What the ball dreams about: interpretation according to different dream books

If you are wondering why the ball is a dream, you will find comprehensive information in various interpreters. To make the interpretation as accurate as possible, try to remember the smallest details of the vision. It is important and color, and shape, and decor, and your actions, and other heroes of sleep.

different balls

Dream Wanga

Here's what the ball dreams about, according to the famous soothsayer:

  • A dream may portend a meeting with a person with whom you are very familiar, but have not seen or communicated for a long time.
  • If you dreamed about how you toss the ball high into the air, this indicates your frivolous attitude to financial matters. Such carelessness can lead to significant losses.
  • Indifferent and indifferent attitude to loved ones - this is what dreams of kicking the ball. You should pay more attention to friends and relatives until they turn their backs on you.
  • The ball, suddenly flying into your hands, symbolizes the news. She will not touch you directly, but will make you very surprised.
  • If in a dream you bought a beautiful new ball, it means that soon you will meet an interesting person who will become you a good friend or a reliable business partner.
sleeping guy

Modern dream book

In the modern dream book you can find such considerations about what the ball is dreaming of:

  • Vision can symbolize the revival of cooled feelings. Perhaps you have to meet with your former lover (lover), which will make you relive fading emotions again.
  • The ball may act as a warning against making rash decisions and committing emotional acts. Succumbing to the rush, you will very soon regret what was done.
  • If the ball suddenly rolled right under your feet, this portends an event that will shock you at first. But then you will be delighted and even be able to get some benefit.
  • If you play a ball with a person, this symbolizes your rivalry in life. But your forces are equal, so competition will not lead to anything. It is much wiser to join forces to achieve a common goal.
colorful ball

French dream book

Here's what the ball is dreaming of, according to French commentators:

  • If you looked at a motionless ball in your dream, it means that the long-awaited period of peace and relaxation will soon come.
  • If in a dream you played with a small ball, this portends a meeting with a childhood friend. You will have a good time having a warm conversation, but after that your paths will diverge, and you will not see each other for a very long time.
  • If you kicked a ball of gold or silver across the field, it means that at the moment you have every chance of success, but for some reason you ignore them. Keep in mind that fate will not always be favorable to you, so do not miss out on valuable opportunities.
  • If during the game you scored a goal, this means that, despite all the difficulties and obstacles, you can achieve the desired result.
  • If in a dream you played a ball with your family members, it means that soon one of them will make you seriously worry or create some problems that cannot be solved without your participation.

21st Century Dream Interpretation

In interpreter XXI about the ball you can find the following information:

  • Everyday routine chores - that 's what a soccer ball that you chase across the field dreams of . Perhaps you should give yourself the opportunity to escape from everyday life and relax from business.
  • If the ball rolls towards you, it means that success itself is in your hands. If the ball rolls away from you, this means that you have to make a lot of efforts in order to get what you want.
  • If you look from the side, how other people play the ball, it means that you are unsuccessfully trying to join some company. Do not spray on those who do not want to communicate with you.
  • If you angrily throw a ball at someone, this symbolizes your struggle with the ill-wisher. Most likely, soon you will expose the one who constantly puts sticks in your wheels.
green ball

Dream Interpretation Longo

Here is some information about dreams with a ball that can be gathered from Longo's interpreter:

  • Unsuccessful work or empty talk - that's what dreams of playing the ball. If you continue in the same vein, you can hardly count on success.
  • If during the game your ball burst, it means that you are too presumptuous. You are frivolous about work, as well as communicating with people. If you continue in this vein, luck may turn away from you.
  • If you watch the ball roll, it symbolizes your attitude to life. You act by inertia without taking any action. But the slightest obstacle will unsettle you and lead you into confusion.
  • If the ball rolls and bounces by itself, this means that the development of the situation does not depend on your actions. Therefore, do not waste energy. Just wait until the situation is resolved, then act on the results.
sleeping girl

Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

Here is what information about the ball provides Shuvalova’s dream book:

  • Fulfillment of a childhood dream is what a big ball of bright juicy color dreams of, which suddenly fell into your hands. Most likely, you will be able to make a trip or purchase a thing that you have dreamed about for many years.
  • If you dreamed that they threw a ball at you and it hit you painfully, it means that you are building unreasonable illusions about a career or personal relationships. But waking up from fantasies will bring you many disappointments.
  • If you dreamed that you were inflating the ball, it means that you will be able to solve the problem, which everyone else seems hopeless.
  • If you are so keen on playing the ball that you don’t notice anything around, this symbolizes your busyness in real life. At work, you completely forgot about friends and relatives who need your attention and care.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9101/

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