Specialty "Information Security": whom to work after graduation

Recently, such a direction as "Information Security" has become popular in universities. Who to work after graduation? This question is asked by almost all graduates and students of the specialty. On the one hand, these are IT technologies, and on the other, the unknown. That is why we will try to figure out what career can await a person who has mastered "Information Security" at the university. If you look closely, you can find a lot of interesting and prestigious vacancies. Some of them can bring you huge income.

information security who work

Network installer

So, you have mastered or plan to complete the direction "Information Security of Automated Systems". Who to work after graduation? At the university you will not be given a clear answer to this question. But in practice, you can understand where you can get a job.

For example, a graduate of this specialty will be able to work as a network installer. Mostly computer. As a rule, various Internet providers are very willing to take such specialists. Your task will be monitoring, security and stability of the main server.

In other words, if you have mastered the direction of "Information Security", you don’t know who to work with, then you can turn to well-known Internet providers. There you will quickly pick up a position. Moreover, the installation of networks is a very important and difficult task, but not particularly profitable. Therefore, you have to find some other option. Of course, if you did not choose the installer as a profession.


So, you entered the specialty "Information Security". Who to work in 5 years? It is particularly difficult to answer here. Indeed, this area covers all areas of IT-technologies. In practice, it turns out approximately the following picture: you become a certified specialist who understands little by little in each link of technology and computers.

information security of automated systems who work

Thus, a graduate student has a lot of different options for work. Only here the success of employment, as a rule, depends on how successfully and clearly the person during the training "went in cycles" on something specific. If you have received the specialty "Information Security of Automated Systems", you don’t know who to work with, but you were primarily engaged in programming, then you can become a programmer. This is a very prestigious and highly paid place. But not everyone has been given the opportunity to work here. For successful employment, you will have to engage in programming from the first year of university. And then luck will smile at you.

Security guard

Honestly, any specialist can work as a security guard. And even the most ordinary student. Nevertheless, you have received the specialty "Information Security of Telecommunication Systems". Whom to work? In addition to the vacancies already listed, you can also try to get a security guard. Only not to a store or distribution network, but to some more prestigious place. There, where you will need to monitor the order with the help of special cameras.

But this vacancy is not very popular. Even if you consider that you will observe everything that is happening from a warm and comfortable office. A guard is not a post for which it is worth studying at the university for 5 years, or even more. Therefore, many get a job only for the sake of practice. And then they look for a more suitable and prestigious place. Although this is not so easy.

information security of telecommunication systems whom to work

If you have mastered the specialty “Information Security of Telecommunication Systems”, you don’t know yet who to work with, and the profession of security guard or installer is not particularly suitable for you, then you will have to look for more. In fact, sometimes it is very difficult to find a good place to work in the diploma. And so many are trying to get "at least somewhere." But we will try to determine the vacancies that are best suited to graduates of this direction.

System Administrator

Here is another very interesting profession that will suit graduates. Not everyone can imagine that you can become a system administrator by getting almost any specialty in the field of “Informatics”. This is a fairly simple job that even a schoolchild involved in self-education in the area of ​​a computer device can handle it.

Here is such a multilateral specialty "Information Security". Everyone tries to choose a suitable place for themselves with whom to work. If you are "enrolled" in the ranks of system administrators, then be prepared for the fact that you have to constantly monitor the performance of your computer and network. For many, this is a very simple task that is fun. In addition, the system administrator must also configure and debug operating systems and equipment. And now even a schoolboy is familiar with these procedures.

specialty information security who work

In most cases, the work of the system administrator is considered very prestigious and not particularly difficult. Often you are given a separate office in which you can do whatever you see fit. But until something goes wrong. Or the employer can determine your free schedule (on call). Everything works? Then sit at home. Did something suddenly break? Kindly come to the workplace and fix it. By the way, the size of wages, as a rule, does not depend on the nature of your work schedule.

But this is far from all that "Information Security" has prepared. Where to work besides the options already listed?

Private security services (installation of equipment)

For example, if you don’t really want to work as a security guard, but at least somehow want to “attribute” yourself to this profession, you can get a job in a private security service (for example, enterprises). Who exactly should go there? For example, a wizard to install tracking equipment.

information security where to work

What will be your responsibilities? Arrive at the place where you ordered the services, install the equipment, connect it, check the operability and configure (if necessary). And it's all. Some may think that there is nothing complicated here. But in reality, everything is a little different - some employees are not able, for example, to correctly connect cameras to a "server" or computer, where a video of everything that happens will be displayed.

In addition, sometimes it will be necessary to provide assistance in viewing recordings made on security cameras. This is especially true when a security guard at the workplace is not able to handle such equipment. In general, working as a wizard to install tracking systems is also very prestigious. Especially if you know your job well.


If you know firsthand "Information Security" (specialty), where to work, most likely, you are not exactly sure. In this case, as already mentioned, students and graduates try to find at least some kind of workplace. And one of the options was school. Who is there to get settled? You can become a computer science teacher.

information security specialty where to work

In truth, this direction is not particularly consistent with the chosen profession. However, students still have a general understanding of computers. And they can present this material to schoolchildren. An information security specialist working as the most ordinary computer science teacher is far from rare in our time. Usually they agree to this vacancy when there are no other options. Here is such a cruel "Information Security". Who else to work? Let's try to figure it out.


Individual and private entrepreneurs are far from rare in our time. Usually, if a person has a diploma and does not have a job, or there is no comprehensive education, but there are many ideas, time and effort, then he becomes an entrepreneur and opens his own business. The same can be done if you have mastered the direction of "Information Security". Who should work specifically?

For example, you can organize a computer help office or a private installation of tracking systems. Such equipment is currently not very expensive, and even sold in almost every computer store. In addition, you can try to become a computer copywriter. Information security, or rather, articles on this topic are very popular on the Internet. And a job, if you know your job and have the ability to write, it will not be so difficult. But very profitable.

information security specialist


So, today we figured out where graduates of the specialty "Information Security" can work. As you can see, there are many options for the development of events, and many of them depend on the individual skills of each student.

In general, such workers in real life get a job at any place connected with computers. There are designers, and 3d- "fashion designers", and web programmers. The main thing is to decide yourself what exactly you want to do. And improve your skills in this area already from the 1st year.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9127/

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