Mormyshka "cat's eye" do it yourself

Fans of reelless fishing have long spotted mormyshek as a bait. Fishermen with many years of experience share their impressions, talking about successful biting and showing off photographs of the catch. A recent discovery was the cat-eye mormyshka . It seems that there is nothing to surprise the modern fisherman, but no, the beads with a low tide, called the "cat's eye", came to taste the fish.

mormyshka cat's eye

Great choice

So what is the secret of this bait? It resembles mormysh, a mollusk that feeds on fish. The translucent ball, which is used for bait, will not leave indifferent any fish. If you have several mormysheks in your arsenal, you can buy a separate cat-eye bead and equip it with a bait. β€œBoat”, β€œnymph”, β€œMayfly” will look great in a new role.

Lure Features

By itself, the cat-eye mormyshka looks pretty attractive. And all thanks to the special effect that the bead has. When light is refracted, a dark vertical stripe is formed, resembling a cat's pupil. This is what attracts the inhabitants of rivers and lakes.

mormyshka cat's eye do it yourself

But it is worth considering the lighting of the reservoir in which the fishing takes place. The color of the bead of mormyshka should be contrasted against the background of water. That is, in a transparent and bright pond, a dark bead will perfectly cast in the light, and vice versa in a muddy pond.

General information

So, why not try to make such a bait, like a cat-eye mormyshka, with your own hands? She will be unique and special. However, before you start tinkering, you need to decide on the main parameters. Below, the main characteristics of the mormyshka are described by points, this will help you choose the perfect option for yourself.


When choosing the colors of the bait, it is worth considering the fact that fish distinguish colors. But this is not all of their features. What is bait? This is an imitation of an edible individual. Based on this, the color is selected. Small fry are colored in golden and silver, crustaceans are dark, almost black. The favorite delicacy of the underwater inhabitants is the bloodworm of red color and the usual green algae.

mormyshka cat eye reviews

Given these features, choose the color of the beads that will be decorated with your cat eye mosaic.

Heavy or light?

The weight of the bait plays a big role when fishing. Lighter mormyshki are suitable for careful fishing, when it is important to feel how the fish bite. Such baits are made of plastic or kapron. But you can make light mormyshka of tungsten with your own hands. The weight of such products does not exceed thirty grams.

Heavy mormyshki will be ideal with a minimum size of bait for a sensitive bite. To create them, heavy metal alloys are used that are difficult to process. Using these useful tips, you can make a cat-eye jig for fishing, which you prefer.

Successful form

It should be noted that the bait should be similar to food, so the behavior of the fish will be similar. This is called a bait game. Depending on the shape of the mormyshka, its movements in water will differ. For example, a droplet-shaped bait forms muddy fountains. Flattened mormyshki play great at the bottom of the river.

Mormyshka cat's eye photo

The bait in the form of pellets or oats will be indispensable for lovers of winter fishing. She plays very gently and carefully at the bottom. Based on this, plan what shape your cat-eye muzzle will look like.

Strong hooks

Another important point in the manufacture of mormyshka is the choice of hook. For this, a strong and reliable element is needed, because it is precisely on it that the hooking depends. If you have the opportunity to buy new hooks, we recommend that you check each of them. It is possible that in one box can be found overheated products, which in themselves are very fragile. In order to identify hooks unsuitable for our mormyshka, it is necessary to squeeze each of them in the middle of the forearm. Strong products will change shape only from strong pressure, while the overheated ones will bend instantly. Pay attention to the sharpness of the sting, as the hooking will depend on it. For cats-eye mormyshk, we recommend using one-hook hooks.

Preparation for work

So, the previous material helped to determine the parameters of the bait, now we proceed to its direct manufacture. We will need:

  • clawless type nailless ball;
  • a cat's eye bead or piece of colored silicone;
  • Super glue;
  • a small piece of sheet lead;
  • needle;
  • nippers;
  • wire.

When everything is at your fingertips, you can start. The first thing we measure is lead, it should be along the length of the forearm, even a little longer.

Bend and glue

After this, it is necessary to fry a piece of lead, previously folding it in half. If you did not have experience with this material, we advise you to be careful with the fire and not overdo it. Next, put a hook in the middle of the roasted lead, fix it tightly and fill the void with superglue.


At this stage, it is necessary to place the bead on the hook itself. There are several ways to do this. If you have a bead, then it must be firmly fixed on the hook, passing the wire through its hole. A hook should be inserted into the loop formed, after which the ends of the wire should be cut and trimmed. You can put glue in this place for reliability. Next, we place a piece of cambric near the sting, which will act as a stopper. If you did not find the right bead, you can replace it with silicone.

cat's eye for fishing

We put a small piece of silicone on the tip of the needle and hold it over the heat to get a rounded shape. We put the finished silicone ball with the hole on the hook. We got a ready-made mormyshka "cat's eye", reviews about which are very positive.


After spending only 15 minutes, we made a magnificent bait with our own hands. Perch, roach and other inhabitants of the river depths peck at it perfectly. You can experiment with bead colors, bait shapes, weight and other characteristics. You can be proud that you yourself made the bait, and now you have a unique mormyshka "cat's eye", a photo of which can be shown to familiar fishermen. Many of them will envy you.


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