What the dream is about: meaning and interpretation, that portends what to expect

Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity the theme of marriage has never left indifferent. Someone wants to get married and proudly call himself a wife. Someone is afraid of the engagement ring as fire and claims that under no circumstances will she marry, no matter how begged. Someone “assigned” certain criteria for their chosen one and is waiting for him, rejecting all other courtship. There are many situations and many thoughts about marriage, though these thoughts may not always have only positive connotations.

Remember the details and sensations

On the river

Seeing in a dream how they are “called” to marry, the young women begin to get nervous or, conversely, rejoice. Particularly impressionable natures want to know thoroughly what the proposal for marriage is dreaming of, which has brought confusion into real life. Over the years, various interpretations of dreams have emerged that have a similar scenario. Many of them fairly truthfully answer the question of what the marriage proposal is dreaming of. If the dreamer takes into account some of the nuances that have arisen in the vision. If she remembers those feelings that she experienced at that moment. Then the lady will be able to thoroughly decipher for herself, what is the dream of a proposal to marry.

From a loved one

Offer at sunset

Beloved did make an offer and a confession that he only wants to see you as his wife? The dream book promises a lot of good things, awaiting you soon. An alliance with your man promises to be long. Your couple’s feelings are mutual and real - that’s what the proposal to marry a girl in a couple dreams of.

Experienced a sense of confusion

However, such an interpretation is not suitable in some cases. The fact is that you need to evaluate your emotions that arose during the proposal.

In your dream of night, you were not very comfortable thinking that marriage was coming? So, the people around you do not consider you a reliable and honest person you can always rely on - that’s what you dream about, that they make a proposal for marriage that did not cause joyful emotions.

For free girls

Ladies who at the time of the dream were in "free flight", that is, had no relationship with the opposite sex, having a dream about how they were called to marry, let them prepare for a dizzying romance. How this novel will end is unknown, but one thing is certain for sure - there will be an exciting time.

Don't be so gullible

Date on the beach

What is the dream of a marriage proposal coming from a long-forgotten ex? A dream in which your ex-young man wants to see you as his wife and informs you of his desire can indicate that any person can easily impose his will on you. You cannot refuse and are afraid to offend others. Your kindness often began to turn into spinelessness. Pull yourself together and show others your character. Perhaps you will be deceived, because of your excessive tendency to see only good things in people - this is what makes you dream that you made an offer to get married.

A dreamer who still has tender feelings for her ex, having received recognition and an offer in a dream, should be wary. The past with a heavy stone puts pressure on the soul and does not allow it to develop and grow through life. Let go of that which will bring you nothing but suffering and bad memories.

Unpleasant type

What is the dream of an unpleasant man? Such a dream portends a quarrel in a real dreamer relationship. In addition to quarrels, such a dream can warn that your couple and your relationship are going to do a lot of harm. A rival (or opponent) bears an insidious plan of frustration for your loving couple. To smooth out the fulfillment of a dream, you need to try not to quarrel over trifles with your loved one in the near future, not to insult him and, in general, to behave more delicately. And another thing: do not spread right and left about what is happening in your pair so as not to give chances for spiteful critics and rivals.

I'll think about it...

Ring in a rose

In a dream, you are flattered by the offer you received. But, despite the fact that it is pleasant to you, it was decided that you would not agree to marry a man who offered a hand and heart. What is the dream proposal that caused such feelings? The sign is very unpleasant. Everything in your life is mired in lies. Your friends may not be who they say they are. Work, most likely, does not suit you and burdens you. The dream says that it is necessary to restore order in your life and prioritize.

What is the dream of a proposal with a ring from an unfamiliar but very pleasant person?

On the shore

For a free lady, sleep is a good harbinger of an early interesting relationship. Soon a passionate fan will appear in the life of a dreamer. He will be ready to put at her feet everything that the lady desires. He will pay much attention and time to the dreamer. He will reverence her ... Many dream of such an admirer, but life gives you this magical opportunity only.

A married dreamer has a similar dream before a profit. It promises an improvement in financial position, a rise in the career path, gaining a higher level in society.

Agreed to go down the aisle

Why is there a proposal to marry, to which the dreamer answered in the affirmative? Dream says that the girl will soon have to make an important decision regarding not only the romantic side of her life. There may also be a proposal for a higher paying position or something else important. To make the right decision, you need to listen not only to a cold and judicious mind. Sometimes feelings and heart also say the right thing.

I do not agree

You were not ready for marriage in a dream and refused the offer of a handsome young man? In reality, you may miss a chic chance regarding an important part of your life. To exclude such a failure, it is necessary to pay attention only to important matters. Go to your goal, not being distracted by the little things that take time and opportunity.

Suggestion from a friend

In a dream, a good friend, familiar to you since childhood and not experiencing tender feelings for your person in real life, suggested that you get married. What does this dream mean?

It depends on some additional subtleties:

  • A childhood friend offered a hand and a ring in front of a large number of people? You have to become a public person for a while. You will become a respected person and recognizable.
  • The offer brought you surprise and disappointment - troubles and problems are coming, in the form of an unexpected change of job. Also, perhaps your time and money will go nowhere spent without benefit.
  • A childhood friend has rivals while offering you his heart - you need to stop being infantile. It's time to grow up and take responsibility for some of the incidents in your life.
  • There was a scandal with a friend after he made you an offer - Enemies are around you. Unfriendly and very envious personalities strive to ruin your life. But this dream says that you will cope with unpleasant people and overcome them.

The lady offers a hand and a heart

Itself suggested

Take the reins in your own hands and make an offer to the guy what is dreaming of? The desire to get married in a dream portends a looming gray streak of trouble and failure. They will not be serious, but they will prove exhausting and take away a lot of psychological forces. Do not be too upset by this not bright prospect. Failures will not pass without a trace. You will receive some lessons from life and will be able to use your knowledge in the future, which will help you not to get into more dangerous situations.

Do you hear laughter in a dream that you are offering a guy to marry you? The dream says that you should not expect your wedding in real life. Live enjoying every free minute while you have time. Then, perhaps, this will not happen. When you get married and the children appear, it will not be up to your own desires and interests. Your person has not yet met on the path of life, but he will certainly appear. It’s worth a little wait.

Offer in an envelope

You read in a dream a proposal made in the epistolary genre - you need to be more confident in your actions and feelings. A beautiful envelope, in which they gained recognition in a dream, an exciting journey with a loving person awaits you.

A friend of your young man (on his behalf) asks for your hands - expect a dirty trick from loved ones. You will be surprised how low can be the actions of those whom you considered noble friends and girlfriends.

If the person acting as an intermediary is not familiar, your crystal-clear reputation may soon suffer from dirty gossip about you.

In a dream, all the bridegroom's relatives came to you for matchmaking, but the culprit is not visible among them? You should not spend a lot of energy on inappropriate and unprofitable matters. It’s better to start following your intentions and desires until you forget how it feels to be yourself.

Your emotions with such offers of marriage remain pleasant - your real marriage will be very successful and happy. You will enjoy the status of a spouse and enjoy family life.

Atypical offer

Rings on roses

What is the dream proposal made by a person of your gender? No, don’t worry about something wrong with you. However, some concern can be shown. The reason for it is your dissatisfaction with your life, your partner or his absence. It is not easy for you to find the ideal person worthy to be near you. You are left without a couple for a long time only because you are too demanding of others.

Perhaps you are unbalanced and often go to extremes. You can not trust relatives or colleagues, and then you begin to believe their words almost unconditionally. People are very good at managing your actions and even thoughts. A dream in which a representative of your gender proposes to bond your union with a marriage can indicate that it is necessary to choose the closest environment more clearly. You need to listen to your intuition and trust your feelings, refusing to follow people wherever you are called.

Married made an offer

A dream in which a man is not free, but so arrogant that calls you to marry, offers to look around in the circle of his family and friends. Only with more meticulous attention will it be possible to notice some attempts by these people to slander your good name. In order not to become a victim of their dirty languages, you need to keep secret many details from your life. Do not communicate with those who are jealous of your career or love achievements.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9145/

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