What to refuse to lose weight? Product List and Recommendations

Losing weight is an eternal topic for every second girl. Unfortunately, not everyone has a quick metabolism, so from a young age until the end of our lives we count calories, carefully read labels with nutritional value on the back of a product, before putting it into a basket, we monitor weight every day, rejoice at plumb bobbing and falling into depressed by weight gain. The search for clothes is complicated, it is difficult to find the perfect blouse or dress that would hide all our shortcomings, but at the same time emphasize our advantages. Visiting a mother-in-law or a grandmother has to deny her favorite food, now you just walk with your friends, and do not go to the food court for the next portion of potatoes in a rustic way. As soon as you eat a small piece of chocolate, you break down, go to the nearest supermarket, buy all the forbidden products from your list for a huge amount, and then with tears bite off the fifth cinnamon roll in a row? Then this article is for you. We will teach you to build a diet in such a way as not to break down on the third day of the diet. What to refuse to lose weight? Let's get it right.

Losing weight girl

Analyzing your diet

So you decided to lose weight. After reading hundreds of articles about which foods to refuse in order to lose weight, now you buy only dairy products in the store. Since then, your refrigerator is clogged only with the right food, in your opinion. You eat every three hours, but at the same time between these meals you have a bite of something else like sweet yogurts, cheese with chocolate icing, wafer rolls with milk filling and pillows filled with milk. And for lunch and dinner, eat large portions. And it seems that you have already given up everything you can, get up on the scales every morning, expecting to see the cherished figure, but alas, nothing happens. Why if you do everything right? We hasten to dissuade you. You can lose weight by giving up sweets. And cheese, tubules and yoghurts are all high-carb foods. Let's finally figure out which foods to refuse in order to lose weight. The list is presented below.

Girl with a sandwich


Do not be alarmed, you don’t need to refuse all fruits, because this is a source of nutrients and vitamins. You can take apples, oranges, tangerines, peaches with you for a snack. But the most high-calorie fruits are considered banana and grapes. Their consumption should be reduced: they contain a lot of sugar, which can raise the level of sugar in your blood. You can try combining fruits with foods that have a lot of protein.


What foods do you need to refuse to lose weight? Yes, from rice! But usually everything for weight loss is recommended to abandon white rice, and there is brown rice. The fact is that white rice raises blood sugar levels more. This means that you will want to eat again much faster, and far from healthy food. To avoid this, choose brown rice for a side dish.

Eat rice

Soda and Juice

Believe me, you will not be able to quench your thirst with carbonated drinks and juices, which are insanely rich in sugar. There is absolutely no benefit in such drinks. Moreover, if you think that by choosing a diet Coke you cannot get better, you are mistaken. Artificial sweeteners only make your appetite stronger. Even psychologically, you think like this: “I took a Coke, in which there are zero calories. So I can take a larger portion. " That is why it is better to lean towards mineral water, fruit drinks and stewed fruit, which you cook yourself.


Adults are often more difficult to give up alcohol than sweet, because, unfortunately, most can not imagine their weekend without drinking. Did you know that in one glass of semisweet wine as much as 85 kcal? Given that many people drink a lot more during the evening than a glass, the numbers can be impressive. By the way, because of alcoholic beverages, I want to eat more. Replace alcohol with tea, freshly squeezed juice, water.

Girls drink alcohol

Boxed breakfast cereals

Basically, the benefits of pads and cornflakes are zero. Did you know that all this is a marketing ploy? Do not fall for the tricks of marketers, read the composition on the back of the package and calories. Despite the fact that in such food there is little fat, it has a lot of carbohydrates, that is, sugar. Such a breakfast can provoke you to consume junk food all day long. It is better to spend twenty minutes in the morning, but prepare yourself something useful (or you can do it in the evening), than spend five minutes, but then suffer from breakdowns.

Soups in canned jars

It is certainly very convenient. You do not need to spend a lot of time preparing a hot dish, as well as money on ingredients. But believe me, in such soups there is a lot of sodium, which blocks the natural feeling of fullness. Therefore, the use of prepared first courses is fraught with the fact that we can eat much more than we wanted.

Canned soups


Of course, we all know that salt is a white death. This is one of the common nutritional supplements that we must be wary of. The fact is that it is salt that makes us consume more. What is important, it also retains water in the body, and from this in the morning you can see weight gain and swelling on the face and other parts of the body. This does not contribute to weight loss, so it is better to give up salt.

Salted Nuts and Chips

The situation with these snacks is identical with salt. Therefore, this is exactly what you need to give up in order to lose weight.

You can eat any other nuts as a snack, which are rich in healthy fats, protein and vitamin E, necessary for women's health.

Chips Hand

Packaged juices

They should be discarded, because in fruit juices fruits are only in the name. Basically, it is just sweet water with a bunch of preservatives, which rapidly increases the level of glucose in the blood. Moreover, almost no vitamins remain in the juice due to pasteurization. In any case, this drink is much more harmful than natural fruits, since it has less fiber.


Why do you think Italians eat pasta and do not get fat at the same time? This is because this side dish can only be consumed in small quantities. If you set out to lose weight, then you need to buy only pasta hard varieties. They have fewer simple carbohydrates that can raise sugar.

Girl eating pasta

Sweeteners and Sugar Substitutes

It is believed that sugar substitutes contribute to weight loss. However, nutritionists have long advocated against them. You can choose a natural stevia sweetener. On the contrary, it reduces the amount of sugar in the blood.

White bread

It refers to products that have a high glycemic index. That is, eating white bread leads to the release of a large amount of sugar into the blood. If you can’t give up bread and sandwiches, use whole grain bread. Your waist will definitely thank you!

Bread sandwich

Canned fruits

These fruits are in syrup, so they have an enormous amount of sugar. There are very few vitamins in them. If you live in places where it is difficult to find natural fruits, then read the label and buy dessert in "light" syrup.


No need to give up meat at all. We, losing weight, are very important and need protein. Do not eat fatty meat: pork, lamb. It is best to eat boiled chicken breast and turkey.

Raw meat

Dried fruits

Use dried fruits as a snack should also be careful. The fact is that they have a lot of sugar. Therefore, carefully monitor the amount, otherwise the process of losing weight will be very slow.

Salad Sauces

They contain an insane amount of fat, sweeteners, preservatives and taste substitutes. Purchased sauces - this is exactly what to give up in order to quickly lose weight is simply necessary. Calorie mayonnaise, for example, is 624 kcal, garlic sauce is 335 kcal. Look at these three-digit numbers - they are terrifying. Especially if you have always prepared low-calorie vegetable salads for yourself and seasoned them with cheese sauces, ketchups, etc. Just imagine how sauces increase the nutritional value of a dish. And this can easily be avoided by choosing olive oil, low-fat sour cream or preparing a dressing yourself at home.


Here's what to give up in order to lose weight quickly is cheese. You can’t even imagine how fat he is! Because of this, its calorie content also rises. Most often on the shelves of the store you can see cheeses with a fat content of 45-50%. Their calorie content per hundred grams is 364 kcal. If you adore this dairy product and consume every day, then be careful. It is preferable to choose non-fat light cheese, which can be found in cheese shops on the market or in hypermarkets like Auchan, Ribbon, and Carousel. And of course, keep an eye on the serving.

Girl eating cheese

Semi-finished products

Yes, you can quickly cook your own lunch or dinner. Yes, that way you spend less effort and less time. But think about it: in processed foods there is a lot of salt and flavorings that improve the taste of food. That is why you eventually begin to "sit down" on the finished food and buy it more and more often. Especially if you get it for lunch at work. Nevertheless, we advise you to refuse such dishes and cook your own food in the evening.

Fast food

This is the main answer to the question "What to refuse to lose weight?". After all, fast food is a set of useless trans fats, carbohydrates and GMOs. All buns and meat are fried in a huge amount of oil. This is very dangerous not only for the figure, but also for the gastrointestinal tract, metabolism, immune system, blood vessels and heart. Burgers can lead to gastritis and obesity. Definitely, you should avoid eating this kind of food.

Girl eating fast food

So, now we know what foods to refuse in order to lose weight. And remember: diets do not work. Our consciousness does not perceive refusals from food. You always need to form a diet so that you do not have the feeling that you are being deprived of something beloved. Allow yourself to sometimes eat excess, but then move and burn calories more actively. If you want to eat your favorite cake, you can eat it in the morning during breakfast. Then run with the dog, go out for lunch and take a walk, and in the evening go to the pool or the gym. Then you can please yourself without any problems, without worrying about the fact that you will have something extra on your sides the next day.

Do not forget that the main thing in everything is measure. Good luck in losing weight!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9102/

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