As the dream book says: menstruation warns a woman about the possibility of making an error in reality!

Dreams can predict what a woman expects in the near future. Especially when she dreams that she has started menstruating, although in fact there is nothing like that. And there is no worry about the absence thereof. What would that mean?

Let us open the dream book: menstruation in a dream involves getting rid of the unnecessary, old and starting a new one. This dream is considered a harbinger of good. Although in some cases, the same dream book warns, monthly blood, if it is too plentiful, may hint at the fact that a woman should take her health more seriously. It also means loss of internal energy.

Also, some interpreters of dreams claim that such dreams warn the fairer sex that in reality she will most likely commit some wrongdoing, for which she will then have to blush and even bitterly repent.

The psychological interpretation of "Interpretation of Dreams" menstruation in dreams is interestingly considered. Most likely, a woman in reality wants to stop any process in her life, to avoid losses. For example, she wants to keep near a man who decides to part with her. Or, foreseeing an early separation from her daughter, she tries in every possible way to dissuade her from rash marriage. Or, perhaps, a seriously ill mother has long been sent home by doctors - death has come close to the very head of a loved one.

But she cannot stop these processes, and no matter what the unfortunate woman does, it is not in her competence. Therefore, the dream interpretation of menstruation in a dream interprets this way: for sure, your efforts will be wasted. Do not waste your energy turning rivers back! Just as menstruation was given to us by the Lord God, and it is impossible to avoid it for a healthy, non-pregnant woman, similar moments were sent to them. They are obvious and inevitable. Do not grumble - take your whole life as a gift!

From a psychological point of view, this is understandably explained. Here is how the dream book argues: a woman’s menstruation is an indisputable fact, a must. Although they are sometimes painful and plentiful. Every menstruation is associated with a loss of blood and strength. But the woman takes it calmly. Most likely, she will become agitated if she does not suddenly have a menstrual period. After all, the absence of "blood" signals either the onset of pregnancy (fine, if long-awaited!), Or a female illness. Therefore, representatives of the weak half of humanity are morally prepared to sacrifice their blood, accept troubles associated with critical days, and overcome pain and dizziness.

The understanding that many victims are simply inevitable, thereby freeing the person from experience. After all, before a woman could not unravel the meaning of sleep, she was in a state of unfreedom. Now, having fully realized the necessity of losses, she is morally freed from experiences.

And another interesting meaning is offered by the dream book: menstruation sometimes means a meeting. The very vision in dreams of blood suggests that very soon you will meet a native person with whom you are in a long separation. Menstrual blood speaks of sexual relationship. That is, the person with whom you were once in love, can come to you from day to day.

In general, dreams and predictions of the future are a deeply personal matter. Smart people specially keep individual notes in which they record dreams and events that follow. It is possible that your dreams have peculiar, different from the generally accepted, explanations. For example, the famous Wang solved dreams completely differently than other predictors did. So before deciding which particular explanation to prefer, you should carefully read not one, but several dream books to choose the right one.


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