbinger of the dear gifts of Fate.

dream book why a woman dreams of a fish


It is very important to recall what kind of fresh fish was. The dream interpretation assures that interpretation depends on the details and breed of the aquatic inhabitant.

Ruff, for example, promises unexpected and pleasant surprises. Sudak is a material gain. Pike - a deceit that will be committed by a detractor in an openly insolent way. Sardines promise trouble, and salmon - health problems. Perch is considered a sign of failure, and sturgeon is a symbol of a short-term romance. The main thing is that the catch does not slip out of hand. Because such a vision, as a rule, portends the loss of the “second half” and friends. What happened will bring a lot of pain, and a person will spend a lot of time alone.

But if you dreamed of salmon, you can rejoice. Because it promises tremendous success, which a person will achieve by translating his idea or plan into reality. Carp portends profit, and bream - a fun pastime. By the way, if a person tried to catch fresh fish by jamming it with dynamite - it is likely that he will get rich.

There are many more explanations for dreams that featured these aquatic creatures. But no matter what interpreter a person addresses, it is important to remember the details. Much depends on them.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K910/

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