Mysticism in philosophy: definition, representatives. Mysticism is ...

In European culture, mysticism appeared in the 19th century at the time of crisis and the loss of potential for further development. Interest in him has not faded to this day. There is an opinion that the origins of mysticism are eastern religious and philosophical movements. However, this is not quite true. Of course, the East is filled with mysticism and influenced the religious minds of Europeans at the time when it began to seep into the European culture. The influence of Eastern philosophical thought is strong to this day, it attracts to itself precisely the mystical side of the worldview. But classical religions, including the world religion - Christianity, are not without mysticism.

The concept of mysticism

Judaism, Islam, various religious movements, such as Manichaeism, Sufism and others, have their own mystical school. For example, Sufis of the Shazaliya and Naqshbandiya schools believe that their method of teaching is the quickest way to understand the Islamic faith. By general definition, mysticism is the emergence of a person's super-senses, which give him the opportunity to contemplate a higher power. Mysticism of the West has differences from the East. The first speaks of a meeting with God, of his knowledge, of the presence of God in the heart, soul of man. At the same time, he gives Him the highest place over the world and over man as the source of all life and existence, as the bearer of all blessings. Eastern mysticism is a complete dissolution in the Absolute: God is me, I am God. The very word "mysticism" ("mysticism") of Greek origin and means - "mysterious, hidden." That is, mysticism is a person’s faith in an invisible connection and direct communication with higher metaphysical forces. The definition of mysticism can represent the practical experience of a mystic's communication with an object of higher powers or a philosophical (religious) teaching on how to achieve such communication.

mysticism is

Real and cognitive mysticism

The real one is achieved experimentally, when a person’s actions lead to a special connection with secret higher forces, which does not depend on circumstances, time and space. She is divinatory and active. Real mysticism is the desire to directly examine phenomena and objects that are outside a given space and time, this is the field of fortune tellers, fortunetellers, clairvoyants, etc. The second one also seeks to act: influence various processes at a distance with one’s own suggestion, materialize and dematerialize spirits . Active mysticism is a practice inherent in hypnotists, magicians, practicing theurgy, sorcerers, mediums, etc. Among the mystics there are many charlatans and deceivers. However, there are cases when scientists record the presence of a real mystical component in the practice of mystics. Nevertheless, it is extremely rare to meet such mystics who are never mistaken. And this suggests that the bulk of such people do not stand on the true mystical path, their minds are under the power of fallen spirits, who, as they wish, play with them.

mysticism definition

Alchemists and mysticism

Most philosophers and scientists in the field of the study of mysticism believe that there is not enough reason to attribute the alchemists to the mystics. The thing is in practical material experience with natural nature and its components, based on the principle of the unity of matter. Alchemy does not fit into generally accepted notions: mysticism, the definition of which comes from the knowledge of the laws of the spiritual world, subject to other intangible laws, has nothing to do with the goal of transforming nature into a more perfect state. Mysticism always involves the communication of the knower with the object of knowledge of higher extraterrestrial forces. No matter how mysterious and mysterious the alchemist may be, he always remains that gold miner, the recipient from the "imperfect" metal of the "perfect". And all his activities are aimed not at knowing the Higher Mind, but at creating benefits for earthly life, which is excluded in mysticism, which pursues the goal of connecting with the world where spirits live.

mysticism in philosophy

Christian mysticism

In Christianity, mysticism occupies a special place, but fundamentally differs from various kinds of magic and the like. First of all, it is real. This is an experienced mystic, without any speculation. Where human speculation is present is called a state of charm. For people who have not studied Christianity, mysticism in philosophy often seems nonverbal. It should be noted that mysticism in Orthodoxy and Catholicism, not to mention the various sectarian movements, is significantly different. Catholic mysticism is more focused on the sensory sensation of the Divine, as a result of which it is easy for a person, as Orthodox theologians believe, to fall into a state of charm (false knowledge). In this state, when a person shows a tendency to mysticism, relying on his feelings, he easily falls under the influence of demonic forces, without realizing it. The charm easily appears on the basis of pride, selfishness and popularity. Orthodox mystical experience is a union with God through the humility of one’s passions, the recognition of the sinfulness and soreness of the soul, only God can heal. The experience of Orthodox asceticism is widely disclosed in patristic literature.


Philosophy and Mysticism

The psyche of a person following the path of mysticism, his attitude and outlook are in a special, mysterious state of communication with the spiritual world. Mysticism itself is aimed specifically at the path of knowing the object of the spiritual world. By definition, philosophical mysticism focuses on solving the universally significant tasks of the worldview: the meaning of life, the process of modeling the correct way of being, achieving happiness, knowing the Absolute. The mystic philosopher with the help of his designs gives the spiritual world beingness. As a rule, the philosophical understanding of mysticism is contradictory: it implies the unity of mythology, religion, science, rational, visual and conceptual.

philosophical mysticism

Wisdom and philosophy

The concept of philosophy is a search for wisdom, that is, a philosopher is always on the way, he is a seeker of personality. A man who is wise and has acquired the truth, the knowledge of being, will no longer be a philosopher. After all, he no longer seeks, for he has found the source of wisdom - God, and now only seeks to know Him, and through God - himself and the world around him. Such a path is true, and the path of philosophical search can easily lead to error. Therefore, often scientists and philosophers came to a deep state of religiosity, an understanding of the harmony of the world, on which the hand of the Creator worked.

representatives of mysticism

Philosophical mystical currents

Among the common philosophical currents there are representatives of mysticism, quite well-known in Russia:

  • "Theosophy of Blavatsky."
  • "Living Ethics (Agni Yoga) of the Roerichs."
  • "Russian mysticism of Gurdjieff", based on the Sufi teachings "Chishti" and "Zen Buddhism."
  • “Andreev's Historiosophy” is a synthesis of Christianity and the Vedic worldview.
  • "Integral Yoga Ghosh."
  • "The Unknowing Vivekananda."
  • "Anthropology of Castaneda."
  • Kabbalah
  • Hasidism.

The manifestation of mystical states

In Christianity, mysticism is (briefly) the convergence of God's grace upon man with the permission of God himself, and not by the will of man. When a person by volitional efforts tries to attract grace, he risks being deceived either by his own imagination, or by demonic forces that can take on any appearance that can mislead a person. That is why it is forbidden in Scripture to speak with demons even about a saint. “Depart Satan from me,” is what unclean spirits should say. Since the fallen angels are very skilled and excellent psychologists, they subtly interweave lies with the truth and can easily deceive an inexperienced person in asceticism.

Often the mystical state of the human psyche is detected after brain injuries or is associated with its pathology, when there was a threat to life. For example, northern shamanism practices introducing its successor into a state of clinical death through hypothermia. In their opinion, during such a state the soul passes into the world of spirits and acquires the ability to communicate with them upon returning to its earthly body.

mysticism is brief

There are special psychedelic techniques for changing consciousness, psychological state through breathing and other means. With their help, a person is introduced into a mystical state. For example: LSD, Sufi dhikrs, the holotropic method, the use of certain types of mushrooms, etc. To many, they seem harmless, but in reality they are dangerous methods, after which the person may not return to the initial state of his own psyche, since it is serious is damaged.


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