Payment order: form and design features

In the modern world, the main method of payment is cashless transfer. Moreover, more than 80% of such payments are made by payment orders. Therefore, a payment order has become the main document by which both individuals and legal entities transfer funds from their accounts.

payment order form

This settlement document is an instruction to the bank in which the current account is opened , you can transfer money from it at certain details. In accordance with the laws of Russia, there are standards on the basis of which a payment order is drawn up. The form and sample of this document can easily be found in any accounting program or on accounting resources on the Internet.

Inconsistency of the appearance of such a settlement document with the law entails the right of the sender bank to refuse to accept the order and make a transfer on it. This right is governed by article 864 of the Civil Code. The standard type of payment order implies that there are rules according to which this document is filled out.

Processing a payment order

The law establishes certain rules for processing a payment order. They should not be neglected. First of all, it is worth considering that such a document is executed on A4 sheets, the reverse side of which must be clean. The sizes of the fields are also strictly regulated: the top and right fields are 10 mm, the left ones are 20 mm. Deviations of not more than 5 mm are allowed.

To be sure that the payment is completed correctly, you need to know what mandatory details the payment order should contain. The form for this document should reflect:

payment order processing rules

- name of the payment document;

- payment order number other than zero;

- date of payment;

- data of the payer and the recipient with the indication of its name, TIN, KPP, bank details;

- data of the beneficiary and payer banks;

- the name of the payment, in which VAT information is necessarily highlighted in a separate line;

- priority of payment;

- the amount of payment indicated both in numbers and in words;

- the seal and signatures of the person who made the payment order, similar to those indicated on the card with sample signatures to this account.

In paychecks for taxes and other payments to the budget, the taxpayer code and the line of budget information must be filled in.

Payment Priority

The bank executes payment orders only if there are sufficient funds in the account. If there is no money or not enough money in the account, the document is credited to the card file, which is a collection of documents controlled by the bank and recorded on off-balance accounts.

Order of payment in the payment order
Upon receipt of funds, payment of such payment orders is carried out. In this case, payment is made in a certain sequence, which is regulated by law and is called the sequence of payment. In a payment order, it can take values ​​from one to six and is regulated by article 855 of the Civil Code.

In banking practice, payment documents that belong to the third or sixth order are most often found. In the third place, various payments to extra-budgetary funds and the budget, as well as salaries are paid, and settlements with suppliers are referred to the sixth. If there is a payment order in the file cabinet, the form of which contains the same priority as several others, they are paid in a calendar sequence.

Thus, it is important to correctly issue a payment order, its form must comply with standards. This will help to avoid problems when making payments.


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