What is the key to dreaming about? Dream Interpretation

The key is an ancient sign of power and power. As a rule, for the dreamer, the appearance of an image in a dream promises a change for the better, the solution of problems, the discovery of something new. This is an important symbol that can predict fundamental changes in life. However, each image in a dream is interpreted depending on events and actions. What are the keys to? The dream interpretation has the answer to this question. Let's discuss it.

dream book key in hand

What was the key image in a dream?

When interpreting, it is also worth considering the appearance of this subject. Try to remember the size, material and thread of the key.

Perhaps this is your key to the house or car. Such a sign should be interpreted as well-being and consent in the family or a profitable large purchase.

Do you have a golden key? It means that soon you will meet useful people or gain a strong patron. However, do not abuse their kindness. In other dream books is interpreted as a symbol of great luck.

The silver key in a dream represents the cold mind of a sleeping person. You reason sensibly and without undue emotion.

The advent of the iron key predicts an event that will bring joy. In another interpretation, the image comes to the purchase of expensive items.

Rust on the key speaks of impending troubles with loved ones. In fact, someone from the family can be seriously ill.

A new brilliant key suggests that the dreamer is waiting for a new successful path. Get ready for life changes.

An old key with scratches and scuffs is a sign of a reliable and stable past. So events reflect your subconscious.

If you had a big key, then in reality you can conclude a profitable deal or find a way out of an alarming situation. Also, the sign predicts good prospects and opportunities. You may soon be lucky enough to sign a profitable contract or get a promotion at work.

You will become the guardian of someone's secrets or secrets if the key in the dream was small.

Pay attention to its thread. The simpler it is, the sooner there will be a way out of the situation in which you are.

Perhaps in the dream there was a keychain on the keys? This sign indicates that the sleeping person will certainly please his loved ones.

dream book find keys

What does the key mean in a dream?

If this image appeared in a dream, then soon you will see changes for the better. Such dreams speak of solving important matters, successes in different areas of life. You are truly lucky.

Had a bunch of keys? Dream interpretation portends success in work. At the same time, an increase is not excluded. You will be engaged in a business that at the same time pleases and brings income. In many dream books, a bunch of keys is interpreted differently. Some commentators speak of a soon exciting journey, while others speak of an increase in service and an increase in responsibility.

In a dream appeared the image of a bizarre key, which is not used? Usually it means your hidden talents. Creative search will help you realize yourself and open up new perspectives.

If there were a lot of keys in a dream and they are not interconnected, then this means that the fate of the sleeping person is completely in his hands. Now he has power and authority at work and in society.

If you happen to discover 2 keys in a dream, this portends a pleasant event that will come soon. If they are connected by a trinket, then a rich harmonious personal life awaits the sleeper.

What else does the interpretation of the dream book offer? The keys are in dreams, but not their own, but strangers, speak of the desire of the sleeper to realize himself in a love relationship with an outsider. In another sense, they are interpreted as an unexpected pleasant event or surprise.

dream book keys bunch

What do key actions in a dream mean?

Not the most favorable forecasts are associated with images of broken or lost keys. It is important to treat this sign with great attention. In the first case, you are at risk of misunderstanding and quarrels with relatives (in older interpreters portends misfortune or illness of someone close to you). In other dream books, a broken key indicates parting with loved ones. Try not to give the other half reason for jealousy.

The loss of keys portends the collapse of future plans. You are most likely waiting for trouble at work or betrayal from business partners. The situation you have been working on for a long time may get out of hand. It also threatens with gossip, quarrels and conflicts. Such dreams can also indicate that in reality you are frivolous and risk losing valuable property. Show attention to your things.

In a dream, was lucky to find the keys? The dream book says that this is a good sign for the sleeping person. He portends career advancement. Thus, the dreamer will noticeably improve his financial situation. It is also said in many dream books: to find the keys is a sign that a new useful acquaintance awaits you.

Is someone giving you keys in a dream? You will get help at the right time. Most likely, from that person from whom they did not expect at all. Fate smiles at you. In another interpretation, it means a warm, trusting love relationship (if you give your own keys).

If the enemy hands the key to the sleeper, it means that soon the conflict will go away, and relations will improve. Moreover, a person from whom you have never expected support can help in this.

dream interpretation keys

But what if the dreamer refuses the keys that are given to him? A good offer will come in wake, regarding finance or career. However, you will refuse because you do not want to change anything in life.

The dream in which you receive the keys to the deceased portends trouble in relationships, scandals. You should not say anything superfluous, especially in the presence of strangers.

Had to give keys in a daydream? The dream interpretation portends the dreamer in reality an unpleasant situation. Perhaps someone will reveal his secrets or try to manipulate. If the sleeper hands the keys to a close friend or someone from relatives, then soon this person will need support. The interpreter advises not to turn away and help.

Scrolling further the dream book. Giving keys to the deceased is a loss and disappointment in life. In other interpretations, diseases are also noted. In order to avoid this, you need to remember the deceased or visit his grave.

A good sign if the dreamer did not give the key to the deceased. Waking will be able to avoid troubles and misfortunes.

Steal the keys. You will gain access to information that was previously hidden. However, this will happen dishonestly.

And if the keys were stolen? Some interpretations speak of imprisonment. The sleeper can have serious problems with the law. Pay attention to which ones are missing. If you stole the keys to the apartment, expect family quarrels and troubles. From the car - warn against travel. The sleeper should refrain from long journeys by car. Possible accident, be extremely careful on the road. The missing keys to the safe indicate the disclosure of the secrets of the dreamer. This is fraught with gossip and condemnation from others.

To collect the keys - the sleeper will visit a lot of luck. The sign promises gain or success in business. You can safely go buy a lottery or sign an upcoming contract, it will be profitable.

And if I had to hold the key in my dreams in my dreams? The dream book says that you are waiting for a leadership position. You will act as a leader or authority.

Search for keys in a dream. It means a difficult situation, in which the sleeping person got confused; he cannot make an informed decision. The subconscious is trying to find a way out. In another interpretation, the dreamer does not pay enough attention to his work. He may be in trouble. Interpreters advise not to disperse on small assignments and to concentrate fully on their duties.

Hide the keys. The dreamer is very tired of communicating with a certain circle of people. To hide the keys is a subconscious desire to remain alone at least for a while. For the interpretation of sleep, the place where the ligament was removed is important. For example, if the key lies under the rug, then the sleeper is tired of tensions with relatives. Each member of the family is recommended to be more attentive and careful to each other.

The key, which is hidden under the pillow, indicates a quarrel with a loved one. No, this is not the end of a relationship. Most likely, the partners are somewhat tired of each other's company. Relations should be given a “respite”, and after that everything will work out. If the key is removed in a shoe in a dream, then this indicates the dreamer's problems with one of his friends. Comrade too often complains about his problems. Interpreters recommend a “rest” from such a friend for some time.

dream book what are the keys to

Where was the key?

The symbol is also interpreted depending on the environment. Remember, did you see the key in your hands, on the pavement, or did it just appear as a sign?

If you happen to see the symbol in the hands of the deceased (especially close), this suggests that the dreamer will receive valuable advice. You can not neglect them.

The key on the old man’s belt predicts the sleeping man’s ordeals. Gather courage and strength.

See the key in your hands. The symbol represents the strength and authority of the sleeper. Life and fate are subject to the dreamer, he can change them. Also, the image speaks of power and high position in society.

The key was on the ground or table, while the dreamer picked it up. Soon an unexpected pleasant event will occur. Just trust in the course of life.

Sex and age of the dreamer

The young girl who dreams of locking the door, the image of the key portends a marriage. An unlocked room indicates the imminent arrival of a new fan.

Losing a key for a girl threatens with gossip. Expect unpleasant feedback about your reputation.

Bad sign when a lady gives the key to her opponent. In reality, problems will begin with the second half on the basis of betrayal and jealousy. Otherwise, the dreamer will prevail on the love front and subdue the man she likes.

If a woman finds keys in a dream, then this means that her beloved person trusts her. The lady should be careful about his feelings.

For women in a position, sleep indicates that they are overly worried about their own health.

Men dream about the keys to successfully resolving issues of concern to them. Another interpretation involves a meeting with a woman you like.

close the dream book with a key

Doors and locks

Together with the key in a dream, images often come that are associated with it in life. The door is a barrier, entry into someone else's life, secret knowledge. The castle most often symbolizes a problem, the sleeping one is looking for a solution.

What does the door unlock? The dreamer will be able to solve problems, find unexpected ways out of situations, and also discover something new (secrets of other people, brilliant ideas).

A key inserted into the lock indicates a simple solution to a situation that has long troubled the sleeper. Everything will be decided by itself, one should trust in fate.

The use of the master key for its intended purpose indicates that things will go uphill.

The key in a dream can not unlock the door? In life, get ready for work that no one will appreciate.

If in a dream you had to close the door with a key, the dream book says that you can easily deal with all the problems and waking things up.

Car keys

It’s great if in a dream you saw this symbol in detail. Car keys in their interpretation are little different from ordinary ones. An image from dreams also means happy changes and joyful events.

Did you find the keys on the street? By asking you can do everything you have planned and succeed. Another interpretation speaks of a major purchase.

What else can the dream book tell? To open the car door with a key - you will achieve what you wanted. If the dreamer failed to do this, the door did not give in, then he will find failure or disappointment in business.

If you managed to start the car with the keys - to the white stripe in life. Very soon one of your cherished wishes will come true.

Car keys as a gift is a good sign. The sleeper will soon succeed in business, learn important information, and gain a chance to improve his own financial situation.

The difference in interpretation depends on who gives them to you. If this is done by a loved one, then this indicates that you have sincere feelings. Not far off is a marriage proposal.

Did the head give you the keys to the car? Promotion is not long in coming. It can also mean a profitable business proposition and reliable cooperation.

Lost your car keys? Get ready for a breakdown with others. People whom the dreamer considered friends can turn away from him for unknown reasons. In a different interpretation, problems at work are possible. The dreamer should get together and how to fulfill his duties.

open the dream book with a key

House keys

Dream Interpretations are divided in the interpretation of this image.

If you see the keys to the apartment, the dream book explains that insight in solving the problem will soon come, some secret will be revealed. According to another version, an unexpected event will happen in life.

Lost the keys to your own apartment? Most dream books consider this a negative sign. Challenges await you and a difficult time in life. Remember the circumstances under which keys were lost. If in a dream the loss occurred due to the fault of unauthorized persons, then the sleeping person should be attentive to his actions and in no case should he get involved in suspicious activities.

The keys to the house were stolen. The dreamer should beware of suspicious and envious acquaintances. They want to manipulate or harm you.

Forgetting a bunch of keys to the house dreams of his own frivolous actions, which will lead to disastrous consequences. The sleeper is advised to behave more collectedly and attentively in reality.

The keys to someone else’s apartment. If you are given them as a gift and allowed to use, then this indicates that in reality they will soon provide support (those people from whom you did not expect).

If in a dream you yourself give the keys to someone, then soon personal changes will come. The dreamer will find the partner he has long wanted. Relations promise to be harmonious.

The keys to the new housing predict a man great luck on a love front. For a woman, this is a sign of a happy marriage.

What are the other keys for?

The source (key, spring) symbolizes life, health and well-being. The sleeping person has an easy joyful life.

The key (musical, violin) portends a meeting with an ambitious, creative person. It is possible that he will take the sleeping man under his control.

A wrench (tool, wrench) symbolizes stabilization, the harmony of relations with other people. If the sleeper is repairing something, then soon in reality the equipment will break.

The key is the clasp from the decoration. Losing it in a dream means a quarrel with a loved one. Get ready for the experiences.

dream book give keys


In most cases, the image of keys is interpreted as a way out, finding a new life path, discoveries. This is an auspicious sign. Dreams of keys come at a time when a person puzzles for a long time over some question and as a result unexpectedly finds an answer to it. However, a symbol can also predict a possible danger. Even if a negative value has fallen, do not worry. Now you are warned of impending misfortune and will do everything to avoid it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9105/

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